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Show I The Electric Way I The Cache County Fair Logan, Sept. 27 tp 30 B BIQ TIME FOR EVERYBODY H RATE8 TO' LOQAN Fro Rte H preiton S110 H Lewlston 80 H Richmond 5S S Smlthfleld 30 K MlllvlHo 30 jH Hyrum 30 B Wellsvllle ,v 30 B Mendon 30 TICKET8 ON SALE SEPTEMBER H 26 TO 30 INCLUSIVE; RETURN H OCTOBER 2 B TRAINS EVERY TWO H0UR8 H VIA "THE ELECTRIC WAY" H NOTICE H New applicants for grazing prlvi Hb leges on tho Cacho National Forest Hi must fllo their applications for tho HJ season of 1917 on or beforo Novem- H ber 1. 1916. Hi Application blunks may be hnd H from the Forest Supervisor at Logan B or from the nearest forest ranger, B who will gladly assist In filling out H tho applications and furnish additional addition-al al Information If needed. B Notice Applications from those Bb who have permits this season are not duo at this time. The! above an- nouncement concerns only those who wish to acquire grazing privileges. H E. C. SHEPAIU), Forest Supervisor. H io-io ii chamberlain'8 colic, cholera vm and diarrhoea remedy mHI ' This Is a medicine that every fam lly should be provided with. Colic and diarrhoea often como on sudden ly and it is of tho greatest import anco that they bo treated promptly. Consider tho suffering that must bo fl endured until a physician arrives or medicine- can bo obtained. Chamber M Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has a reputation second to none for the quick relief which it af- fords. Obtainable everywhere. Adv. I QfflCHESTER S PILLS H CV7 IhmIImI Atl Jur llruUlfrA IH gT( iStM hllielerr;-jnaiidllraiidV lSmt UtCmRV '"' I" ' '"' ' l'il'lcv iH v---! l-Jiiei. italetl wth llluo ItlUwn. y B tW fast vl Ttibo no ulbe-. liny r jour v M IL Jj DIAMOND ItltANI 1'II.LK.fir S3 lH V5 n ycatiknownatlictt.&irott.Alwkjrf Keltati'ff J tr f n nv pPIiPPIST ''TRYWHFBP I Legal Notices fl PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP H NOTICE Consult the County Clerk or the M Respective Signers for Further Bl Information J - ii ii ..... ii BJ NOTICE TO CREDITORS Bl Estate of Johanna C. S. Jolinnsen, J Doccascd. Ci editors will proscnt J claims with vouchers to tho under- BJ signed at their rcsldcnco in Logan BJ City, Cacho County, Utah, on or bo BJ foro tho 14th day of July A. D. 1917. BJ Date of first publication, Septomber 12, A. D. 1916.. 9J cimisTiAN nALLwa, HEZEKIAH E. HATCH, H 'Executors. ASA SULLEN, Bj Attorney. Adv. . 10-15 I NOTICE TO CREDITORS BJ . I In tho matter of tho Estate of Alma BJ F. Turser, Deceased. Creditors will BJ present claims with vouchers to tho BJ undersigned at 'her residence .n Den- Bj son, Cacho County, Utah, on or bo- I foro tho 16th day of January, 1916. B Date of first publication, Septem ber 14, 1916, I JULIA II. PUnSER, I Administratrix. I WALTEIIS & HAltnlS, I ' Attorneys. I' Adv, 10-i 1 NOT.OE TO CREDITORS B Iu tho matter of tho Estato ot Mary Alice Feltman, Deceased, Creditors I will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned nt bis resldonco in Richmond, Cacho County, Utah on or beforo tho 12th day ot January, 1917. Date of flrst publication, Septem ber 7, 1916. AROET L. WHITTLE, Administrator. WALTERS & HARRIS, Attorneys. Adv. 10-10 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In tho Matter of tho Estato of Levi C. Smith, Deceased. ' Creditors will present claims with vouchors to tho undersigned at hla. resldonco in Paradise, Para-dise, Cacho County, Utah, on or beforo be-foro tho 12th day of January, 1917. Dato of flrst publication September 7, 1916. THOMAS K. OBRAY, Administrator wltl will annexed of Estnte of Levi C. Smith, Deceasod. WALTERS & HARRIS, Attornoys. Adv. 10-19 8HERIFPS SALE In tho District Court of Cache County, Utah. Abraham Smith, Plain tiff, versus William D. Hopo and Zlna