Show f. f r r i j A S f e. e 1 4 I S tol In the same time It cs a dose ol of soda olin to bring u Il little t temporary relief of or gns gas and sour stomach Phillips Milk of ot Magnesia lesla has acidity completely complete complete- ly Ir checked and md the digestive orr organs nil L tranquilized Once you rou have tried tillS Ills lonn OL UL you vuu win cease iu to worry about your dl diet t and experience n a new V freedom In eating This pl pleasant preparation Is Just as ns asgood good goad for children too Use It whenever when when- c ever r coated ton tongue ue or fetid breath signals need of at a n sweetener Ph Physicians sl clans will tell you rou that every spoonful spoonful spoonful spoon spoon- ful of t Phillips Milk of or Magnesia 1 neutralizes neutralizes neutralizes neu neu- many times Its volume In acid neld Get the tile genuine the name Phillips Is la Important Imitations do not net l the same pHILLIPS Milk Milk e of Magi e Have Kidneys Examined By Your Doctor Take Tako Salts to to Wasl Wash Kidneys If f Back Pains You or Bladder Bothers Flush your kidneys by drinking aquart n a quart of ot water each day also take I salts Emits occasionally says a n noted authority authority authority au au- who tells us that too much rich food forms acids which a almost most paralyze the I kidneys In their efforts to expel It from the blood They become become become be be- come sluggish and weaken then you ou may suffer with a dull misery In the kidney region sharp pains Dains in the back bad backor or sick headache dizziness your stomach sours tongue Is coated coaled and when the weather Is bad you have hae rheumatic twinges The he urine gels gets cloudy full Cull of ot sediment the channels often orten get sore and Irritated obliging you on to seek seele relief relic two or three times during the night To help neutralize these Irritating acids to help cleanse the kidneys s and flush off oft the body's waste get ct four ounces of J Jad d Salts from any my pharmacy here take a n tablespoonful In fn a glUSS of at water before breakfast for tor a n few days das and mt your kidneys may then act fine This famous fatuous salts snIts Is made from the tho acid of ot grapes and lemon Juice combined with and md I has hns been used for Cor years ears to help flush and stimulate sluggish kidneys also to neutralize the tho acids In the system so 80 they no longer Irritate thus often otten relieving bladder weakness ss Jad Salts Is Js Inexpensive cannot Injure In In- injure jure and makes a delightful effervescent effervescent cent water litMa-water drInk What Will 1 4 4 n When your Children Cry for It There Is hardly a n household that thaI hasn't heard of ot I 1 At least fiVE million homes are never without it I It II there are children In your our family theres there's almost dally daily need of or Its Us corn con fort And any night may find jut you ou vcr cry thankful theres there's a bottle in the house Just a n few drops and that colic o of 01 constipation Is relf relieved ed or diarrhea checked A vegetable product a n baby remedy meant for young oung folks Castor Is about the only thing you OU have haye ever eve heard doctors advise Ise giving gI to Infants Infant Stronger medicines are dangerous rou to a J tiny baby however harmless the they ma mabe may maybe be to to grown Good old Castoria Remember the name and remember to buy It ft It may spare you a n sleepless sleep sleep- less an anxious lous night It Is always read ready always safe to use In emergencies c a 01 for cYer everyday tny ailments An Any hour of th thE thEda da day or night that Baby becomes fretful fret fret- fre fill ful or restless was never neve nevermore more popular with mothers than It 1 Is today Every druggist has lias It t Le ing 1 SAME PRESCRIPTION HE WROTE IN 1892 I When WIlen Dr C Caldwell Id- Id IdIl l I-l started to practice medicine back in 1675 1875 the needs for a a a. Il laxative were wera not as us great today People Jived dived normal hv lives t plain wholesome food and aud got not plen fresh air But Dut even c that early carly there were wen drastic physics and pur purges a for time the relief of cons constipation n which Dr fir Caldwell did not believe were good for human n beings Tho prescription for constipation that he used early in his practice ant and which 0 he put in drug stores storM in 1892 under the tha name of Dr Caldwell Caldwell's s Syrup Pepsin is a a. liquid Ye vegetable remedy intended for women children n and elderly people and they need just such a a. mild safe bowel stimulant This prescription has IA proven its worth and is now nO the tho largest brest selling liquid laxative It has wo won the confidence of people who needed it to get et relief from headaches biliousness flatulence indigestion indi loss of appetite and sleep bail bad breath colds cold fevers At dyspepsia 3 your drug druggist t. t or write Syrup Pepsin Dept BB DB Monticello Illinois for free trial bottle v- v r K Qaid Relief A effective f and 60 dies bu And ex c. c y use PISO'S Throat Trost t and sad Chest Cheit Y Salve a v A |