Show CURRENT TOPICS parties froni from willow don I 1 wr vire town latt last week anil try thuy hunto I 1 up 0 cuddeback ani ant toll him the story they had been up ou oil crook that boek after polea poles an annl I 1 vi ere are re turning turu luit home borne hon they notice I 1 a covi bawling and acting Ar utran angely lit 11 to 10 the animal to anve and found es pirt part of the earean 4 f cal which bail had only recently abden the call throat had been rut removed anil and the hind quarter terl missing the cow was A branded 1 0 and they knew at once where the ant mil mill belonged continuing their jam joni rey they cume came to a spot where someone noni eone hail bad recently camped and hore I 1 evidence vi dince to show that goo I 1 ten ler jar veil veal bad had made mads a is for a party of 0 min tali they at once still ni iclene I 1 veil will known characters vilia ho wern thin in the bill hills and they catu 0 oi 01 1 to salina and apprised mr sir cuddeback of 0 the ali fact in the case an 1 cave gave him information which awauld leadmo lead to the tile arro t of f its culprits cuddeback at lit once went be fore a and cu a warrant for the arrest of the battles under A o 0 aang lat la I 1 mal Va aLUVn was neit next lay day at willow bend bond and he at ours ones wilto I 1 slid gave lila his companions lira doal I 1 away the parties patties Im implicated with the boy t were samuel dodson enos curtis un tin I 1 brother chess rhese last wore were arrette er I 1 I 1 y depoty deputy sheriff chadim ii ile we bear tile scene of their crime and they were brought to salina and anti taken before I 1 hillips I 1 he two curtis boy boys at once confessed guilty an I 1 w ere put under bonds of each for their appearance la the district court dl eon son entered a pica PIAS of not allty an I 1 hir case cai come comes up today there has hoen been entirely too much of thie this kind of work going on in the mountains daring the pait part few years and stock owners feel elated elat to know that at last some of th have bay beba to lime tick it la Is hoped that the guilty partle will bo be made to ral get got the foil tall benefit ol 01 the law perhaps it will mill b the means of other fatless lau lat less aeta acts salina press A 1 few daye days ago says the I 1 ogan nation si fellow wearing an ordinary suit of clothes a straw hat ani ant carrying bl left arm ing la sling came to town baad pt up at the logaa logart honee I 1 lie it c alj do u as aeh such talking as half a dacz 41 iry ap pp t 10 1 j be a civil engineer rt rf some sorn 0 cou contor cont dr able importance and aad vaia he bad had our keyed most ot of the railroads tn ill the res rei tern torn country according to his part of the story his arm was broken while on a annoying surveying trip but patties rattles in I 1 who claim to know what they are ate talk ing about atti orto his arm was iro ken while working oa on a nil sand bank in the chain g gang at salt lake 1 name ii D C matter and bell he Is about thirty ay years of age oa on sun lay be he went to toombs bros livery eatable and hired a horse and ba baegy gy for one ona hour th the boar hour never came and it ur mr matter li Is caught tie be will and it matteri much sheriff kirkbride was noti flot nod and tracked eked him to where be he found the hor horneland hore seland and boggy buggy ina in a vacant ilfeld but no matter wai was to be beirn the sheriff at brigham city pocatello Fo catello ane ani other places are on the loo tont for gln In Logart be he aleo alto omitted to pay till bond bill 11 valentine clays the th 13 year old sou son of dan clays of the comstock sal coll kidzia kid hia father yesterday mordian it t be li could go to banting hunting with a party of boys in canyon and reL reiel elved reil liu tati emphatic refu re fuski sill as bis his father was visa afraid of tha usual carelessness of boy fiat but tae too boy went banting hunting just the same when the party patty of boyi boya were about six milts op up the canyon one of them said there Is a bird I 1 m going to shoot it he H began begin to level bis his gun when I 1 mon tin tint who was on the ground suddenly stopped with tn in the line of sight aid uld as a received the ball in his neek neck ills comrades com did all they could for him and brought him down to Wag enra eners A message appileen appi leed the father fattier of the accident and soona crittl carriage axe was oi captor abe boy wital jugel to bothi the city UD ito I 1 goon if it I 1 vibul vi TSA ap called he ile found the calls tao too delicate cell deli cite ti to treat without assistance and to 0 o mr was cal called ell in the two endeavored to locate tho the ball by I 1 robler bat but were unsuccessful on account ot of the swelling that had taken plara meanwhile the boy ie to in a a critical condi cond lion and the be doctor and parents art anxiously awaiting some deft definite litte tuft herald ic X 11 brian toe trio young farmer ot of lab lah vow who on thural evening on the charge of was taken to keehl etere the sv of otar arrest reit balue from tillY ty IY ui da U i auty kerry perry tee facts I 1 li I 1 t 0 case tale are stated to be as follo follower wil waist hn been living all jilt eummer summer lih A is MID lit dawna li tighter of it illicit bitett t if keehl keit filing that he wa 1 I w if ft the tha their I 1 to the young i it t k hota hire the fr ft 16 I 1 ot 4 at 61 1 I fit 14 returned tr lit h I 1 herne iem it aepli rail related all tha lad had il d to tobar her parents complaint co thir gire fornication ala a la a motu oil ov a 01 wll ir A uley awo enquire i v t A aim at I 1 alida ani kaiui s da kjome su ironi the lie lill jost I 1 a it ir f il 11 V 1 loigi wena I 1 lari laca litt last ek it I 1 tilled lik lih yard alth ft ith anti brush about twenty five chic chicken kotis wen weri kl aa I 1 up with the ile I 1 tilt CA of thi ali child who wre in ill it tt A fird got out of the way wily j 1 it t ill timo r they would have leon cov t re I 1 it p tuey eta steep I 1 lut lit the disint i f tho 81 ide fioke thom ao an I 1 they billao on oula ha Is 1 I ault t tunit ell iu ugh to gt got out ont of I 1 taft ho why 1 clift ho slide tanios 41 awn b the holl ami alie city titi aa a kovs t each w wr ty from fl th bouw of tile th ill al le to hato base taken the ati house or hay stat L I 1 ottana tely none of the family v ro hurt summit 0 U T aug an 21 alfred it inel nil am in nian atzer f the og ion building ball jing and sat I 1 az ilaa ha skipped tor for parti unk novin lie ii 1 wanted for em era t 11 M of the society ocle e fanda funds afro nelson luft loft on the const boulad train thi this fill I 1 it L or soa lit oat na boly lanova chere bu athe faintly car rin v n horse A v arrant ie to in the I 1 linds of the I 1 cited mateo 1 tor for the nelson herald V name I 1 jean joan davier wag a train on the hot ral ra foal roa anil die I 1 shortly after from tte US ot of hie lie its wai dent alfr au all 1 id net her the train comlus I 1 T ilia the ai 1 is latho of sonol sunol the tha trotting mato th ji h in to silver and ty t tonn onn ii brick work on the school bou houa ii 1 almost completa comple td and the th brick eLrIck mayri lire tire once more crowding crowd lna the maull t till ling it hae ila at lat last been decao I 1 that the salt lake tabernacle Ta bernacio aclo choir will ao 0 o k baft sit ond and compete in the musical CL i 1 to burn theal the al inny in isalt like city recently but filled S tit it I 1 aks attorneys siy BILY it 10 1 0 illegal to by wl as a viat a do 10 in ebar weber county recently 11 1 legato baa has been placed on the 01 age I 1 filato land claims and ilano i and willing committees 1 1 I 10 B I 1 I 1 at provo opened on mon da dal with stu lecta lents la in attendance nt |