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Show CLAY GETS RESULTS ON TEST OF ESSEX L. G. Clay, local automobile man, is anxious that some recent performances perform-ances of the Essex cars be brought to the attention of automobile enthusiasts. enthusi-asts. Here they are: Salt Lake City, Utah, Mar. 6, 1929. Milford Auto Co. Milford, Utah. The following telegram was received re-ceived from the Murray Motor company com-pany at Pocatello: "We drove nineteen nine-teen twenty-nine Essex Coach from city limits, Pocatello, to city limits, Blackfoot, and return, total distance forty-eight and sixty-five one-hund-redths miles, in ' forty-six minutes, forty-two seconds, an average of over sixty-two and one-half miles per hour. Seventy-three miles an hour was maximum speed. Slowed down ten times, once to fifteen miles per hour, aricl once complete stop for ten seconds waiting for bus to go buy while turning around at Blackfoot. Lots of water and some snow and icy ruts encountered. This run was made under newspaper supervision with two passengers besides driver. Botterill Automobile Co. |