Show A cytlou I 1 property Iro perty of f ua mater many simple experiment experiments show that the surface of water possesses posse sew a property which causes it to resist the i asage of bodies either from above or claw h I 1 true not only of soapy water but of the clearest aal an I 1 purest water aswell as well A heet sheet of fino fine gauze tends to float because its weight being adely distri buteLl each of ill tha numerous se separate larato wire t ii is re 1 daitel I it e I 1 by the film W e that the m a t t r cannot readily i 1 asi throng I 1 tile insects In an I 1 plants utilize thu this fact tn fit ganv interesting inter eiting waya ways boino vater plants ll 11 hose loaves flout float on the asater ater h ive a ery timple contrivance to keep tle the kuppr surfaces of the leaves leares dry this consist consists of a great number of or ml nil hairs covering the top tops of the I 1 leav ea em water cannot penetrate among tl if ate bf hairs aven eien when the louvee are ar foral lown down beneath the surface the II 11 III rafts of egg eggs that agn gnata its net set af it on the water are hept kept from ing jug and from being upset through thin fame principle the tiny egea eggs hive their point points all upward an they are binel ginel together so closely if that at while A bile there ie is awn space all around the point of jacl eg eig yet the width ot of these paces is so light slight that w water a ter cahnt readily pasa pass through on ll 11 ana again an 1 again upset ench stich an egg raft but it will right itself every time and the app r surface will rema ludry youth it ci spanion |