Show CABINET CI IU The heart that has truly loved forgets never loves on aD to It Its II gut But as truly close turn turns on her het god end As Aa the tho sunflower when he sell oeM look which she turned The same when he be rose Moore DO 00 YOU LIKE ONIONS The odoriferous bulb Is more nure popular popular than thun we would bled b- b lar among epicures led to believe bellec from trum runt t the h abuse which the onion has lIns had find heaped upon It Iti i Onion Soup Slice Slice two or three large lurge onions 1 fry In butter until soft sufi n and d yellow jellow Add slowly one pint of ot hulling boiling na wu nater I ter cook until smooth I Ind and nd slightly thickened Have ready three boiled and aud mashed unused II potatoes add to a quart of ot scalding lint hot milk add onions anions seasoning hen beat I very cry hot and uDd press through a 8 sl sieve e Sprinkle le with chopped parsley pursley after reheating nod and l d serve er with croutons I Fried Onions Cut lut Cut one fourth Inch Ilic union onion and Jay lay slices of o the Southern In mill milk fur for ten len minutes Dip Into flour which has been well seasoned and rr fry In deep hot hilt fat rul to brown in Lay on paper to In drain ami l I serve sene with veal enl cutlets Nave Have the fat fil falvery very hot hor or the slices will break when frying ing Baked Onions Arrange Arrange large mild onions unions In a baking pan unpeeled impeded with a little water Rake nuke until ten tender tender tender der and when ready to serve remove the skins season with plenty of butter hutter but hut butter ter and a u da dash h of salt and ami cayenne Serve Ser very hot Glazed Melt Onions Melt one half cupful cup ful tul of hotter butter and und o add us many ninny onions ls ns us will fit Into a saucepan Turn until all are well coated with the butter sprinkle le with sugar and pour over O any good soup clock Beef Beet extract dissolved In a little water will HI answer answer an un the purpose Simmer until the onions are tender fender Remove the cover and simmer to one one half half cupful of ot liquid lICud Serve with roast pork or mutton I Fur For those who ho cannot enjoy raw onions because of some slime tumult fault of dons try this method Select the mild Bermuda or Spanish onion orlon Ion peel slice rind and cover er with boiling water Let Ler stand one half hour drain and cover OVer with cold water wafer for fot n a half hour until they tire ore crisp Drain Iraln and dress diess with wilh French dressing Scalloped Onions With Cheese Cool Cook the onions until partly tender add them them with plenty of seasoned white sauce sauce a. a n layer of each In a u but buttered but baking dish then n add d a Inch half Inch e t layer of of good goo snappy cheese cover with another r layer hirer of onions and white suu sauce saucer e. e t top p with buttered crumbs and brown Serve at nt once as cheese chese becomes tough if cooked cooled at nt too hl high h I temperature Various Good Things I Do not fail tull to add a head hemd of garlic to your pantry supplies Rub Ruh the I steak platter pinner with a n cut nt j m I clove clore of garlic Rub Huh the j i chicken E n before It goes i Into Inte the pan linn I I with a 8 sliver of 01 garlic Jarll t tand j jand and drop a 8 small bit II Into IntI the pan when fry try lug Ing chicken rub ruh each piece with garlic Put iut 11 j ja a tiny hit Into the I anti spaghetti Grate Crate n a crumb over O 1 the rhe fish before It Is put pUI to broil broth and serve seive It as ns a flavor or in salads h bv by rub bins the howl bow I with a 8 clove Chicken Salad Sa Cook the time fowl 10 time the duly day before It is to be used t Select on one that flint is plump and white Put into a kettle with boiling water to which an nIl onion a couple of bay leaves INnes n- n a n astick stick of or I. I elery c-elery ler and n a slice of or carrot have hae been heen added d Took Cook until tender Leave e the chicken In the broth over oyer night Take rake white tender er celery and cut both It and the chicken Into pieces of or the same ame size allowing about 10 two t thirds the quantity of celery as os chick chick- on