Show Js halu T over n week ago a gay a wire on the rapt I 1 I 1 transit line at the corner of second anil and T street became lire taking the electricity through the leaking of ia insulator the guy wire ire ran rail arun tab tn pole to A tree alone along aide of the irrigating ditch ani ant eoma some toji la in the ascertaining ite its condition threw throw a long piece of 0 wire which hid had been taken fram a ble bale ot of bay over it jhb au oil enl I 1 of the set ond 1 wire almost ua act reach lbs itis it 1 s alii that they mould catch doge dogs and plara them in contact with the hanging wit thus riving unfortunate a et at ol 01 aik oik h the boys did not know how howeton ho evor that they fliming a trap emch death of someone who or It tingly ran can into it anil and it dl ill I 1 cause a my very sermons ser lons accident yesterday may remit result ta gully it seems o 0 thet shortly before noon 1104 ard incent aged 91 milars vilars pug lucent aged 6 years both soni sons of rr rey fredric FreJ rIc J vincent the Kiman were playing beir u the wire arthur stopped into ill the a ditch lie at onea cadue in contact with the gauging wire which wound writ hi ill holy 1 burning ills abdomen berti badir the boy ind fell to the ground white bloard I 1 a aril rashed to hit bli smal and acl the wire wits alth 1114 ahrn 19 ila it wa was linot ked d wn and nt fit this juncture a man naniel vr agn ii on cania a to the reicle and uc ceded in knocking the wire away with a boe lae bandle handle the boys atho he were lying unconscious antho on the groan I 1 were taken to their gorrim 0 rio o 1113 first street anil and tha fimlay physician waa called lu it ras sometime borers a the boys were cred to and an of their burns showed th that at th tho younger wai very vary seriously ill lit cipro by the shock aa an I 1 ble big condition ie Is critical itlear was burned only scout the bon benl and it Is believed beli ered that he will so a h recover As n as a the rapid transit cille hIs banfal rt of tte they tnt t nt ur dr I 1 T jibe hone and hedlin ht t c ints p al lovita ite the suffering of 0 ill he 0 lle vic ji 1 tl 11 rali laid |