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Show Notice for Publication Department of the 'nterior, tnited States Land Office at Salt Lake Cily. Ulah, Aug. 3. 1915. Notice is heiby given that Samuel C. Dut-; Dut-; son, of Hinckle;', Utah, who, on August I5tli, 1910, made Deseret-Land Entry, Serial, No. 10644, for sej sw Fee ion 13, Township 17 ! South, Range 8 West, Sail L like Meridian, has filed not ce of inlcntion lo make final Proof, to establish c'pim 1 1 (lie land above described; des-cribed; before the Cleik ol the District Court, al Fillmore. Utah, on the 2irJ day ol Sept. 1915. I Claimant names as witne-rcs: Jacob J. Felix, 1 . R. Greener, Samuel L. Knight, and Cleamont Dutson, all of Hinckley, Utah. al9-s!6 Could ti. Blakely. Rrgis'er. Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior, U.S. Land Office at Salt Lake Citv, Utah, Arg. 13th, 1915. Notice is hereby given that Ephriam Brunsonof Abraham, Utah, who, on October Oc-tober 2, 1913, made Desert Land Entry Serial No. 011890, for ni section 17s, range 8west, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed fil-ed notice of intention to make final proof, to establish claim to the land above described, de-scribed, before Clerk of District Court, at Fillmore, Utah, on the 25th day of September, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: Ephriam J. Eliason, and Myron Black, roth of Deseret, Utah, John Smith, of Fillmore, Utah, and Albert Rc-id, of Abraham, Utah. al9-sltj Gould B. Blakely, Register. Notice of Publication - Final Proof. i 1. Charlotte M. Steele, of Delta, Utah, who made enry No. 200, under provisions of Chapter 2, Title 75, Compiled Laws of Utah 19"7, as amended, commonly known as the "Carey Act," which embraces em-braces sw nw.i and nw sw of section sec-tion 3, Twp. 17s, Range 7w, do hereby give notice of my intention to make final fin-al proof to establish toy claim to the land above described, and that I expect to prove that 1 have settled upon, reclaimed, re-claimed, and cultivated said lands as required re-quired by the laws and the rules and regulations relative thereto, before f rank Beckwith, who is the authorized representative of the State Board Land Comniisioiiers of the State of L'tah, at Delta, Utah, on Sept. x. 1915, by two of the following witnesses: C. T. Bunker, John E. Steele.' Ben Bunker and C. A. Clawson, all of Delta, Utah. ao-2 Charlotte M. Steele, Entryma'i. Notice of Publication - Final Proof. I, Commodore G. lloyt of Delta, l'tah. who made entry No. 272, under provisions pro-visions of Chapter 2, Title 75, Compiled Law's of Utah 1907, as amended, commonly com-monly known as the"(.'arey Act. "which embraces sw nw of section 4, township town-ship 10s, of Range 7w'., do hereby ive notice of my intention to make filial proof to establish my claim to the bind above described, and that I expect to prove that I have settled upon, ivrlaim-ed ivrlaim-ed and cultivated said lands as required ny the lawsandthe rulesand regulations thereto. before F rank Beckwith, v. iio is the authorized reprcsentM ive of the State Board of Land Coinmi.-.sioners of the State of Utah, at Delta. Utah, on Sept 3rd.. 1915, by two of the following follow-ing witnesses: R. M. Simmons, W. J. Oppenheimer, G. C. Sampley and G. M. Moffitt ali of Delta, Utah. a5-s2 Commodore G. Hoy t. Entryman, |