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Show It May Be Ymen&our Children Cry for It Castoria is a comfort when Baby Is fretful. No sooner taken than the little one is at ease. If restless, a few drops soon bring contentment No harm done, for Castoria is a baby remedy, meant for babies. Perfectly safe to give the youngest infant ; you have the doctors' word for that! It is a vegetable product pro-duct and you could use it every day. But it's in an emergency that Castoria means most. Some night when constipation consti-pation must be relieved or colic pains or other suffering. Never be without it; some mothers keep an extra bottle, unopened, to make sure there will always al-ways be Castoria in the house. It is effective for older children, too; read the book that comes with it. The Very Best Time to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is now. This herbal alterative extract makes the blood redder improves im-proves and repairs your system, rouses organs into healthy action and builds up reeded flesh and strength. Read this : Mrs. H. V. Hansen of 825 So. 3rd St., Poca-tello, Poca-tello, Idaho, writes: "I have had t lot of trouble with my stomach sort of catajrhaj condition. con-dition. It would be sore and sensitive to the touch, my food would not digest caused me a lot of distress, but the 'Discovery' has given me more relief than any medicine I have ever taken. I can recommend it for this ailment." All deaiera. Large bottles, liquid $1.35; Tablets Tab-lets 11.35 and 65 cents. Ask your nearest druggist for Dr. Pierce's Discovery, in tablets or liquid or send 10c for trial package of tablets to Dr Pierce's Clinic, Buffalo, N. Y. Write for free medical advice. For PcisGD.ec! Wounds As Rusty Nail Wound Ivy Poisoning, etc. Try Ilanford's Balsam of Myrrh AD itlm arc tothomtd to refund your imr for till tirtt bottlt ii aot (sited. i m mm I WhenFood Sours Lots of folks who think they havf "Indigestion" have only an acid condl Hon which could be corrected In five or ten minutes. An effective antl-aold like Phillips Milk of Magnesia soon restores digestion to normal. Phillips does away with all that sourness and gas right after meals. II prevents the distress so apt to occur two hours after eating. What a pleasant pleas-ant preparation to take! And how good It Is for the system ! Unlike a burning dose of soda which Is but temporary relief at best Phillips Milk of Magnesia neutralizes ninny times lis volume In acid. Next time a hearty meal, or too rich a diet has brought on the least dls comfort, try Phillips & Milk . of Magnesia ! FIRST BOTTLE HELPED KEP. , K-3cpi Cn Taking Lydia E. FirJi-ham's FirJi-ham's Vegetable Coiiipound Philadelphia. Ta. "I always use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- " pound before, and "i ' -. : : - after childbirth. I am a mother of is' ; i three children two f 'X ' i little girls and e .j" 'feS baby boy. I would r- , get run-down, nerv- -: ous, dizzy and weak sometimes so I had '-... , ..-j' to lis in bed. I , i::;-:;;::;!l would take the ,-.i: ; ':: :' : i" Vegetable Co:n-tKr,l Co:n-tKr,l vV-fc f pound as a tonic ;.?m-; ' ':"l and I always saw an improvement after taking the first bottle. I found it to be a good tonic. -I always recommend your medicines to my friends and I cannot speak too hlghlv of them." Mas. Ansa Lorcis-back. Lorcis-back. 3.607 S. Front Street, Phila., Pa. CensiipaM iimlnutet linltil foriliinu I'hyptf ft M Or ftlrt-eir. I r r, tut I inr lutr,-, ''' a-'V ttltNATUBE'S RtMHIIrJ k, .''A M lltl-unlo. tlt-etit.lnl.l.-. all- M BUI l vr,r.MMo l.n,f. Mil.l. . - leml-. i.i.i.titi, i -N? to- 10 NMiMI I't.-M ItrnffrtliY llklll. I,, in'... I. n. AlKU.nl I or Stiln t All Drngcl1 |