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Show r " ""si Made specially for BABIES and CHILDREN Physicians tell us that one condi-Hon condi-Hon is nearly always present when a j child has a digestive upset, a starting cold or other little ailment. Constipation. Consti-pation. The first step towards relief is to rid the body of Impure wastes. And for this nothing is better than genuine Castoria ! Castoria is a pure vegetable preparation made specially for babies and children. This means it is mild and gentle; that it contains no harsh drugs, no narcotics. Yet it always gets results! You never have to coax children to take Castoria. j Real Castoria always bears the name: j CASTORIA ADVISES HEAT OF RED PEPPERS FOR RHEUMATISM. Brings Almost Instant Relief When the intolerable pains of rheumatism rheu-matism or aches or neuritis or lumbago drive you nearly mad . . . don't forget the marvelous heat Nature put into red peppers. For it is this penetrating heat that relieves all pain as it soothes and gets down under the skin, seeming to clear up inflammation instantly.. It is this genuine red pepper's heat that is " . now contained in an ointment called Bowies Red Pepper Rub- Asyou rub it in you can feel relief come. There's nothing better for breaking up a dangerous danger-ous chest cold, either. All druggists sell Rowlea Red Pepper Rub in convenient jars. j Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are the orig-I orig-I inal little liver pills put up 60 years ago. They regulate liver and bowels. Adv. soothing ftf " ointment draws out your V g cold like a magnet when rubbed on V3 K chest and throat. Eases breathing Fa f. when inserted in stuffy Jra Vk nostrils. Jars and ? JV (i tubes 30c. jgW Easy to darken gray mm this quick way so naturally nobody' 11 know Now without using dangerous dyes you can darken gray hair naturally, quickly restore its original shade by the world's finest, safe way which is now keeping millions of heads young looking. Benefits the hair as it darkens dark-ens it to the shade you want. As simple as brushing. Try it. Pay druggist drug-gist 75c for a large bottle of WYETH'S SAGE & SULPHUR and just follow easy directions. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 11-1932. |