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Show (OLD FOLKS SAY DR. CALDWELL WAS RIGHT Die basis of treating sickness has not changed since Dr. Caldwell left Medical College in 1875, nor since he placed on the market the laxative prescription he had used in his practice. He treated constipation, biliousness, headaches, mental depression, indigestion, Bour stomach and other indispositions entirely by means of Bimple vegetable laxatives, herbs and roots. These are still the basis of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, a combination of senna and j other mild herbs, with pepsin. I The simpler the remedy for constipation, constipa-tion, the safer for the child and for yon. j And as you can get results in a mild and safe way by using Dr. Caldwell's Synip Pepsin, why take chances with i strong drugs? A bottle will l&sfe several months, and all can use it. It is pleasant to th j taste, gentle in action, and free from j narcotics. Elderly people find it ideal. ! All drug stores have the generous bottles, or write "Syrup Pepsin," Dept. BB, Monticello, Illinois, for free trial bottle. I Loss of Power j ' and vital force f o 1 1 o w loss of laOTaaaiafc flesh, or emacia- '"Vrrv'SS tion. Dr. Pierce's Yn 'J, Golden Medical 1 V hi Discovery is a 4? I I J herbal ,onic ,hat I 1 enriches the blood, T r"r J stops the w-aste of T ( strength and tis- sue, and helps to build up healthy flesh. Thin, pale, puny, pimply 'children are made plump, io?.y and robust by the "Discovery." All druggists. In recovering from "Grippe," or fc convalescence conva-lescence from pneumonia, fevers or other wasting wast-ing diseases, it speedily and surely invigorates and builds up the whole system. Read this: Eaton, Colo. "Twenty-seven years ago I was not able to do my housework nothing seemed to help me. I commenced taiting Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and 'Favorite Prescription' Pre-scription' and began to improve and was able to do my work. I have taken these medicines medi-cines several times since and they never fail to give relief." Mrs. Anna Mills. Box 324. kit you ' - , ' A J x :. " " ; ' i Uu.ly When your Children Ciy for It P.aby has llttlo upsets nt times. Ah your care cannot prevent them. J'.ut you can be prepared. Then you can do wlml any experienced nurse would do whnl most physicians would toll you to do give a few drops of plain Castorla. Ni sooner done than liaby Is soothed ; re Ilef Is Just a matter of moments. Yet you have eased your child without us of a single doubt fill drug; Castorla If vegetable. So It's safe- to use as oftot as an Infant has any little pnln yen: cannot put away. And It's nlwnyf ready for the cruolcr pangs of colic, 01 conciliation or diarrhea; effective, too for older children. Tvr,nly tlvc mtlHor brttlct ViCTC b'ught last ymr. W, N. U., SjU Lake City, No. 1 1-1329 Dizzu Start thorough bowel crioria ff-A,';- when yoa feel dizzr. headachy, a V bilious. Take NATURE'S , W BEMEDT-W Tablets, life gJ& mild, safe, purely vetretable, Lti'; arid far better than ordl- lU'lMUII nary laiatives. Keeps you ' TO-MORROW i criing right. 25c ALRIGHT -' For Sale at AH Druggists V ' - ..a:-.A''-'",'M"' -v -- . i";"' .---' - -s.s v . ; v- s. . :--,-..'... r -j : ft-1 ?' t ' v -'.: . is . - r ' -.1 . .v..v '..'? - - '- f si ri . . 1 - - - s .,2 " ' ' ' "A . 'X .' " ' . . ' V .' '.'':, v . - ;.' '' -.v. . m " ' --.' - '. . - . - I ' 1 MlF.RE are certain times when . A neat ly every woman should aeeept - the mil ami comfort of Haver Aspirin. . . v Not just for the unexpected headache . V" - v, '-.v I these tahlets relieve so readily. Not -k . v - j just for colds which they cheek so "- 1 quickly. 1'ayer Asputu brings ease on , i 'lc (':lvs nw,,Y wotnen still submit , to pain that is not ti.ittival.tiot necessary. , lllns relief is perfectly harmless, ns in t .' dl uses. KeiueiulH-r this! Look for A 1 '.'iyer on the box nnd follow ftt ' proven directions found inside, AiUlu Is U.j Uvls wuik, ( Hunt MiuiuCatlirs k,.i.,n, vkl. m'sIUjThik- |