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Show graded and Insured the coin aiiy will I (lien be In it position to borrow money I on It for those of Its members who i need money on It before It la sold. The members will thus not be obliged to I Hell hk Hocn am It la marketed, unless I prices urn) coiiil l! Iciiih Justify It, and the I company will know uh much about market eomlitloriM its the buyers, ax their secretary will keep poHted. i Coloi'Hdo ranks first, California sec- i ond and I'lah a clone third In the production pro-duction of seed, while Oklahoma ranks I firm In the quality of their seed. This Is not because Us need Is better, but because It Is perfectly cleaned. No seel Ion of the Cnlted States raises bet. ; ter seed than Millard county. Our rich soil, our long Hummers, and the absence ab-sence of early frosts In the fall make the conditions Ideal here. We only need united effort on the part of the farmers, a willingness to have every particle of foreign matter taken out If It does reduce the output several pounds to the bushel. Then, If a sample sam-ple Is sent to the Agricultural College for a text and a guarantee Is furnished by them of Its purity there will be no trouble to sell It at the highest price. In a few years Millard county seed would have a reputation second to none In the country and a selling price a little higher than that of any other. Kvery seed raiser would have to get the benefit of this reputation. In a few-weeks few-weeks we hope to have some model by-laws and regulations suitable for such an organization and other Information Infor-mation of use In organizing. We will then get out among the seed-growers and find how many will go In and then they can get together and orgunl.e In time to take care of their seed this r 11. Here's success to the Millard C'tunty Seed Kaisers' Association. A county that raises fHHi.uoo worth of seed a year ought to have a strong association. SEED GROWERS' ASSOCIATION AGAIN. While In Salt Lake last week the editor got some more pointers about the proposed Seed Kaisers' Association. Associa-tion. It should be an Incorporated company with the stin k held by the seed raisers. The capital stock should be sufficient to build a warehouse and put In a cleaning plant. It should have the usual officers with an Inspector, not a seed raiser, to pass upon the quality of the seed. It would be the duty of the secretary to keep In touch with the largest seed-buyers of the country, know about the markets and the conditions of the trade. When the seed has been cleaned, |