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Show Beetles Crow Mushrooms. Scientists have known of mushroom growing ants for a long time, and It was generally believed that the ant was the only Insect pos.aslng guffl-clent guffl-clent Intelligence to make a suet eng. ful mushroom farmer. Prof J. verle, the French rntoniologlnt. now says that a certain wood boring beetle known as the Iloslrychlde Is as familiar fa-miliar with mushroom cultivation for botno consumitlon as the ant. Prof, liouverte discovered that the beetles bore holes In wood and half fill thm wbb a prepared fur.fus, nhich makes an Ideal murhrooni bed. The garden Is carefully spawned snd tended, and In course of time the mushrooms appear. ap-pear. In this way the beetle provides itself with a f.d sufficiently tender for Its fer bif Jaws. 1 |