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Show Executive Today Not Model of Aloofness Mergers are many. One thing I've noticed, namely, that whenever there is an executive in one of the com panics who has become favorably known to t lie public be is chosen as the active head of the combination. ' The old-fasliioned type of ultra dignl fied, aloof executive usually is shelved to make way for a man whose personality has favorably Impressed Im-pressed itself upon the public The frigid executive rarely Is popular with tlis employees, lie regards him self as the master and regards them as his servants. The more modern executive convinces Ids men that he regards himself simply as a cowork er for the building up of the business along lines which will benefit them all. If you aspire to come out on top In this era of mergers, strive to earn the good will of employees and the public. Mix heart with . head. B. C. Forbes. in-Fnrhes Magazine. |