Show 7 r f. f I t Ie i yr 4 f r r tsi ll i. i r r rr rr r r r f r r Ld Ir Sri 1 r To break a cold coM harmlessly and i in a hurry try ry a Bayer As Aspirin iri irit E tablet And for headache The action of Asp Aspirin nn is very efficient too in in cases cases of neuralgia neuritis even rheumatism and lumbago lumbago j And theres there's no after effect doctors give Aspirin to children children- often infants Whenever theres there's pain thi think of Aspirin The genuine Bayer Asp Aspirin rin has Bayer o on the box and on every tablet All druggists with proven directions Physicians prescribe Bayer Aspirin it does NOT affect the heart heartis bp is Sa ti tho trade trail tank mark of ot Eger of of ot SaU For Caked Udder and Sore Teals Teats in m Cowl Cow Try m of Myrrh Myrrl eons bask back k for Ont lint nt boa bottle bottI If ti not DOt rotted JUtted An AD dealer PARKERS PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM y q a Restorer Restore Color and Beauty to Cr Gray Cray and Faded Hair r. r 60 tOe rh gad and m. m 1100 a V t Y FLORES FLORESTO Ideal l cal fo for use tae In connection with fl hair soft and fluffy anat CO so cents ty by m mat ft t- t lr g hoists Chemical Works Work PAtchogue N. N i. i COYOTE FOX and Go Gop o WOLF W 9 p coyotes one night Brought 1 Free Fres Circular tn Fro an as Instructions GEORGE EDWARDS Livingston too Montin Health Giving S un h n nAll All Winter Long Marvelous l Climate Good Good Touch Camps Splendid Camps Splendid Road VIew TM u t dun desert re Was W. WrIte coo Creo A A. Cite Chattel P alum ilm sEa CALIFORNIA w W. W N. N U. U Salt Lake City No 4 1929 Increased Their Thirst Third Wife seeing husband attacked b bees nun bees Run hone honey run Husband Husband-Don't Don't Dont call i me e honey fo to heavens heaven's sake I 1 Youre You're making times tile desperate Pea Pearsons Pearsons I c s 1 s l iP a m rl Daughter o o f hint Catherine Lamuth Daughter of Mr Mrs Mn Eva Era Wood Howe How Box 72 Mohawk Michigan 1006 South H H. Street Danville lib fib libI I E E. Pinkham's After CAfter my daughter grew praise Lydia into womanhood l she began to Vegetable Compound for what feel rundown and weak and a It has done for my fourteen fourteen- friend asked me to get her year old daughter as well as for forme your medic medicine ne She took Lydia me mc It has helped her growth E. E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Com Corn Cornand and her nerves and she has a pound and Lydia E E. Pinkham's Pink Pink- good appetite now and sleeps hams ham's Herb Medicine Her well She has gone to school nerves are better her appetite every day since beginning theis the is good she is in good spirits medicine I will continue to and able to work every day dap give it to her at regular intervals in in- We recommend the Vegetable and will wm recommend it Compound to other girls and to other mothers who have to their mothers mothr Mrs Catherine Cath Cathy daughters with similar trou trou- erine Brine Lamuth bles Mrs E Eva Wood Howe HOUK GILT GET RI MID BID OF DANDRUFF BY Dr n USING Soap ASSISTED Dr BY C a SOLD Soap Ointment and SOc Talcum ld II D Dept ept pt Malden lUa |