Hopo, Defondants. To be sold at sheriff's salo on tho 30th day of September, Sep-tember, 1916 at 1 o'clock p. m. of tbo said day at tho front door ot tho county court houso,, Logan Cache County, Utah: Lots eight (8) and nine (9), block two (2), plat n, Smlthtlold City Survey, Sur-vey, Cache County Utah. . J. H. BARKER, Sheriff. Adv. , 9-30 8HERIFPS SALE In tho District Court, Cacho County, Coun-ty, Utah. Abraham Smith, Plaintiff, versus George A. Lyon and Sarah A. Lyon, his wife, Defendant. To be sold at sborlff's salo on tho 30th day ot September, 1916, at 1 o'clock of tho said day, at tho front door of tho county court houso, in Logan, Cacho County, Utah: Tho south half of lots six (6) and soven (7), block fourteen (14), plat A, Smlthfleld City Survey, situated in Smlthfleld, Cache County, Utah, together to-gether with all water rights thereto. J. H. BARKER, Sheriff. Adv. 9-30 'SUMMONS In tho Justice's Court of Logan Precinct in tho County of Cacho, Stato of Utah. Beforo William Brougham, Broug-ham, Justlco of. tho Peaco. R. M. Rolfscn, plaintiff; H. R. Hansen, defendant. de-fendant. Summons. Tho Stato ot Utah to tho Defendant: You aro hereby summoned to ap-rcar ap-rcar beforo tho abovo entitled court within ton days after the scrvtco ot this summons upon you, If served within tho county in which this action ac-tion is brought, otherwlso, within twenty days nttor this scrvico, and defend the abovo entitled action, brought against you to recover tho sum of $44.91 and Interest on said amount at tho rato ot eight por cent per annum from tho flrst day of October Oc-tober 1913, to date of Judgment on an account stated botween you and tho plaintiff on tho aforesaid dato for tho abovo amount. You aro also required re-quired to pay costs of suit. And In caso of your fatluro to do so Judgment Judg-ment will bo rendered ngalnst you according to tho demand of tho complaint com-plaint which has been filed in this court. WM. BRANOHAM, Justice of tho Peace. !Ady. "10-28 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION. SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NUMBER EIGHT Proposing an amendment to Article 13 of tho Constitution of tho State of Utah, rolatlng to rovenuo andtax atlon. Bo It rosolved by tho Legislature of tho State of Utah, two-thirds of all members elected to each of the two houses concurring therein: Section 1. It Is proposed to amend Article 13 of tho Constitution of the Stato of Utah, so that tho same will read as follows: 1. Tho powor of taxation shall nov or .bo surrendered, suspended, or contracted con-tracted away. All taxes shall bo unl- I form upon tho sarao class of property proper-ty within tho territorial limits of the authority lovylng tho tax, and shall bo levied and collected for public pur' poses only. 2. Tho Lcgltlaturo shall provide by law for an annual tax outnetent,. with othor sourcos of rovenuo, to defray the estimated ordinary cxpensos ot tho Stato for each fiscal year. For tho purpose of paying tho Stato debt if any there bo, tho Legislature shall provldo for lovylng a tax annually, siifflclont to pay tho annual lntorosl and principal of such debt, within twonty years from tho flnul pnssage of tho law creating tho debt. 3. Thoro shall bo oxerapt from taxation tax-ation property of the United Slates, of tho Stato, counties, cities, towns, 4 school districts, municipal corporations corpora-tions and public libraries lots with tho buildings thoreon used exclusively exclusive-ly for either religious worship or charltablo purposes, and places of burial not held or used for prlvato or corporate benefit. Ditches, canals, reservoirs, pipes and flumes owned and usod by Individuals Indi-viduals or corporations for Irrigating Irrigat-ing lands owned by such Individuals or corporations, or tho individual members