Show CASHIER OF BANK OF DUCHESNE IS MARRIED Bride a Well Known and Accomplished Young Lad Lady of or flu Da- chesno chesne At tho the home of oC the brides bride's parents par par- oats near Utahn on Tuesday even evening eren ven ing W. W Laird Dean of Duchesne and i i Miss Della Delia Mary Spratt were married Rev Hev George S. S Sloan officiating Mrs A A. A N. N Alt a n sister of the groom played the wedding march Harry Colmery acted as best man and a brother of ot the bride gave her away The wedding was planned to be a surprise and was nearly that although al although al al- though a 1 few fow of ot the Duchesne people thought they knew what was happening happen happen- ing when they saw several cars leaving leaving leavIng leav leav- ing town bound in the same tion Only the Ole immediate relatives of oC the tho young people were present After tho the ceremony mony a wedding sup per was served The tables were beautifully decorated with clusters of ol yellow roses The bride is a well known young lady of Duchesne She was ed as a teacher in the pu public Uc schools for several years and she Is held In the highest esteem The groom has been very active In Inthe Inthe Inthe the building of DuchO Duchesne tle When Whet first coming to the basin he be with Paul Billings formed and conducted the Duchesne Lumber company A Afew Afew Afew few years ago he organized th the Bank of ot Duchesne of which InstItution institution institution tion he is now the cashier Mr Dean Deanis is interested In many of the concerns in and about Duchesne and is known as one of its constructive men Mr and Mrs Dean will spend a short time Provo and Salt Lake after ter which they they will be at home lif iii In Duchesne The Free Press extends best hest wishes |