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Show From Forty-Five to Fifty Are Much Benefited by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Tlio "chariRo of life" U a most critiral peril 1 in a woman's vx-Istono', vx-Istono', ami tho anxiety ft-It y women it draws near Li not without reason. When her system Li in ft do-raiipel do-raiipel condition, hho may Ikj predisposed to apoplexy, or con-gostiou con-gostiou of soino oiptiu At tlii.1 time, also, cancers ruid tumors tire moro liaUe. to form and bcglu their destructive work. Such wamliiff symptoms as pcnso of suffocation, hot .Lushes, .icadnchcs, backaches, dread of impending evil, timidity, hounds in tho tars, palpitation of tho heart, sparks lsfuro tho eyes, irregularities, constipation, variable vari-able appeto, weakness and inquietude, utul dizziness, nro promptly heeded by intelligent women who aro approaching tho period in lifo when woman's gr,at chanjo may lo csiHictod. 'Hit'so symptoms aro calls from nature for help, Tho nerves aro cryin- out for .ssislancu and tho cry should Ikj heeded in timo. I.ydia Ii I'inkham's Vegetable Coinjxiund Li picpared to meet tho needs of women's system at this trying jieriod of her lifo. It invigorates and strengthens tho femalo organism and LuiM up tho weakened nervous system. It ban carried many ,uuen safely through tliis crisis. jhllrxEstclia Gillispic J OXI CASK Ot T OF MANY TO rilOVI. OUU CLAIMS. St. Anne, 111. "I was nssing through tint change of life and I was a jH ifect wreck from fctiialu troubles. I had a displacement nnd liearing down jiiiins, veak fainting snlls, dizziness, then litiml) and cold feelings. Sometimes Some-times my feet and limbs vera swollen. I was iiregularand had so much backache nnd headache, was nervous, iriiial le and was despondent. Sometimes my nj-l nj-l t tto w as good but more often it was not. iMy kidneys liotililed me at times nnd I could walk only a short distance. I saw your advertisement in a pnixT nnd took I.ydia K. link-liam's link-liam's Vegetable CoiiiiMiund, anil I was hciied from the liisL At the end of two months the swelling swel-ling had gone down, I was relieved re-lieved of pain, and could walk with case. 1 continued with, tho medicine and now I do almost all my housework. I know your medicine has saved me from tho grave nnd nm willing for you to publish anything I write to you, for the good f others." Mrs. Kvrs.t i.a (in-MsHK, ILK.U. .No. 4, JJox 31, St, Anne, Illinois. |