thereof, shall not bo separately separ-ately taxed so long as they shall bo owned and used exclusively for such purposo; provided, that mortgages upon real and personal property shall bo exempt from taxntlon; and that tho taxes of tho Indigent poor may bo remitted or abated at such tlmo and In such manner as may bo provided pro-vided by law. 4. Tho Legislature shall not lm poso taxes for tho purposo of any county, city, town or other municipal municip-al corporation, but may, by law, vest In tho corporato authorities thereof, respectively, tho power to assess and collect taxes for nil purposes of such corporation, 6. Tho surface ground of all mines and mining claims, both placer and rock In placo, containing or bearing gold, silver, copper, load, iron or othor oth-or valuablo metals after purchase thereof from tho Unltod States, shall bb taxed at a valuo not greater than tho prlco paid tho United Statos therefor, unless tho surface ground or somo part thereof, of such mluo or claim, Is used for other thun .mining .min-ing purposes, and has a separate and independent value for such otter purposes; In which case said surface ground, or any port thereof, no used for other than mining purposes, shall bo taxed at Its valuo for such othor purposes as provided by law; and all machinery used In mining and all property and surface improvement): upon or appurtenant to mines and mining claims, w"hlch have & valuo separate and Independent of such mines or mining claims, shall bo tuxed as provided by law. All lands contalplng coal, granite, stone, marble, mar-ble, onyx, gas oil hydro carbons, gypsum gyp-sum or other valuable mtnoral deposits de-posits other than those enumerated abovo In "this section, after purchase thereof from tho United States and all property and surfaco Improvements Improve-ments upon or appurtenant to such lands which havo a valuo separate and Independent ot all such lands shall bo taxed as provided by law. In addition to tho assessment of the surfaco grounds, Improvements and machinery of mines and mining claims, all mines and mining claims producing net proceeds shall be taxed at it valuo not to oxcecd three times such net proceeds. 6. An accurate statement of the receipts re-ceipts and expenditures of the public moneys shall bo published annualy in such manner as tho Legislature may provldo. 7. Tho rate of taxation on property f Jr State purposes shall never exceed eight mills on each dollar of valuation valua-tion to bo apportioned as follows: Not to exceed four and ono half mills on each dollar of valuation for gen-oral gen-oral Stato purposes; not to exceed threo mills on each dollar Of valuation valua-tion for district school purposes; not to exceed cno half mill on each dollar dol-lar of valuation for high school purposes; pur-poses; tint part of tho Stato tax apportioned ap-portioned to high school purposes shall constltuto a fund to bo called tho "high school fund" and shall bo apportioned to tho cities, and school I district maintaining high schools in tho manner tho Legislature may provldo. pro-vldo. And whenovor tho taxable property within tho Stato shall amount to Four Hundred Million Dollars, Dol-lars, tho rato shall not exceed Ave mills on each dollar of valuation; unless un-less a proposition to Increaso such rato, specifying tho rata proposed and tho tlmo during which the same shall bo levied, bo first submitted to a vote of such of the qualified electors of tho Stato as, in tho year next proceeding pro-ceeding such election, shall have paid a property tax assessed to them within with-in the State, and tho majority of those voting thereon shall vota In favor fa-vor thereof, In such manner ns may be provided by law. 8. Tho making of profit out of public moneys, ualng tho samo for any purposo not authorized by law, by any