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Show Ask Your Grocer For "TWIN PEAKS" BRAND PEAS BEANS TOMATOES Rocky Mountain Packing Co. Salt Lake City, Utah PLAN SPRING PLOWING . . . with use of "Caterpillar" Tractor oldest and leading track-type tractor. Prominent farmers owe success to these machines. Write for descriptive catalogs. Landes Tractor & Equipment Co. Salt Lake Cily and Tremonton, Utah NEW MOTOR OIL Sold with a Money Back Guarantee CHICKS CHICKS CHICKS All leading varieties. Don't Buy Them Blindfolded Blind-folded when it is so easy to see the chicks, the egg's and the flocks from which they come. Brother, protect that dollar as never before I White Leghorns, now only 10c each. BROODERS The world-famous Sol-Hot. Coal, oil or electric. FEEDERS AND "WATERERS Klondike, "The Pride of All America." Chick, pullet and hen sizes. KAMSHAW HATCHERIES. Salt Lake, Ut. TIMPANOfJOS HATCHERY, Provo, Ut. Write, Wira or Call. Ask Your Druggist For APEIC mMSe?iFa AN INTERMOUNTAIN PRODUCT SPERE TENT & AWNING Co. 270 SO. WEST TEMPLE Everything in Canvas Goods THIS WEEK'S PRIZE STORY It Is tho duty of every Inter-Mountain citizen to patronize home industry. We cannot expect outsiders to build the West. We cannot bite the hand that is feeding us. Buy Inter-Mountain Made Goods, and help olve the unemployed question. We owe our best to the grand old industrious West. MRS. DEWEY MOULT ON, Heber City, Utah. Return of Youth New York's Sensational New Miracle Cosmetic 4 Creams in 1, Absolutely Pure, Cleanser, tissue builder, powder base remove and prevents wrinlcle3. Write for $1 jar. Agents wanted everywhere. Big returns. WON SUE FUN, 423 Judge Bldg. Salt Lake City, Utah. Send For Free Seed and Nursery Guide Book Address Salt Lake City, Utah. YOUR WOOL CAN BE EXCHANGED FOR FINE WOOLEN MERCHANDISE WRITE Original Utah Woolen Mills SALT LAKE CITY CLAUDE NEON LIGHTS Electrical Products Corporation 1046 So. Main Salt Lako City fm per week will be tiJfcJ.VW pajd for the best 50-word article on "Why you should use Intcrmountain made Goods" Similar to above. Send your story in prose or verse to Intermoun-tain Intermoun-tain Products Column, P. O. Box 1515, Salt Lake City. If your story appears in this column you will f?S receive check for VCPelyW W. N. V.S. L. Week No. 32 U Pay Cut r pPfcflSlll I I:'- . ; : 1 f 1 2 te30 OR MORE PERFECT 2 CIGARETTES FOR q f?T T THEN my pay was cut I V V had to think of ways to "ft" save. My pal told me about Target and I tried it. Now you couldn't get me to smoke any other kind of cigarette, but the ones I roll from Target. Target's a real cigarette tobacco and with those gummed papers you get free, it doesn't take a magician SYi to roll a cigarette that looks just wmm like a ready-made. Think of it, gents ! Savin' half a buck a week and smokes better than ever." MOHEY-BACK GUARANTEE f For 20 ready-made smokes you pay 61 federal tax (plus a state tax in some States). With Target you pay only It And your dealer offers you a money- fiiv back guaranteeif you don't say Target is better than any other cigarette tobacco to-bacco you have ever rolled. WRAPPED IN MOISTUREPROOF JS CELLOPHANE - bLix is-' Jui-J fc mm Brown 8s Williamson Tobacco Corp. S Louisville, Ky. J N Salt Lake City's 'Newest Hotel f HOTEL TEMPLE SQUARE 200 Rooms 200 Tile Baths Radio connection in every room. RATES FROM 1.50 Just oppotit Mormon TabemacU ERNEST C. ROSSITER, Mgr. Mothers Watch Children's colds . COMMON head colds often "settle" in throat and chest where they may become dangerous. Don't take & chance at the first sniffle rub on Children's Musterole once every hour for five hours. Children's Musterole is just gpod olj Musterole, you have known so long, in milder form. This famous blend of oil of mustard, camphor, menthol and other ingredients brings relief naturally. Musterole gets action becauscit is a scientific"counrcr irritant" not just a salve it penetrates pene-trates and stimulates blood circulation, helps to draw out infection and pain. Keep full strength Musterole on hand, for adults and the milder Children's "Musterole for little tots. All druggists, sgl |