Show P TIDE THE I KITCHEN J CABINET c 1929 1919 Now I t Resolved To ro live with all my mJ might while I t do live Never to lose ios on one moment moment moment mo mo- ment of time but Improve It In inthe the most moat profitable way I t can Resoled Never to do anything which I 1 should despise or think meanly of In another Never to lo do which I should be afraid to do doit doit it If It wore were the last lu hour of m mt life Jonathan Edward Edvarda Kd wards TOOTHSOME DAINTIES The young guinea fowl Is a 0 savory sU dl dish h and und one which Is coining to ro Demore be De bemore bemore more often served Broiled Young Guinea Hen Split the fowl down the back after car careful e t U I dressing with will olive oil season with salt and aDd pepper and broiL Spread with butter and parsley finely Onely chopped anti and creamed together Garnish Garnish Gar Gar- Garnish nish with watercress and mounds of cranberry Jelly Salad Peel tart oranges and cut Into thin slices crosswise arrange arrange arrange ar ar- ar- ar range In overlapping slices and serve servel l French dressing using pineapple Juice a 1 dash of lemon Juice and olive oil seasoning well with salt cayenne nail and anda naila a B half teaspoonful of sugar Fruit Puke uke Cake Take one pound each of raisins currants curr sugar and find Hoar floar One One half balf pound of ot citron one pound 01 ol butter butter hutter nine eggs yolks and whites hen beaten ten separately epa ra tely two teaspoonfuls of ur vanilla and the grated peel of ot a lemon three fourths of a pound of ot walnut meats meat Sprinkle the fruit with flour lour mix all together fold In the stiffly beaten beuten eg egg whites and the Haver- Haver In Ing Steam two hours and bake one Caramel Pie To Pic-To To one quart of milk nd add the yolks of five eggs and the whites whitey of two well beaten add five tablespoonfuls of ut sugar and two tablespoonfuls tablespoonfuls table- table spoonfuls of caramel made by browning sugar and add adding lag water to dissolve It Add a bit of salt snit and a cupful of damson preserves Pour Into n a pastry lined plate and bake until un un- un ill til firm Cover with a meringue using the other three egg whites and two tablespoonfuls of sugar Brown own lightly Fish Kedgeree Melt Melt two tablespoonfuls table- table spoonfuls of butter hutter In a 0 casserole add one half cupful each of cooked conked rice and flaked halibut two hard cooked eg eggs s finely chopped chapped Season with suit pepper lemon Juice an and butter hutter lent Heat lentin In a hot oven o Serve with hard cooked e eggs gs cut Into Info rings s and sprinkle with chopped parsley Serve on squares of buttered toast President Tylers Tyler's pumpkin Pie Prepare the pastry as usual and fill Oil with the following Two eggs lightly beaten one cupful of ot sour cream one cupful of pumpkin one tablespoonful of flour one half cupful of ot sugar ginger gin ger cinnamon a n little lemon rind or extract and one cupful of ot milk a half hatt teaspoonful of ot salt Serve Sene with whipped cream Seasonable Foods Food Try making some mincemeat using fresh lean leun pork To four pounds of cooked meat add six pounds of tart apples chopped one quart of cider elder and the usual spices and fruit to taste Scotch Vegetable Plum I Pudding Pudding- Pudding Mix Mix well one oneY Y pound of mashed pota toes one-half one pound of mashed carrots one pound of ot flour lour one pound rt d currants three three fowl I u of a 8 poun pound of brown sU sugar lIr one pound of raisins two ounces of at suet one nutmeg one tea tea- teaspoonful spoonful of or salt nn and one egg Mix as usual put Into a well-floured well cloth cloUt and boll 1111 six hours Walnut Salad Cover Cover twenty-four twenty walnut meats with rich stock one slice dice of simian onion a 0 bay leaf and simmer for fur twenty minutes cool Line salad howl bowl or plates with lettuce Marinate I twelve wel o oysters with French dressing for fur u un an n hour serve sene on the lettuce topped with the walnut meats and serve wit with II French dressing Lamb With Rice Koast one medium me me- loin limn of sf lamb one hour Jour then cu cut Into steaks Boll Holl one cupful of rice ten minutes initiates drain add one quart of beef heet stock stack a n dash clash of nutmeg one teaspoonful t of at f salt suit and simmer with j a the time rice until It Is tender lender To one II tablespoonful of or butter and the yolks of three ergs eggs lightly hen beaten ten add the thet steaks t s dipping first into the butter melted II l then In the eg egg ess Arrange e In a n adish adish dish tind cover pr with rice Cake Bake one one- half hili r hour Chicken With Green Peppers Peppers- luny I cooks prefer fowl as at t the he stuffing t renders the flesh llesh dry Try this wa way of serving the Take II broad HII sage suge onion egg butter salt suit and pepper mid needed to moisten mois mols- ten tell the mixture Fill green peppers with the time sen seasoned on d mist mixture ure Split a ayoung young fowl favl down dawn the hack back and put pUI Into a n baking linking pun pan seasoning well with salt snit mid 1111 pepper Place the peppers pepper It mid b ke In ina n hot oven ft hl the flip fowl and peppers often lurine iii HIP flip rI roasting Chicken Pie With Poppers uok Poppers Cook I the hl until lender r In Irl wa waIer waItr waler ler Ier to tl c r tv r. r add three d green I 1 n mad one HH ran can of mushrooms III hill n tI lined I pie with Ith a II h his hiI tilt nit will HIP IIII thicken ken peppers pepper rf i nd 1111 iii mushrooms unit im sufficient f fur r nil Cover tr with the Inu 11 Mike ul n II vent veil and link hake until brown A 1 I y W i I dab s1 e Sweeter Too much to cat too eat too rich a n diet dietr diet diet- r too much smoking Lots of ot things cause sour soar stomach but one thing can correct It quickly Phillips Milk of ot Magnesia will alkalinize the acid oeM Take Taka a spoonful of ot this pleasant preparation and the system is soon sweetened Phillips Is always ready to relieve distress from ov over eating to check all aU acidity or neutralize nicotine Remember Remember Remember Re Re- member this for tor your own comfort for tor the sake of ot those around you Endorsed by physicians but they always always al- al ways waya say Phillips Dont Don't buy something something something some some- thing else and expect the same results results re ree I PHILLIPS Milk of Magnesia PATE N IS I Ben Beet it res i. i m reference oe oe- ate WATSO 1 91 Ill 11 11 t m. m D. D 0 c. c S Shin U Health Giving Ching All Winter Long Marelon ClImate Good Good Hotel Doter Tourist Splendid C mp Road Gorgeous u. u Mountain Vl View w The T wonderful ul I d of the West Write Writ Cr cr A s Ch Chy n y P ain aim 1 CALIFORNIA Springs S Read Ready 5 ss 1 t When your Children Cry Cl for It Baby has little upsets at nt times AH An your care cure cannot prevent them Ulem But Dut you youcan youcan youcan can be prepared Then you can cao do what any experienced nurse would do what do-what what most physicians would tell you to do do- do give a few drops of ot plain No Yo sooner done than Baby Bilby Is soothed relief re reo lief lIet is Just a n matter of at moments Y Yet t trou rou you have hu eased your child without IS of ot a single doubtful drug Is vegetable So its it's safe te to use as ns often aa as an nn infant has any little pain you cannot pat away And Its It's always Ys ready for tal the crueler pangs pongs s of colic colle 01 or or diarrhea effective too or older children Twenty million otiles were bought bOt last year I S' S G I D a |