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Show I , Glairvoyancy and Magnetic Healing I B I OP 711.1. KlXIiS OPItltlWAinTISM. M The Pint Visit to Logan, Utah, or the great I HINDOO (BLMRVOY2LNT H Prof. T. W. eonroy. H .lint arrlw-cl from Calcutta, rait India ilii world ar!liil Milrll Mulliini H ami t'lalrtuyuiii Known toilaj B lihont kiiiiwliiir wIki j on nrr or from win nco you canio tills n mnrkabtr man B rkiv tills ) nml toll 1 ml cw'rllilnir Till man It not to Ihi rnmiinnvl with for- H tuim trllert nnd Hiirli llkn ItniidHUir who irp) tliKiii tlie nubile with tlivlr miiirlnr- H I' llilrd inclliiMln No nintti r what tour troublu mm' In) or what you want to know. H jou will Iki kUcm date, farln, naniro. itc I'oslthcly itlrpn (Ulrniif ntarrlnw anil H nnincsof fiittim wlfonr IiiiiIhiikI (Call and Ijocunrlncpil. don't wall until hi' it H I irono and thi'ii riKna It. B ; l'lircnoloidil MttlniM ! i AMroloirj ulttlnirsjli Clalnojmit ftlltlhtfiti mi. All B I klntW of dlM'ttHpt locali'd fori.'. Any one tilfti (I lij blrlli with tm-l 1 ti Iti-11 1 I will M hiliitoiliiMlontlii'iu lif:i!dait tlmi, 111 rcllmr had luck niitlla and rIidkikhI H I, luck to nil. Don'l faU'tiiMo tlil Hindoo Ailtlcn altonon all Inulm wiindprtalv H tuir Walk titi Malrt. OIIIpd hounili a.m. tot pin. fclicuon tlndoor, H j! Rooms 6 and 8, Palace Hotel, 79 Center St. B Thone 2y. Here (or Limited Time. Come Carly, Don't delay ' H iHnaMBHHinMMMninMwnMBBMnHiinaiMiuHM li mum,,,,,! in i MiiiiBi m an We are ready I to Show you R -.-- T-rrm b i H , what the leading jewelrv deslgneis have cieated to give the coirect H touch to the Spring gowns and thu later Summer toilettes. H We warrant jou won't sse a prettier collection of btooclies, pins, B .buckles and waist sets an) whole t And to see the festoon necklaces we are dlsplajlng would alone le- J pa) ou lor taking the time to pa) them a visit I &ARDON JEWELRY GO., H Ul North Main Street. I I - Wallpaper I I If you would avoid paying for K EXPERIENCE g SeeourUp-to-clale Art Wallpapers Ordinary Prices - Extraordinary values. Wilkinson & Son 1 H S Ln Hk.1 t5H5H5H5H5HSH5H5H5HHH5H5H5H5H5HraSHST15H5ESH5H5Ha5B Removed. For the White sewing machine, Homo Comrort and Monarch malleable iron range companies until further notice no-tice leave or addiess all oiders at No. 5i0 N Main, four blocks north of court i house. I We have somoot all tho above goods still on hand which we will sell very cheap. Also have needles, oil and extras ex-tras ror all machines. We rent and repair machines, UOyeais experience; the only sewing machine expert in Northern Utah All extras for Home Comfoit Ranges. F. A. Nkuiiuhoku Estray Notice. In tlieoltj of smiililluld Utah 1 liavn lit mi iwwesslon thu followinir di -icrlUil onlmal which If notdalmcd and taWn awaj wllllw siilil at public auction to tin I'lshust ;;ab bidder In thinald clti of smith-tlt'hl smith-tlt'hl cm Thursday the .Till ilayol April. 1WJ. at 1 o'clock t ir, Iccrlitloiiot animal, Due prowii jcnrltni; liorii toll. Mar In forehead, fore-head, kiiln oil now, hind fei t tvlitto. branded rt scinhlliiir bar P on rleht hhouhlpr. u .las A, MKIM.K. w City roundkctjin'r, sTmM JlJ Easter m is Tradi" ft ft Srljlffl ditionally Show Day ft n for Dame Fashion. Are you ready g jfe with your new Spring Togs? If you are not, we can outfit you quick- j J ly and Satisfactorily with everything you need from hat.to hosiery j and at less cost than you could get as good apparel for elsewhere. As j j an example of this, we especially invite examination of the famous j fe STEIN BLOGH SUITS . fe. J which have no equal in style, quaHty, finish and fit, for the price. Atf 1 THATCHER & HANSEN 27 Main Street. g DON'T BLAME YOUR BOY for wearing out his shoes. It Is not his fault. Our "Anchor Hrand"seam-less Hrand"seam-less alvvajs gives satisfaction, and are warrant ecd. SPECIAL SA LE IMtlCK. Hojs sizes ....2 to Til . 1 lis Youtl)-" .t ..10 to 8 1 7.1 Mens " . .0 toll) 2 : Baker Sells GOod Shoes. 13 W. Center street, Logan, Utah,. How about coalfor Easter? It may be more prosaic, but it Is vastly oY more Impoitancc to i our domestic do-mestic economy than Easter eggs, Easter hats, clothes ot line raiment. Now dont. like the Easter iibblt, do any Jumping as regal :1s conclusions In rercicnce to the qualit) of coal Most all coal that is sold is good, but some Is better than otheis, and the better kind Is what vvc furnish. And Its costs no moie than tlie other M. & I . Wood 8e, Coal Co Phone i 98 k. ' j''!!'!"" '' nap ' iMimim J-.C Mk '" 1 wrm' Vp-Si yyeuiya j .; jgiy i-T Banquet Steel Ranges ... AT - - - - William Edwards , Furniture and Carpel House, Maiu Stveet, Logan, Utah IDSa5H5B5H5H5g5H5H5H5a5a5BSE5a5a5aga5B5BSH5a555B5H13 ' I Nothing is so Convincing B of thrift and energy as a new S I Goat of Paint I j ffl on your House, Barn, Fence K I H or Buggy C K and no paint can do the work better than fl Pattoifs Sun Proof 1 1 . k paints, Positively the best paint sold. ffi It comes in packages from 1 -4 Pint SJ m to a Gallon. S THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. g 1 1 Co-operative Drug Co., I Sole Agents. 1U Qenter St. I a5S5H5H55H5HH5a5HSa5H5H5H5a5B5H5H5a5H5H5a5H5S5H5 Q 1 B 5H5H5H5H5H5H5B5H5H5H5H5H5HSB5E5H5H5H5H5B5a5H5Hra g Our Prices Talk!! ffi It is a known fact that THE HUB sells better C goods for LESS MONEY than any other store in S I H Cache county .'We buy and sell for cash only, which en- jfl S ables ns to sell on a much smaller margin than other ffl 3 stores. Our excellent buying facilities in the Eastern ffl ffi markets are a big factor with our LOW PRICES!., SPECIALS: Ig Men's $12.00 All Wool Suits, well Tailored and g finished, perfect fitting, Sale price $7.H5 ffi ffi Men's $15.00 High Grade Suits, double and single ffi breasted in gray and brown mixtures, 0 W Sale price 59. 75 jij Men's 75c and S5c Golf or Negligee Shirts in Light, ffil Dark, or Medium Patterns, Sale Price U5c Boy's $2.25 Heavy Calf School shoes very durable, jjl sizes 4 to 5 1-2, sale price . . . 1.50 jjj A. OTTEh EllfSR fi. C O. I One PrlccStore. 45 Main St.. I , . jJ.B ' 1 |