public officer, shall be deemed deem-ed a felony, and shall bo punished as provided by law, but port of such punishment shall bo disqualification to hold public office. t 9. No appropriation shall bo wado or any expenditure authorized by tho Legislature, whereby tho expenditures expendi-tures of tho Stato, during nny fiscal yoar, shall exceed tho total tax then provided for by law, nnd applicable for such appropriation or oxpondl-turo, oxpondl-turo, unless tho Legislature making such appropriation, shall provldo for levying a sufllciont tax, not oxceedlng the rates allowed in Scctlcfi 6 of this article, to pay such appropriation or expenditure within such fiscal year. This provision shall not opply to appropriations ap-propriations or expenditures to suppress sup-press insurrections, dofend tho Stato, or assist in defending tho United States in tlmo of war. ' 10. Nothing in this constitution shall bo construed to prevent tho Legislature Leg-islature from providing u stamp tax, or a tax based on incorao, occupation llcensos or franchises. Section 2. Tho Secretary of Stato la horoby ordered to glvo this propo altlon to bo published in at least one newspaper in ovory county In the Stato v.hcro a newspaper is printed ) and published for two months preceding pre-ceding tho next gmieral election. Section 3. This proposition shall bo submitted to tho doctors of this Stato at tho next general election for their approval or disapproval. All official ballots used at such election shall havo printed or written thereon tho words, "For tho amendment of Article 13 of the Constitution, 1 elating elat-ing to taxation," "Yes," "No," nnd shall otherwlso bo proparod. ami submitted sub-mitted to tho electors as may bo oth-ciwlso oth-ciwlso provided by law, and said bal lot shall bo received, counted, and canvassed, nnd returns thoreon be mado In tho same manner nnd In nH respects as In or mny bo provided by law in the caso of election of Stato ofllcejs. Section 4. If adopted by tho electors elec-tors of tho State, this omendment shull take oftect January 1, 1917. Approved, March 20, 1913. State of .Utah, Secretary of State's Office I, David Mattsou, Secretary of Stato of tbo State of Utah, do hereby here-by certify that tho foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of SENATE SEN-ATE JOINT RESOLUTION NUMBER EIGHT proposing nn ntuoniluitnt to Article 13 of the Constitution of the Stato of Utah, relating to revenue nnd taxation as appears of record In my office. In Witness Whereof, I havo hereunto hereun-to set my hand and alllxed th'o Great Seal of tho Stato of Utah, this 22ud day of Augubt, 1916. DAVID MATTSON, SEAL Secrotary of Stato Adv. 11.7 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NUMBER SIX A Joint Resolution providing nn amendment to Section 17, Artlclo 7, ot the Constitution of the State of Utnh, relating to the duties of tbo Auditor and of tho Treasurer. Bo It enactod by tho I.eglslaturo ot tho Stato ot Utah: Two-thirds of all tho members elected to each of tho two Houses concurring therein: Section 1. That It is proposed to-amend to-amend Section 17, Artlclo 7, ot the Constitution of the Stnto of Utah, so that tho samo will read as follows: 17., Tho Auditor shall be Auditor of public accounts. The public moneys mon-eys shall bo deposited by tho Treasurer, Treas-urer, under the supervision of tho Board of Examiners, and as provided by law. Section 2. Tho Secretary ot State h hereby directed to submit this proposed pro-posed amendment to the electors of the Stato at (he next general election elec-tion in the manner provided by law. Section 3. If adopted by tho electors elec-tors of tho Stato, this amendment shall tako effect January 1, 1917. Approved, March 17, 1915. State of Utah, Secretary of State's Office I, David Mnttson, Secretary of Stato of the Stato of Utnh, do hereby certify cer-tify that tho foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NUMBER SIX providing pro-viding on amendment to Section 17, Article 7, of tho Constitution of the Stato of Utah, relating to the duties of tho Auditor nnd of tho Treasurer, as appears on record In my ofTico. