Show v. v n r. r 1 L-IM L Coming to FILLMORE DO DA 3 GO Specialists in Interim Medicine for tor the tho past fifteen years jears DOES NOT OPI OPERATE nATE 4 Will be he at J Thursday Jan 31 Hrs HIs 1 to 7 71 Friday Hours 8 to 1 I IV V TWO DAYS ONLY No charge for tor consultation The specialist of Dr l Co is a a. regular graduate In medicine and surgery and is licensed by the State of Utah He visits professionally the more morn important towns and cities and offers offers offers of- of fers to all who call on this trip free freo consultation except the expense of treatment when desired Acc According to his method of treatment treatment treatment treat treat- ment he does not operate for chronic appendicitis gall stones ulcers of stomach tonsils or adenoids He has to his credit wonderful results results re re- re- re In diseases of the stomach liver liv liv- liver er bowels blood skin nerves ne heart kidney bladder bed wetting catarrh weak lungs rheumatism sciatica leg ulcers and rectal ailments If It you have been ailing afUng for any length of time and do not get any better letter do not fail faU to call as improper er measures rather than disease are very ery often the cause of your longstanding longstanding long long- standing trouble Remember above date that con con- con j I on this trip will wUl be free freehand and that hat his treatment is different Married women must be u- u ed by their husbands Address Bradbury Bide Los Angeles California J I IS OO S D i i I I T THE H E. E Jl RECORD B COlt D B REA A K KIN I N G Jg NEW K W N NASH NASA S H 4 O. O tt 1 oJ F w. w i y y Special Six Sedan c j r I J t tAKE JAKE AKE THE TE WHEEL and learn leam why NASH IVASH can say Worlds World's Easiest Driver er hI steering softness of We invite E EFFORTLESS you to test it Ask us for a clutch action quick brake response re re- Nash to drive Take it through these these are features of the Nash the severest traffic to and from up that new motoring away stop stoplights Try parking in difficult places Thousands of owners wi will tell you that to them driving is IS never tiring See how effortless are even the sharpest Fo 4 0 odds odd's Easiest turns with what ease brake and cl clutch Driver Control pedals operate how swiftly motor and nd brakes respond You'll You find find yourself This is a strong claim but we make It ing with wilb more driving confidence than you earnestly and with the firm belief that vcr ever had before it is an unvarnished accurate statement And you'll know what a truly remarkable remark of fact able car the Nash is J B t H TT OV 0 Lea d s the d in Car Value MOO FEATURES FEATURES JO OTHER CAR ILlS HAS RILL Tw Twin Ignition n on motor Aluminum alloy allor pistons Bijur centralized Longer wheelbases wheelbase 12 type Aircraft type spark chassis lubrication plugs New double drop frame piece One fenders Salon Electric clocks fenders High compression vibration H Houdaille OU d 31 II e an and d L. L Lovejoy da damper E. E Exterior meta I ware Clear vision front shock hoc absorbers hers Worlds World's s easiest chrome plated over pillar P. P posts hl abs steering I N J t 1 nickel Nash Special Design Salon SalaD beit 7 bearing 7 crankshaft front and teat rear bellow yai hll Short turning radius bumpers t KILLPACK GARAGE DELTA UTAH r r Z f p I SUMMONS SU r DESERET SAYI SAVINGS GS BANK ANK a co cor t r s J r y I Plaintiff vs vs- vs CHARLES W. W ON and ETTA ERICKSON 1 Ms lis ls wife wire NORMAN ER- ER JCKSON ICKSON and LIZETTE ERICKSON his wife wIre and R. R E. E Towne Defendants THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE SAID DEFENDANTS You are hereby summoned to appear appear appear ap ap- ap- ap pear within twenty days after tho the service of this tills summons upon you if served within v the tho county in which this action is brought otherwise within thirty days after service and defend the tho above bove entitled action and andIn andin andin in case case of your failure so to do judg- judg will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint complaint com com- plaint which has been filed med with the clerk of said court This action Is brought to recover a a. judgment foreclosing foreclosing foreclosing fore fore- closing plaintiffs plaintiff's mortgage a upon the theland theland theland land and water stock described in said complaint for the tho appointment of a receiver and for costs of or suit J J. J A. A Melville l Attorney for Plaintiff P. P O. O Address 6 Deseret Bank Building Salt Lake Lake City Utah First pub Jan 10 1929 Final pub Feb 7 1929 I J. J A. A MEL MELVILLE VILLE Attorney At Law Delta Utah Salt Lake Office 6 Deseret Bank Dank f r S i 1 a o. o A I O Or I I r ORDER FROM US USTen T f I I i Ten Yea Years rs r's From r. r Now ow It is our opinion that within ten years a serice service ser ser- vice ice food store will be a curiosity People the country over have welcome welcomed wel wel- come corned the opportunity to eliminate the insistent insistent insistent insist insist- ent and often unsanitary unsanitary unsanitary tary and ignorant grocery grocery grocery gro gro- cery clerk and serve themselves unmolested and in a modern service self-service food store Our Plan Most Perfect There are all kinds of self service stores some that are not recognizable ble as being of that type The O. O P. P Skaggs System System tem tern stores have bave a nation nationwide nationwide