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Show (;i;t kkcokd iiduio OK I'KItKOk.UANCK OK KSSKX t'lIALLi;.;!;K The following performance of t!ie Ivisex Standard Sedan is officially reported re-ported hero Tuesday. On Monday, thi:; week, an K. ex ! Standard Seilan, with new:. paper re-poi re-poi ti'js and an offic-r as olc.e) v-r:;, i was driven from Otfden through Will-lard, Will-lard, lirigham City and Conine, to j Iinr'-Rifer ''City, and return.' 'The' . i veni y-tvo and tnree-tentliH mile:-, u'.v made in seventy and one-half minute:-., i The JOaaex went from a standing tait, through years, to sixty miles per hour in thirty seconds flat. |