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Show DEEP PLOWING IS REQUIRED Turning Soil to Depth of Seven to Ten Inches Is Fundamental Operation In Dry Farming. Plowing, or turning over of the soil to a depth of from seven to ten Inches for every crop Is a fundamental fundamen-tal operation of dry farming. The plow therefore becomes one of the most Important Implements on the dry farm. Though the plow as an agricultural Implement Is of areat antiquity. It Is only within the last 100 yiars that It has attained Its present pres-ent perfection. It Is a question even j today. In the minds of s great many students, whether the modern plow should not be replaced by some ma-rhlne ma-rhlne even more suitable for the proper prop-er turning and stlrrlni? of the sol'. The moblboard plow is everywhere considered the most satisfactory plow for dry-farm purposes A plow with a moblboard possessing a short abrupt ab-rupt rurvatuw Is generally held to ba the most valuable for dry-farmlng pi rjiosea, since It pulverises the soil thoroughly, and In dry farming It Is so Important to turn the soil over as to crumble and looeen It thoroughly. Naturally since the areas of dry farms are very large, the sulky or riding plow Is the on!y kind to be used. The same may be paid of all other dry-farm dry-farm Implements As far as possible, possi-ble, they should be of the riding kind, since In the end It means economy from the resulting saving of energy. |