Show I f r ft i l ins ins' PILLS PILLS l Auxiliary Auxiliary Pos 89 9 Initiated the fol following fol- fol 01 lowing members Wednesday evening 4 A jC Nina Huff Hurr Beatrice Hollinshead reference Workman Trena Gronning and andA Ablah lah A Auxiliary flags will bo be dedicated lt The f arY 13 a well known speaker I will be chosen for or tho the occasion I has MS her Mrs Eric joined I husband here They Intend snaking their home In Delta DaUB Pilla B pins PILLS PULLS PILLS I PROCEEDS OF FIRE BRIGADE Bill BRI GADE GAUE TO GO TO CHEMICAL FIRE IRE FIGHTING FUND The Delta Theatre had agreed to donate the entire proceeds of the tho f Him Ulm m THE THE FIRE BRIGADE to the fund to buy a chemical wagon for the town As this picture is one of most excellent reputation this is a munifIcent munificent munificent munif munif- gift gut and much appreciated by bythe bythe bythe the committee having the gathering of or tho the fund in hand The date for tho the film ilm will b be announced later Mr l tells u that the fund fundis is now ow about they to get in about 1200 NOTICE There Thore will be a meeting of all farmers in Drainage District No 3 Jan 26 at 2 p. p ra m. at Delta Theatre Thea Thea- tro tre to discuss farmers farmer's organization and aud the matter of supervisors By fly order of Drainage Adjustment Committee evening the Le La Pons Club met at the tho home of Mrs Clyde Underhill Mrs Joe Snow and Mrs I Underhill sponsoring the party The Misses 1 Afton Finlinson Leda I I Finlinson and Mary 1 won high score prizes Hazel Smith rc- rc Susie Sanford and and nd Leora Leorn cevet covet coi consolations la lationS ons Luncheon was serve served cL c C. C G G.- G. Hoyt returned from rom Nevada to come come back to his farm work he be had been been- in KImberly KImlerlY for several weeks His car went on tho the blink bUnk at Pass and Proctor Robison Robison Robi- Robi son had to t tow him In IllS PILLS PILLS III- III Pills J Pins FIll PI P PILLS I. I I Pills Pins Pills PILLS PILLS Mrs Ben Den Douglas Dougl s and Mrs Clark Clark Allred Alired entertained at the home of ot Mrs Douglas Thursday night at a abridge abridge abridge bridge party Prizes for high score were won by Mrs Cook and Mr HV H. H V W. Browning and second by Mrs I Beckwith and Mrs 1 Turner TurnerS Pills Pills PILLS PILLS The Boy Scouts will hold a meetIng meetIng meeting meet- meet Ing at Hinckley on the at the Hinckley High School at 7 00 p. p m. m Special training courses courses will be given in Scout Singing Rope Ropo Making Malting Signalling Camping in which department de de- de- de nt special slides of Zion Canyon Canyon Can Can- yon you will be shown and in First Aid Ald The District Council will meet to give examinations for badges in second clas first class and merit Wot k g 5 Mrs Harold Browning entertained at at her home on Friday afternoon with a bridge party for 16 guests Prizes Prices s for high scores were won by Mrs Douglas and Mrs 1 Delicious Delicious De De- licious refreshments were served Mrs Francis Copper entertained the Fidelity Club Wednesday night at the home of Mrs 1 Maly The subject subject subject sub sub- The Opera was treated by Mrs Copper Rosalynd Manning gave a sketch of the opera Faust and II- II with several selections Lunch was present were Frances Copper Rosalynd Manning Christy Fitzgerald Lewella Starley Dycle Dycie Law Lawr Mrs Maly and Inez Moody |