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Show J.C.PENNEYOT MILFORD UTAH A January Opportunity! Chic Frocks $9-9 and n4"75 4 Great saving . . . among the best we have ever offered at any season of the w Y - year! Such smart styles, f too ... all in all a notable Lfc ' ' offering! 7 ? Satins, dull crepes, aixl conv 1 j j! r H binations in the "right" J Ik colors in types and sizes W For Women Misses - Juniors Hotel Atkin Large spacious rooms. An inward spirit of hospitality. Good standards of service and excellent meals served in our cafe have within a few months gained for the Atkin an enviable and good reputation. We are constantly improving for the good and benefit of our customers. QUALITY FIRST That has always been our motto. Second to that is SERVICE. Our aim therefore is QUALITY and SERVICE. Our line of GROCERIES and Fruits and Vegetables in season have stood the test of years and we solicit your patronage only on a basis set forth in this advertisement. Phone No. 107 for your Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables. The Miller Market . Wm. MILLER, Prop. Where Your Patronage Is Appreciated A HOME FOR YOU! 5-ROOM home and Karate on McKcon Street. Modern, everything. TermM are easy! Uuy it now. Has lovely shade and lawn. 4-KOOM modern home on McKcon Street. -Nice nhndo trees. Choice location. Own your home why pay rent? SPRING IS HERE The Birds Are Singing on the Farm. 80 ACRES choice pump land in the heart of the pumping dintriot. $55.00 per acre; make your own trmn. 40 ACRES in the heart of the pumping dintrirt with pumping plant complete. All cleared, plowed and leveled. $100.00 per acre; nothing down, twenty yearn to pay. TWO CHOICE 160 relinquinh mentH where you can get real pump wcIIh, not far from the power lino. Will well for $5.00 per acre catih now. If you are a bargain-hunter, here Ih your chance. Let UK huild you a home junt like you want it on ternm like nut. Watch our windows for bargains. Something new every day. If you want quirk action on your property lint It with uh. KIRK REALTY CO. phone 133. MILI'OKI), 1,'TAH Residence Phone Gfi I CORNER DRUG SUNDAY and all next, week LOG ANltERRY SIIERI1ET I SATURDAY "LAWLESS LEGION" "WIVES DON'T WEAKEN" SUNDAY-MONDAY "TRUE HEAVEN" With GEORGE O'BRIEN LOIS MORAN TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY CHARLIE MURRAY In "DO YOUR DUTY" THURSDAY-FRIDAY Matinee Thursday MARION NIXON RICHARD NOLAN In "SILKS AND SADDLES" ' COMING Sun.-Mon., March 17-18 "SIM HA." II pf 3 Men's 1 fkik Suits, i v- v y 1a mde's are arriving daily. . jjijj j ' OlTvy One and two trouser suits. i j 5t V,-'i ;i i ' tW You can best appreciate their ;!j I'l VS'J if.:;. '"5 y style, patterns and work- ;!j f ! ;; . , 1 manship by spending a few jjj gi f',fi V minutes looking them over, ; j S iim W, JJ III i' i 1 1 '' ' Always pleased to have you h j ! fi V.v1 call. ! i !i CLINE'S I Illll ill ' I WANT ADS FOR SALE By owner, alfalfa seed for planting, bees and bee equipment, four milk cows and choice alfalfa land in Milford Pumping Belt. Chester Ches-ter G. Haskell, Milford, Utah. . 3-8-t2-chg. LEGALLY correct Mining Location Notices for sale at the News office. 50c per dozen. FOR SALE OR RENT Upright piano. pi-ano. Chas. E. Moore. 2-22-tf-chg. A GOOD buy in house and lot. House completely furnished ready to move into. Four rooms and bath. Inquire In-quire News. 2-15-tf-chg, A FEW good furnished apartments for rent. Equipped with coal or electric elec-tric ranges. See Mrs. Osborn at Martin Mar-tin Terrace Apts. 1-18-tf-chg. COAL Lump, per ton . $11.00 Stove, " " $10.50 Delivered . PHONE 30 BONNEVILLE LUMBER J. M. JOHNSON, Mgr. Special Announcement ! We are offering a liberal amount for your old radio or phonograph, on A New BRUNSWICK RADIO SET This Week ' Easy Terms Small Down Payment. MILFORD PHARMACY ; J. M. KINNEY, Prop. 09 j A FEW j ' 1 For j 1 FRIDAY and SATURDAY ! - I BACON SU" rXIto" 29' HAM Mild Suffar Cmed Ham c i! ! jVJJJJ Carnation or Borden's 1 can Qc !! T j GGS Strictly Freshes c jj ORANGES D-ii'- i9c 1 1 f BANANAS 1 "s".ycIIow ripe Raiwniw II BROOMS rxy- 73- MUSH (iun:ition wh:,t r a's II I FLOUR H'S" IIustln''s SP1 Krade ?5 1 1 j MALT SYRUP rT 69i 1 1 1 ALLEN CASH STORE I South Main Street Telephone 3Q 2 MILFORD, UTAH !! ! |