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto hereun-to sot my hand and afllxcd tho great 1 seal of tho Stato of Utah, this 22nd day of August, 1916. DAVID MATTSON, SEAL Secretary of State Adv. 117 NOTICEJF SALE OF WATERWORKS BONDS IN THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF SEVENTY SEVEN-TY THOUSAND DOLLARS (170,000) AND ELECTRIC LIGHT BONDS, IN THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OK FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS, (115,000), OF THE CITY OF LOGAN, COUNTY OF CACHE, STATE OF UTAH. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of tho Intention of tho City of Logan, County of Cacho, Stuto of Utah, to Issue, nogotlato and soil its cortaln Waterworks Bonds, !3orie3 ol October 1 1910, in tho aggrogate amount of Soventy Thousand Dollars Dol-lars ($70,000), to bo Issued for tho purposo of raising funds for increasing, increas-ing, improving, enlarging, oxtcinllng, perfecting nnd adding to tho present water supply and waterworks system In said Logan City; said bonds to bear tho dato tho 1st uay ot October, 1910, duo and paynblo twonty (20) years after dato, without option ot prior payment, drawing lnterost nt tho rato of five (5) por cent por an num, interest payable semi-annually on tho 1st day of April and the 1st day of October In each yoar, a'd bonds bolng In tho denomination ot Ono Thousand Dollars ($1,000), each and bolng payable, both principal and interest, at tho National Bank ot Coramorco, in tho City of New York, Stato of Now York, Also Us cortaln Eloctrlo Light Bonds, Series of October 1, 1916, in tho oggregate amount of Flftnon Thousand Dollars ($15,000), to bo Is sued for tho purposo of raising funds to defray tho cxpenro of rolmlldln,, repairing, reconstructing, extending and otherwlso Improving tho present pres-ent electric lighting system in said Lognn City, for the purposo of more adequately providing a means of sup-plying sup-plying electric light for sild city nnd for tho lniia'jltants thereof; sold bonds to bear dato tho flrst day ot October, 1910, duo nnd payable twenty twen-ty (20) years after date, without option op-tion of prior payment, drawlns interest inter-est at tho rate of five (5) por cent per annum Interest pnyablo temlan-nually temlan-nually on the 1st day of April and tho 1st day of October In each year, said bonds being In tho denomination denomina-tion of Ono Thousand Dollars ($1,000) each, and being payable, both principal prin-cipal and Interest at tho National Bank of Commerco, in the City of S'ow York, Stato of New York. Sealed bids for said bonds will lo received at tho ofllco of tho City Recorder Re-corder of sa! city until Monday, tho Oth day of October, 1916, at tho hour of 5 o'clock p. m. at which tlmo tho bids will bo opened, and tho bonds sold to tho, highest bidder therefor, there-for, provided, howover, that said bonds or any part thorcof shall tot bo sold for less than their raco or par valuo, plus accrued Interest; and tho city reserves tho right to reject nny nnd all bids and to sell Bald bonds at prlvato salo If It Is deemed for tho best Interests of tho city. All tenders nnd bids, or offers for purchase, must bo without condition or qualification, and all bidders must bo willing and prepared to tako up and pay for said bonds within ton (20) days from tho dato upon which tho bonds aro awarded. All titds must bo accompanied by an unconditional certified check, for five (5) per cent of the amount of tho