n Add enough h to moisten well season reason with salt pepper cayenne a enne lemon Juice ruin and enough ma mayonnaise to cover each earh piece Panned if Oysters If fresh In the shell do not detach them but bur arrange Jt p I them on nn n a pan Inn aunt and decorate them ti-h ti with im j ja I In a n pinch h of parsley a n cube of celery a n S slin slue slice of fir rE pepper a dot trout of or to tor i il mato and antI a n strip of bacon that has been Iwen laid for five n away hours hour with a It bruised clove or garlic Set Ret the pan nun Into the oven O until the edges of It the time theo o oysters url curl nod and the baron bacon sizzles les then serve set this dish Ush which fit for tor torn forn n a king t Nuts are arp cla clawed classed g bv hy many people as 03 I i of digestion I The fa fact t Is Is they the theare I. I are ore usually eaten ealen at the end of a ahenry henry meal when n they IhlY are not needed i overtax lI the stomach The sameI same I I timing thing Is true of If cheese one of oaf t our most valuable foods fonds The chestnut Is better cooked than raw ns as it has lias tome more flavor or Chestnuts make one of or the most moist tasty of or I 0 I lings S for far turkey They are ure good II de deviled 11 and placed glared n n-e n e. e considered n H great delicacy Here lore Is a new VII Of serving Deviled Chestnuts Brow ro n th thi- thi well L. L cleaned nuts mils i t a 8 little oll olive oli oil all then with a n mixture of lit tit tin fall fol tag lug Two of nt r a d I pickles mixed salt and mi a of 01 orf worp I hire sauce since Stir until well mixed mixed and DUd serve at once tL M I t v wc I r J 1 1 I It May d Be e etI e tI tf C h J Jt br k s i i r e for It Castoria Is a fretful No sooner comfort when Baby Is taken than the one Is at ease ense If little restless a few drops soon bring contentment No for tor Castoria harm done Is a baby remedy for babies meant Perfectly safe to gi e the youngest Infant yoU have the doctors doctors' Word for that It Is a vegetable duct and product pro pro- YOU could use It every day But Its It's In y an emergency that Cas Casla a means menns most Some night when con co L- L pation must be or relieved colic pains or other sUffering Never be without It some mothers keep an extra estra bottle unopened to make sure there will al' al a always al- al 1 ways be Castoria in the house it Is effective for ol older er children too read the book that comes with it How to Avoid INFLUENZA ZA ZAC C 1 a ally Nothing f i protect J you f you tan can a against do nr will to Colds o effects II Cf In In- or Grippe a as keeping your our or organs ana of di digestion eltion and elimination actIve and your OUI free from poisonous accumulations Natures Nature's Remedy Ih Kl eta Tablets does more than thon merely mereb cause pleasant ant and easy esy bowel action It tones tone and sad strengthens the system lag ing resistance against and Infections Infection C Get t a s lie te B flex Bu x at Tow TolU Dro D o I woman won never en l' l buttons buttons' 0 any thin thing she can em pin Ilin 1 Nothing Is Impossible to the man can cnn and will w ems ems- f c I Ia a a e Sweeter eester ester Next Text time a coated tongue fetid feUd breath or acrid skin gives gi evidence of or sour stomach try stomach try Phillips Milk of Get acquainted with this tills perfect anti antl an- an ti tl acid that helps the time 8 keep e p sound and sweet That eer every stomach needs Deeds at times Take it whenever a hearty meal brings any discomfort 1 Phillips Milk of Magnesia has lias won medical endorsement A And 11 it millions of men and orne they limey hate IH Jn indigestion a diet nm and dont don't suffer just Pleasant to take anti and alwn always s 's effective The name Phillips Is Important nl it Identifies Identities the genuine product Milk 11 lie of ofIn Magnesia In nesta has been the U. U S. S re regis regis- I- I trade mark of the time Charter Charles II Phillips Chemical Co and I it der dece sor Charles II n. Phillips SIl si If 0 of Magnesia i ii i Weft rake relief la fie tau elate te You get et a good re rest t and renewed vitality Standard for tor M Li Yean |