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Show .liiEwir ' as you buy tffipJ your farm machinery . . . WHO MAKES IT and how? So,rvhenanAtv.atcrK(utcoriir. Is it simple, and easy to keep into your home, it is absolutely in order? Will it do its job aud dependable and it stays so. You keep on doing it? do not have to fuss and tinker and Aren't these the questions you apologize ... If Atuater Kent want answered before you invest makes it, it's right tone, volume V-"' vour money in a trai tor and every- range everything. More than thin" else you use oil the farm? 2,(X)0,000 ow ners know it. Il-s the same w ay w ith radio. 1Uute currru, or ba, u Here an instrument your faintly your cl,oi will depend upon for years aud . V I .1 Quality AtwatrrKrnl hadio firstchoice years, lou want to know its ai- . J , of rural farailirs everywhere is ourrrd ways ready to go. in forni. j For .1Uirc,rio op.-- Atwater Kent Radio comes from ti00 direct from the umt hou current the largest manufacturer. It is that lights your home; you merely plug made of better materials than are iu. 2. For operation from battrnca. ordinarily thoueht r Kit her way. you ri ' c . ' yl fcgSJ U plenty of power for louf;- necessary. So Stnclly gzZ .-;) range reception, natural is its reputation i '"v" 3 tone, and inslantaneoin o-uarded that one out I ' ? ";'- j procram aeleclion witb of every eight workers ' 1 the Klll-visu, l.ul. ' r - . t. .--e : ' J 1 here are several all-eleo- IS 8 tester or inspector f-., ' V tricmodel.an.ltwoballrry and every set has to I ' ' ." -. j models. 1-ei an Amater pass 222 tests before it k ; - -..' . "-- i Kent dealer advise yoo u can leave the factory. -'V. v 1 ! 1l,i,'h ' bc't ut yo'" J ' :V , T loCJlilv. IIElQri f.w-i Model 56 1 Battery Seta, $Tl $72 nf tn b-cn i ib t ,, , , ...wi-i , cn SofiJotW.-.- befall, ..b,.l,- Model 40 (hlrrtncXSJl trulil in poW. Flli.VH.o Dial. TOioi thai. IW 1 10-lM .oil, Fo 1 14-1 20 .oil, SO 60 ml altmft- Mod! 3. Sil l!cM 40, cir-p.w- S0 &0 rrl ahrniimr currecU. Un( crrni. lmM . C fnl.S7 Price 4o DOCiaclo.it mca Rfmr.6A C. tube nd 1 rr- I imJu lul. -"-l (-UVI or kWKnrt. Uiuiiubo. 1 ithollaie.lW tube.). Om IA air rrr Su.-tdar '(C Annumf JC Hor liitr imj Atwater Kent Mfa. Co. A. AtMr Xeu. Pr. 4700 Wissahiclion Ave-, riiiladt lpliia. Pa l 13 J -V S-',-rWord won't dye a at"i'' " 3 -A dress, or coat, or sweater. It takes f J y & T real anilines to do that. That's why Diamond Dyes f t -S? 'vj contain from, three to five times more anilines gv? I A i.'i''--tv I than any other dye by actual test. -rV"rr4 '':' 'i "1 I ''s t'le am'mes n Diamond Dyes that do ths 0 Z&&2 work; that give the colors such brilliance; such 'lf 1 ki f V ' ' oyJ depth and permanence. It's real aniline that keeps fr; A j'i I rJJ;:aW them from giving things that re-dyed look; from -. -. - U' ecfSSSci Next time you have dyeing to do try Diamond ' '. - V-yr r- iS7 Dyes. Then compare results. See how soft, bright, j?.'' .r- new-looking the colors are. Observe how they keep if their brilliance through wear and washing. Your dealer . ' "J will refund your money if you don't agree Diamond Dyes are better dyes. f; 'if The white package of Diamond Dyes is the original "all-purpose" dye for 5 any and every kind of material. It will dye or lint silk, wool, cotton, linen, I" , 7 rayon or any mixture of materials. The blue package is a special dye, for L f silk or wool only. With it you can dye your valuable articles of silk or wool "3 with results equal to the 6nest professional work. When ycu buy remember l - . this. The blue package dyes silk or wool only. The white package will dye 5 every kind of goods, including silk and wool. Your dealer has both packages. llPiamn Ones 14 jfosv to use Perfect ramts LU ji? azs, cava giores ALWAYS KEEPS ST ON HAND Lydia E. Pinkham'a VegetaLIa Compound Helps Her So Much Pittsburgh, Fa. "I was Just completely com-pletely run-down. I had tired, heavy, rluegish feelings aad 1 could not eat. .v.'