nationwide wide reputation for excelling excelling excelling ex ex- in sanitation roominess convenience and large assortments to select from It is a pleasure for either a aman aman aman man or r a woman to serve themselves in an 0 O. P. P Skaggs System store Some day you will do it too and the sooner yo yr H t themore the more you will save and the greater will be your food pleasure and satis satis- faction Try rry it soon Try it at our store up S G G rodo It It ua 1 01 t y if It yr v Was T opi The 6 Dairy rIt r ii Cow c Nearly all the older well settled states have gone through the experience of depleting their soils by continuous cropping without replenishing fertility only to find th that t complete exhaustion of t the e son 1 w was s sure to come 1 f The search for a remedy invariably led to the dairy cow Today she is recognized as the most most economical economical economical eco eco- and practical means of building up soil fer fer- She is a valuable cream factory But that is isn't is- is nt all all all- she will save or r retain tain the crop producing power of your farm We Ve always do our best to give you r f honest honest hon hon- est treatment tre Bring rJ lg us your our cream Delta V Valley alley Creamery Company I I PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES Consult County Clerk or orthe ortho the tho respective signers for tor further In in- formation In tho the District District Court In and for tor Millard Millard Mill Mill- ard County State of Utah NOTICE TO CREDITORS In n the tho l Of tho the Estate of Abner Johnson Deceased Creditors will present claims with vouchers attached to the undersigned undersign undersign- ed administratrix at her home In InI Delta Ufah Utah on or before June 1st let I 1929 1 I Laura H. H Johnson Adminis Administratrix of the Estate I lof of Abner Johnson Deceased I Grover A. A Giles I Utah Attorney for tOO Admin Admin- f First First pub Jan 24 1929 Final pub Feb Fob 21 1929 I SUMMONS SUMMON In the tho let District C Court of ot the Fifth JuI Judicial Judicial Ju Ju- 1 District of tile the St State te of ot Utah In and for Millard County S i DESER DESERET T SAVINGS RAVINGS BANK DANK A corporation A Plaintiff i i- i vs I JOSEPH EARL JEARL WILKINSON and ENEVA A WILKINSON I Defendants THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE SAID DEFENDANTS You are hereby summoned to appear appear appear ap ap- ap- ap pear within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you If served within the county In which this action Is brought otherwise within thirty days after service and defend the above entitled action end and In case cae of your failure so to do doT judgment will wUl be rendered against you according to the demand of ot the complaint which has been filed rued with the clerk of ot said court This action actions is s brought to recover a 11 Judgment foreclosing plaintiffs plaintiff's mortgage upon upon upon up up- on the land and water stock described ed in said complaint for the appointment appointment appointment ap ap- ap- ap of ot a receiver and for costs of f suit J. J A. A Melville Attorney for Plaintiff P. P O. O Address 6 5 Deseret Bank Donk Salt Lake City Utah First pub Jan 16 1929 Final pub Feb 14 1929 NOTICE OF OP SALE ALE ALEIn In the District Co Court r of ot Millard l County State of ot Utah In the Matter of the Estate of MAHONRI M. M STEELE STEELS Dece Deceased sed Notice is hereby given that on Wednesday the day of January 1929 at the hour of 2 o'clock P. P M. M the undersigned administrator of the estate of Mahonri 1 M. M Stele Deceased ed will sell at public sale at the front door of the County Court House at Fillmore Millard 1 County State of ot Utah all the real property of the said estate to the highest and best bidder for cash or oI upon such terms as may be arranged with said administrator adminIstrator administrator admin admin- said property being real estate estate estate es es- es- es tate situated In the tho County of Mill Mill- Millard ar ard tats state of Utah and more particularly particularly particularly described as follows The East Quarte the Northwest Northwest North North- west est Quarter of the the Northwest Quarter Quarter Quarter ter of Section 3 Township 17 South Range 7 West Salt Lake Meridian containing 10 acres and the North half of Lot 4 in Block 79 Plat A Delta Townsite together with the improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging and also an nn e equity e- e in the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 3 Township Township To To- 17 South Range 7 West Salt Lake Meridian containing acres acres a- a cres together with any and all buildings build build- buildings ings Improvements and appurtenances ances thereunto belonging Also Forty shares of water stock In the Delta Canal Company together with any and all water and ditch rights of ot ovary every nature however evidenced used on or belonging to said lands lande subject to a prior mortgage to the State of ot Utah in the sum of or 2000 Dated at Delta Dolta Utah this day of ot January 1929 M. M M. M Steele Jr Administrator o j i I W oW I II I i. i I IJ I CZ TRACT TRACTOR 0 SCHOOL Delta Theatre P February AN EDUCATIONAL ON AND SCHOOL MENT MODERN FARMING G METHODS AND EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT EQUIP- EQUIP WE VE INV T ALL LL WHO ARE INTERESTED TO ATTEND Gardner Koiter W t Ll P 1 |