Show BOMB SONS STRANGE P PLANTS I 1 ANT S odd Siet mi fown dostart Dt start of the that forkl tram ha lat b if in lo suk loke ke sli and arte lr ig ro of imbat ib 0 if ct plaats useful to 9 if del ti ament tat lat of ln tit tho pet bolle of 0 ibbye tbt th colit tor V nong tha tl of if the punt Is th I 1 cwi iwi ic writ tree dt ju tt it illarr nf WT lurk k 0 which hi h it 1 eona o 0 1 ai I of anway byerts 0 fit rs that ial IV it in 11 all ll cars wal at 1 vt compete pit lis euils suils 1 l re iol ill it it beat w wih wh h ing ith 1 t m not wp woop w p bud und bleat lied in the w un as ate juices a lee let fitt a white bitenc bite mc e tiu auld z tits tile latt lace with chih h ibl this tair ini product quite favorably at a beauty adother il I 1 known la in tb trope as a the saal aaa barit bark tree ad lw taj the moult ino nl dianar wit it has roand round hari harl 1 1 trait lit about ble ot of aa i ima i h bhea andary and dry lau briste buiste tte witti a arp aue tha the report u f a it jul i a PIsca lie auth ym km trumpet ir tr fur furnissia nisia a with iasaiah a its tt hollow bra br i hei lie ar at horni and alo also f r drum io I 1 rom travon ore co come a plant called the tern ruz ru which he has poisonous onous lule juke lul e the amilt i lied li ed I 1 y the jaurea to dor as I 1 tt i action c aus sq their teeth loosen and fall fill out fhe rhe leave leaves of 0 6 tailed atri an aloe are made harcor towrope trop no an I 1 are aso so empl pa ed Lle gleaning Llean aning iny and b i aurin ter quite quites tree is U the a allba labash of 1 I besot in I 1 ie vo h hi it b art ar enor fruit fruits that re emble I 1 ump kins grow to bi bo nearly two feet in n di dl ameter 1 I ith the pulp removed they serve various purpose fo for r wa water ter an anu ev n as kettle kettles for cooling coomo having the gt at advantages of strength and another queer plant in the belong belongs s ta to tl ti pea family and is i ta the e mo caong plant on account cf of the manner in shih its leaves turn around of their own afford cr 0 o by without bc ty j to ud or in 1 tiny way distri bd b d e betimes oaly one or leave leavas on a i lint will bo be at other times tb n ill dl all jumps and gs g milons r it Is ol 01 ean ed that the movements are most en an e ahrn the thermometer als searls about abut eighty d egress s the dumb cane it ii so called becane its ilsey cane like stems rend r speechless anyone ahoo aty happen I 1 1 bite them lo 10 the west indies grows tiu tt lilt ilk cotton or gold tret trec th fruit ot of which Is a very beautiful ilij ilk highly elatic en I 1 ube hicl I 1 for stuffing cushion an fc in ter euc specimen pc iceon 13 tc trw tree of the a wl i h b is hold fc ld la iu ah such act I 1 fration that it Is i a 3 crim crimo to cut cotol OT 0 of the i be bran h ht there thero is olo el so a i h tree trec from jamal Ja aia S I 1 I 1 ara made maliz mm it by br cutting ting ocl lf 1 the stem to ead tria firk fir k tha tho ends it anwa l en an ex c aunt 11 tt borth tooth p rS gUa lipare pi pare wl t ag e duct C m stem stems thia this ver voyt able ble the acl buted henna plant the east tea wl keayes of ar com commonly monir as a cosmetic 1 isia ula an ania northern afria tte tle has descended froia from very ace aca at as Is ii proved by the egyptian mum mice mim th parts dyed birj b 1 uia ally ti finger and toe nail nails the tho tips of the fla gers the palmi 1 cf tl I 1 ads ands cds and soles of th fht fet ati J h h tint pro dicht dacil I 1 is omar d h aiji ly 17 arnim nta by orienti brilca in rr ws vs a tr which bas ha hard urn sha fruit luft as 43 minkey mi 0 cup clips I 1 ic le contain edible nuts aali the husks very peculiar hes in diameter anu and barliak regular fular ref lids ahl which h them closely and separate when c seeds aro grature the enate e treo tre of guiana is so because the seed Is twisted in a to res resemble deml le a coiled erp nt at for reason abou the indian india fis employ r the nuts en an antidote anti antl dot JotA for snake poison imison curiosity is the elded the subs utice aud paper tae the ancient egyptian for thi thu pur pose th tb wood of ho be reed reo stem w as in slice slices which were priced ids id elde side sm accordi ay to the th size alz of sheet required after bainy wet vest and ad beaten with a wooden m ansti meat datil smooth they vircie pressed end and dried lo 10 the th sui ua A queer plant is 14 a catta r of CU the needs ruh are very pot bruj tu were administered persons eced aced of crime if the ia ila diri dual was innocent tl th doit excited 1 romi titi a and nd his recovery was looked upon U a vla U abon but ut leu |