Show PRATTLE OF THE CHILDREN HILDREN A nas calinga ride with fill a friend blie had never neer beare sen a horse without blinders on oil the th harness charness and asked I 1 cr frind fri nd it if the livorse hail had lot lost his I 1 spectacles ey s were not strong an I 1 the oculist that examine I 1 1 them a ivest ivi sl I 1 the its liss 3 of a t phai i ism oni ont d aty ty a la ia 13 1 asked rannie 1 1 I jw her tier eyes wen wert oil oh said fannie I 1 they are a griat grat deal bet ter but I 1 luve 1 I ire to look through a prison every day mij n li ancle norman hal lid li d with the tle family tr for duany ears cars hapin about the house houe and yar yarl I 1 at 1 haulcy there it N aa as to I 1 ie e done I 1 HP I 1 P u ili a vera talkative old man fond foud of using hibb bounding bouli and flit his lils imp r tance very much ile Heinton informed nel I 1 ont of the ladies 0 of tau house oni day that he I 1 n havo to take a mst tit it t he coul 1 not stand labor loui 11 I 1 I 1 bor bur lecaue he had the I 1 rheu mati matl rheum 1 auth a is comp inton consider to bo animal oil hi itrice nee what ne ie burl in III lamps lamp la is the rtin ain of ion long extinct niters of the earth ici lei Is accumulating at the north pole some day it is allege I 1 by st sinio ina scientist scientists the earth will f ill tit out of I 1 al at I 1 and roan man will be tit utterly terly arindie by the ruh of moving obb ts tr IT wae was prof hufeland Huft land a tit it the limit of possible sible human life enigi t breet be get at to hun tin ir lacars I 1 years tilt general principle that the tho life of i tarie all living creature creatures i 1 11 1 eight tin till ei I 1 h year years tilon month tha or week weeks of iti its peruel t growth |