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Show issues mm to Mexico i i Government in Strong Statement De-j rnandi Thst Ameiicn Llfa and Property be Protected. i Washington -Warning w:n lHU''d 'i ! Kutiduy l.y the l iilml Stiih m Hie Mexican government, mh well k t lliej j !etieiii I'ascual Cihhi, t hi f f tin j j revolutionary forces, that "It expects j and iiiiiKt d !:iihmI that Alneritan life and property v. ithltt the republic or Mexico be Justly and adequately protected, pro-tected, and that this Kovernment iiiuk! hold .Mexico and the Mexltun people responsible for all wanton or illegal acts sacrificing or endangering Alitor-lean Alitor-lean life or damaging Amer'.can piop-erty piop-erty or Interests." The altitude of the Vnited Plates as expressed to both the rebel and federal fed-eral officials Is thai any Interference with American citizens "wU be deep ly resented by the American government govern-ment and people and must be fully answered an-swered for to the American people." Acting Secretary Wilson of the state department, who Issued special Instructions In-structions to Ambassador Wilson st Mexico City and Marian Letcher, American Am-erican consul at Chihuahua, authorized author-ized the statement that Intervention was not contemplated by the I'nited States. |