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Show WOOL FREIGHT RATES CUT. Saving to Utah Growers Alone Will be Over One Hundred Thousand Thou-sand Dollars, Washington. Radical reduedtms In ferlght rail's on wool, boih In a'tck and in bak'g. trarmporud from western west-ern point of origin to wihMtii dnii-nations dnii-nations were prwrlbt-d Friday by the Interstate comnu-rce coininlHln. "A fulfUlrncnt of the dlrretlona or the Intermaie cimm'rc comrniiision, aa outlined In the dispatches," up c ared C. H. Stewart. B"'rpt.iry or the t"th Wool Growers' asnfclt;on. at Salt Iko, Saturday night, "-vi'l- mark the grentesf event In the li-H-o-y ol the Utah wool Indimiry. The iiinii (savins In freight alone would (uuoii'il to $114,000." |