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Show toute and ihe Dew Itingliam & Oar-ield Oar-ield "high Hue." At GarhVld Junction l Valloy triple compound engine was aiupled onto the train to haul it over :he H. & (1. road to Hie workings of he Ctah Copper mine. This part of :he trip was a surprise to most of the excursionists on account of the ltiter-?nting ltiter-?nting features of the road the deep ftits, high trestles, tunnels and other engineering feats In Its building. A most beautiful view of Salt Lake valley val-ley was obtained from the train. Arriving at liingham, the party was conducted to the workings of the Utah Copper Co., where 18,000 tons of ore ure removed from the mountain-side every 24 hours. Twenty enormous steam shovels and fifty Shay engines are required to do this work. It Is said that the only other place In the world where digging on such a huge scale Is done Is on the Panama canal. The party witnessed, from a safe distance, dis-tance, the spectacular sight of blasting out the ore at the various levels, In which several hundred pounds of dynamite dyna-mite was used. On returning to the depot, box lunches were provided for each person and from the expressions that were heard, there was nothing but praise, both for lis quantity and quality. The next point visited was the Mag-uu Mag-uu concentrator, where Superintendent A. I). Moffatt, assisted -by a number of expert guides, showed the workings of the mill and how the ore as It comes Irom the mine Is reduced and concentrated concen-trated In tiie ratio of almost forty tons to one. J They were then taken over to the Garfield smelter and obtained a good Idea of how the ore is further reduced at,d smelted until It Is practically pure copper. The operations of the converters, convert-ers, belching forth flame rind the huge cranes carrying vessels filled with uiol-un uiol-un metal and slag were very Interesting. Interest-ing. The train arrived in Salt Lake only a short time behind Its schedule, and everyone voted the trip as most successful suc-cessful in every way. EXCURSION TO BINGHAM AND GARFIELD HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL. On Arbor Hay, April 1", a special excursion was run from Salt Lake to liingham and Carfield. under the auspices aus-pices of the Salt Lake Commercial Club. This was the initial one of a series of trips planned by th club, the better to acquaint the citizen of our state with the wonderful resources. The reason lor the slogan adopted for these occasions, "See Ctah Klrst, was at least partially realized by the large party who took advantage of the opportunity. op-portunity. The success of the tour was due to the earnest work of the excursion committee com-mittee of ihe Commercial Club, and of m Joseph K. Calne, th- secretary. The train was personally escorted by passenger Agent Alex Campbell of the Salt Lake Koute. Credit Is also due J. II. Manderfleld, assistant general freight and passenger agent of the fcal Lake Koute lor the smooth operation of the train, made the trip In excellent schedule time. While the editor or the Chronicle was unable to leave tx-lta to attend the trlr. he was represented by his son, ! who took In all the sights. When thf train pulled out from th jpjn Pedro depot at 9 a ni , there werf lover Ioihi passengers on board t!i sixteen large steel com lien Met I made up the train, j The trip ms over the Salt Lnk. |