Show a i boy a I 1 C let ct t h hJOKt Ila 6 allan asta 1 ingli hi ig asi is hn living near neosho oho balls liin in a feigt bor who WM was a market mariet airl hunter rt froia thereto western missouri fir r tho the purpose of hunting qua bulli ill anil and prairie chic chicken kenti la in the fali iu 0 of I 1 tilt tar aa is writer in science HP ile took with sith him a faborito far orito pointer dg d ilic 1 ht route taken IT we as sou thara aril soine fifty miles to persons Pi Pr reone sons kan ken uy railroad thence to lurt fort 1 S ott and un into nearly due t i ast from the latter point all wint v r ell fora for a eulaya ew laya after he began hunting but by botne means mean the dog bleile lost front him lie ile spent two day a hunting it and as a it aia no uie use to try tr t I 1 without tho the dol he went linini linnit and there found the dog all right aln lit to the report of his hi family tin ill dog had reached there within two day aiom tin the time he had lot lost him and null as tha distance was rare more than five tire A it lit I 1 quite certain that the do dog took a near cut for bum home N av w if this don had no sense sen of direction what bad had he that led lad him to take what ve N e may confidently beldere 11 to ut tha straight and true coune course for home when hen I 1 e had over the other two el lis of the triangle aho vho Nho doe does ni ut know that a cat or even a halt half gr wn kitten 4 loaf long way from b h ie in a bag lag nearly alway always find finds ite its i w v back li ben lying in ill northern mi it higan hig an I 1 had abat a cat we tired of I 1 took ho lie in a boat directly across aero the ditke at ut it two mile miles and turned hr har looe loose it it ava as about six ix mail ground amund th tit nd a of the lake take 2 a circuitous circuit oui coune course un tin I 1 ono unknown to her by ight tight t the next morning she wo back ut at I 1 thi ill old plats another case Is I 1 related to me of a cat t at liy by rail fail fully twenty mile miles la in southwest mis iri and the cst dey day he walked in all lit right at 11 ilk former twin home |