bid, payable to the order of tho City of Logan, to bo forfeited to said city as liquidated liquidat-ed damages should the nucccsarui bidder fall to comply fully with tho terms of his bid and tho terms and conditions hereinabove set forth. Dated at tho City of Logan, Coun- I BRING YOUR HIDES I Pelts, Beeswax, Rubbers, Metals, Cast Iron, Wrought Iron, Bottles, ' Bones, Sacks. Highest Prices Paid ' Logan Hide and Junk Go. Mrs. Appleman, prop 146 South Main Street Logan H.S, Amussen, D, 0. M. D. Osteopathic and Surgical Specialist Offices over Thatcher Clothing Co G. L. CHADWICK, D. C. CHIROPRACTOR Graduate of Palmer School Arlmo Block, One Door North of Post Office. Phone 131 ALFRED M. DURHAM Piano, Vocal and Theory Students Now Being Enrolled Residence and Studio, 182 East Third North. Phone 7S4J. iDR. E. J. MERRILL ! OSTEOPATH ! Chronic Diseases A f Specialty - Arimo Blk. X Btnte of Ohio, City of Toledo, .. W I.ucm County, f " jJf Trunk J. Cheney mnkos oath thru be Is Mm rtnlor partner of the Arm of i 3. Cheney A Co.. doln? buelne-i It- the City of To iM ledo, County nnd Btntt. nforesnld, nnd ijM (lint nlil firm wilt tin.- tlie num of ONB ill IIUKDIIED DOM.AnS foracli nnd ev- IE ry cne of Cntnrrli tltnt ennnot be cured ! by the uo cf IIAI.Tfl CATAItrmcunn. IK THANK J. CHENKY. , Hwnrn to before m nnd subscribed In ' my presence, t tils 6th dny ot December, ! A. I). 1SSS. (Sent) A. W. fit.EARON, II Notary Public. II Hall's Cntnrrli Cure In taken Internnlly and net directly upon the blood nnd nut- IfS on surfncea of the system. Send for !) tvStlmnnlnK free P. J. CHr.t.nr CO . Toledo, o. M Bald lv nil Drm-clMi, 7T,c ) Ttka llal'.'r family l'llls for eontllpstloa. UH ty of Cacho, Stato of Utah, this 21st IB day of Soptcmbcr, 191C, ) SEAL. P. A. THATCilER, til Mayor of the City of Logau, fl Stato ot Utah. H Attest: B YV. II. LAItSEN, S Ex-Olllclo City Recorder.. S The abovo and foregoing Nottco ot IB Sale has been running tor somo tlmo H past, but tho tlmo sot forth In said Sm notlco for the opening of said bids IV has been extended to Monday, Octo- Ifl ber 9, 191C, nt 5 o'clock p. m.. M Adv. 10-28 H ARE YOU LOOKING OLD? H Old ago comes quick enough with M out Inviting It. Somo look old at H forty. That is becauso thoy nogloct . M tho ltvor and bowols. Keep your bow M els regular and your liver healthy and H you will not only feel youngor, but H look younger. When troublod with M constlpatton or bllllousncss tako Chamberlain's Tablets. Thoy aro In H tended especially for theso ailments H and nre excellent. Easy to tako and " Mt most ngrccablo In effect. Obtainable every whore. Adv. M CONFERENCE AND STATE FAIR H Go Via Oregon Short Line M Tho fare Is no moro than via nny M other routo. Illg, comfortable cars; M convenient schedules; low rales. Seo 9 O. S. L. agents. Adv. 10-7 H LOGAN WALL PAPER I AND PAINT CO. I J. F. Shirmeiater, Mgr. H Painters M Paperhangers A large assortment of H WALL PAPERS carried in stock Phone 393- W S KJ Faithful Execution K Prompt Servlco jH Ilcst Stock H Full Value H These aro tho principles upon which tho success of our buslnos Is being jfflj conducted. Furthermore, wo are not Hg handicapped In tho carrying out of iaH our good intentions through fack of Hj proper facilities, for our plant Is L 100 por cent efficient. tM Logan Stone and 1 Monument Co. K J. H. WATKINS, Manager. H Corner First South and First East, M x HP Wesley Jacques UJ Barber Shop I Has moved bis Harbor Shop to 135 B North Main street. Halrcuttlng 25 1 cents. First class work guaranteed. H I ssbsism ln constant favor H AULUflLLlU with the partlcu H HULnULLll ,ar buyer- be I """" cause they havo V consistently mado W . Akin i MlaU Clean as a new M pin. H SPRING zz?" I These coals cost H CANYON COALS I The M. & L. j Coal and Wood Co. m PHONE 74 LOGAN, UTAH H |