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Show DADDY'S BPl 1 EVEHIHC lli ;lFAlRYTALEt &Wvxy Graham Banner BACK AGAIN "What good taste the people in the big white house show," said Reddy Robin, as he came up to his summer home. "What makes you say that?" asked the other robins. "Because," said Reddy, "they always al-ways live here and see that the grass carpet is perfect each year. "They fix it up in the fall just about the time we are going for our winter trip and then when the grass begins to grow the earth Is rich and fine. "They have Improved It which moans they have helped it." "Isn't that splendid of them?" said the others. "Yes," said Reddy, as he gobbled a worm. "This is also a good carpet for worms. "There are plenty to be found In the lining or rather in the earth. "It always seems to me like a carpet car-pet lining:" "Yes," chirped the others. They had all found some worms and were having a gay old time. They chirped nnd chatted about their winter and their trip back to the same green lawn. Some of them were new nnd to these the okler ones related their experiences ex-periences of joy in this summer home. "There are always enough worms." they said. "And If a dry season comes we need not be afraid as they water their lawn with a wonderful hose! Oh, it's n beautiful summer home." "And there Is a nice boy who lives In the big white house," said Reddy. "who gives us basins for our bath They Chirped and Chatted. and our drinks of water if a dry season sea-son comes." "This home is like a dream-home," raid the new robins. "Yes," said the old robins. "It Is just like a dream home except tluit It Is a real Lome. "It Is a home of dreams that have come true." "Oh." cried the little boy who lived In the big white lions? near the lawn, nnd right beside a funny, old-fashioned garden, "the robins have come. Spring Is here! "Spring Is here. The robins I Hurrah Hur-rah !" "Do you hear that?" asked Reddy. "Isn't that line?" They hopped about the lawn of grass. So cool nnd soft nnd fresh! And the beautiful sunshine! The soft wind nnd the breezes! The air and the trees I "And the spring !" These were the speeches they wert making In bird talk, nnd thoy were chirping for nil they were worth. "I ii in thinking," said Roddy. "What are you thinking?" nsked the cdher robins. "I nm thinking," continued Roddy, "that we should give n concert to the people of the dear old Irouse who give us such n lovely enrpet nnd who welcome us back as they do." "Fine," chirped the rest of the robins. "When shall we have It?" "What Is the matter with now?" asked Iteddy. "Nothing," said they. So every little robin stuck out bis cliesl nnd there burst forth from every one of them n song so glorious that every one nround snld: "Spring bus conic I The little dears." And oil, bow glad the robins were thnl spring hud come nnd lhat they were welcome back In their old summer sum-mer home. t |