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Show Diet Didn't Do This! ';.-; ' ::-'' ,'" v. sNV vs , , , i ft V, . V i I w x , " T APPY little girl, just bursting Syrup Pepsin. This gentle stimulant . "1 with pep, and she has never will soon right things I The bowels asted a "tonic I" will move with better regularity Every child's stomach, liver, and and thoroughness. There won't be towels need stimulating at times, so many sick spells or colds. You 11 ut give children something you nd l Just as wonderful for adults, enow all about. to0' m Iar6er spoonfulsl Follow the advice of that famous Get some Syrup Pepsin; protect 'amily physician who gave the y0Ur household from those bilious vorld Syrup Pepsin. Stimulate the days frequent headaches, and that body's vital organs. Dr. Caldwell's sluggish state of half-health that prescription of pure pepsin, active means the bowels need stimulating, senna, and fresh herbs is a mild Keep this preparation in the home stimulant that keeps the system to use instead of harsh cathartics from getting sluggish. that cause chronic constipation if If your youngsters don't do well taken too often. You can always at school, don't play as hard or eat get Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin at as well as other children do, begin any drug store; they have it all this evening with Dr. Caldwell's ready in big bottles. FTliat Nagging Hackaeiie May Warn of a Disordered Kidney yV B or Bladder Condition t?Wwn'ia MEED promptly a nagging fty Tl backache, with bladder irt JjT -f I regularities and a tired, nervous, W It 7 P depressed feeling. They may warn ( of some disordered kidney or ,; J f bladder condition. P V-.Vl Users everywhere rely on Doan's ',' 'W Mtifi' PilU. The sale of millions of boxes r? annually attests to Doan's popu- F -sr ' - j r laxity. Your druggist has Doan's. vAU54X YOx A Diuretic E9oan7s JFiIfe fr - ' ' 1 HE agonizing aches from ? , w - - ' neuralgia can be quieted in -T the same way you would end f a headache. Take some f f'', Bayer Aspirin. Take enough 4? 4 ' to bring complete relief. ; ip"f" , Genuine aspirin can't hurt f f' anybody. , - " ' J f Men and women bent with rheumatism will find ; , ' ' ? f, " the same wonderful comfort ' t J in these tablets. They aren't - just for headaches or colds! e, r '" S Read the proven directions L-'' 1 4 covering a dozen other uses; V ' I I neuritis, sciatica; lumbago; ' ' Kis muscular pains. i 'I ' Cold, damp days which v , (- . penetrate to the very bones ' & -r have lost their terror for those who carry Bayer ,,s' Aspirin! All druggists, in the '- familiar little box: ! ' |