- .'"", I was losing ia (. -weight. I read so v' )' '' ' much about Lydia r E. Pinltham's Vego . table Compound t and what a good medicine It is, that ,,X I started taking it. , ' 'r- I have ta!:eo eight f . -'' -j bottles of Lydia E. k!?STJ?<iz$ Piakham's Vega- "' ''"'' - " I table Compound and about the same in tablet form. This Is one medicine a woman should have In the house all the time. I am improving improv-ing every day and I sure am able to eat, I am willing to answer any letters I get asking about the Vegetable Compound." Com-pound." Mas. Eixa. Richards, 21 Chautauqua St. N. S.t Pittsburgh, Pa. r y,.-fr : , r r m: Acidity The common cause of digestive diffl-culties diffl-culties Is excess acid. Soda cannot alter this condition, and It burns the stomach. HomeUiiug that will neutralize neu-tralize the acidity Is the sensible thing to take. That Is why physicians tell the vubllc to use Phillips Milk of Magnesia. One sjtootiful of this delightful preparation prep-aration can neutralize many times Its volume In acid. It acts Instantly; relief re-lief Is quick, and very apparent All gas Is dispelled ; all sourness Is soon gone; the whole system Is sweetened. Do try this perfect antl-acld, and remember re-member It Is Just as good for children, too, and pleasant for them to take. Any drug store has the genuine, pre-scriptional pre-scriptional product. PHILLIPS A Milk . of Magnesia For Cuts, Burns Bruises, Sores Try HANFORD'S BALSAM OF MYRRH AH diaitn irm nlWiifd tc rrhtnS jw mmer far tU tint bottle if Mt witei. Health (.ivlng All Yiinter Long " Maxiotis CllmBle -Cood HotcLi Terarit ! a ri Splendid Boada Gorgeoai Moaalain Vieva. TK tcorulcrfu I desert resort of the Wemt Write Croat aT. ChtrT CALIFOIIXIA AN II.IirHANT 13 SAID TO BE THE lutktsl lli;i:ian In the world. Or-ier your lutkv Jcmbo Nov. rare only Si. 00. F. Kolhren, P. O. lien 11S8, Mobile, Ala. AOE-NTS. Fl I.I. OK PART TIME P.lgy.-t rr.oi.ey maker oa market. Kotdlng ti-ftlric stove. New. L'ni'iu-. tells at sight. Eervl,ody wants one. ilrike from ten to tw.-r.tv dollars r'r day. Write FOI.DEX EI.KCTRIC HEATER CO.. DETROIT. MICH. Choose a Profitable Vocation Learn the Be-aaty Culture Conrse given by & 4. can tint has taugbt atndenta bow to eni BiG MOXEV. Catalog sent on request 4 ITT AH HIGH SCHOOL T OF BEACH CCLTCKB J 83ICUftUldr. - Bait Lake City J 0 00 ft V J, 4, 'O Help Kidneys After Grip Don't Neglect Kidney and Bladder Irregularities. HAS grip or flu left you stiff, achy all worn out? Feel tired and drowsy suffer nagging backache, headache and di;jy spells? Are the kidney excretions too freguent, scanty or burning? Too often this indicates sluggish kidneys kid-neys and shouldn't be neglected. Thousands rely on Doait's Pills. Doans, a stimulant diuretic, increase the activity of the kidneys and assist in the elimination of waste impurities. Are endorsed every where. As your neighbor! Doans Pills A Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidneys At all dealers, 75c a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfg. Chemists, Buffalo, N. Y. |