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Show HARDWARE!! Tools of every description Xalls, IHstapIcs, Bolts, Chains, Rope, Poultry Netting, Wire Clotli, Rubber Hose, Sprinklers, Lawn Mowers, Rakes, Blloes, Shovels, Spades, Picks, Crow-bars, Crow-bars, Whcclbanows, Brushes, Hrooms House Furnishings of all' kinds, Tln-Hwarc, Tln-Hwarc, Galvanized Iron and Granite-H Granite-H ware. Largest stock In Cache Valley. Quality the best, price the lowest. H Sec our windows and compare prices Hwlth others. I R. LaFount & Co. 38 Center Street v 3S H A Trltd and True Friend. One Minute Cough Cure contains not an atom of any harmful drug, and a has been curing Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough so long that it has proven itself to be a tried and true friend to the many vho use it. Sold by Rlter Hros Drug Co. I Griffin Bros., 1 X Ttic Machinists. 1 Pftfi-c ri complete stock of Wa-1 Wa-1 gon and Buggy "materials. Can 1 do all kinds of repairing including in-cluding buggy top and uphol-tering uphol-tering work. Have recently purchased a machine for setting set-ting rubDor tires, or channels, thus converting steel to rubber rub-ber tire buggies. All work guaranteed. IOdell's Studio FOR Photo 's -t Successor to THOMAS & ODELL. Utah Mortgage Loan corporation. , Tithing Office corner, Logan, Utah I has plenty of MONEY AT ALL TI MES for I FARM AND CITY LOANS I at lowest rates. No Commls- slons charged The Rijht Name Is DtWitt. DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo cools, soothes and heals cuts, burns, boils, bruises, piles and all skin diseases, K. E. Zlckcfoose, Adolph. W. Va. says: "My little daughter had a white swelling swell-ing so bad that piece after piece of bone worked outof her leg. DeWltt's Witch' Hazel Salve cured her." It Is the most wonderful healing salvo In the world. Rcwarc of counterfeits, bold by Rlter Hros. Drug Co. Peter A, Pehrson Cement Contractor is-prepared td do any size cement ce-ment work on short notice. Curbs, Collars. General cement ce-ment work done. List me your work. Phoue 90y. Res. 50 N. 5th B Joseph E.Wilson Jr. Contractor of all kinds of Cement and Concrete Work Estimates given on Cement Sidewalk, Side-walk, Cement driveways. Cement curb and gutter, Cement and Tile Floors, Cement window and door sills, Cement Ce-ment water tables, HoPow Concrete Building Rlock. Concrete Foundations, Culverts and Hridgcs. Cement Sower Pipe, etc. Stock of Portland Cement always on hand. Office 128 South first East St., LOGAN, UTAH. Logan Real Estate and Loan Company ,has a number of First-class Drj and Irrigated . . Farms For sale on terms or for Cash. City property proper-ty In all parts of town. Long time Farms Loans a specialty. Optional payment. Local money money placed; A No. 1 Security LOUIS S. CARDON, Mgr., Up Went the Price of Gin. "Letters from Holland convey to th London populaco news doubly calamitous. calamit-ous. Grain nnd, consequently, bread bas risen; that Is bad. But, 'what Is still worse, this advance has occasioned a rlso In the price of gin bIso." London newspaper, June Si iS02. LOOK HERE!!! Tilt LONDON MOUSE. 81 First North J block West of Main street MRS. E. MOLLO Is again to the fio t with a Btf Line of MlLLINMiY, Ladles, Misses and Children's Hats very cheap I &-STORA6B MX TERY I BioodNerve Food Makes the Blood and Nerves I Fairly Tingle with Health. fl ho.nuhn, Weigh Yourself Before Taking It. f "' b the: dr. chase company -f 224 NVonth St.. Philadelphia. Pa. Sold and Guaranteed by Rlter Bros Drug Co Logan, Utah; Franklin, Presto" S and Montpcller, Jdaho. )V Frightful Suffering Relieved. Suffering frightfully fiom the virulent viru-lent poisons of undigested food, C. G. Grayson, of Lula. Miss., took Dr. King's New Llfo Pills, "with the result," re-sult," he writes, "that 1 was cured." All stomach and bowel disorders give way to their tonic, laxative properties. 2oc, guaranteed, Kitcr Hros. Drug Co. Cheated Death. Kidney trouble often ends fatally, but by choosing ttho right medicine, K. II. Wolfe, of Hear Grove, Iowa, cheated death. He says: "Two ycais ago I had Kldnoy Tiouble, which caused mo great pain, sujfeilng and anxiety, but 1 took Electric Hitters, which effected a complete cure. I have found them of gieat benefit In general debility and nerve troublc.and Keep them constantly on hand, since, as 1 ilnd they have no equal." Klter llros. Drug Co Cure Coughs and Colds. Mrs. C. Petersen, (52.1 Lake St. To-I peka, Kansas, sajs: "Of all cough remedies re-medies Uallard's Ilorehound Syrup Is my favorite: it has done, will do all that Is claimed for it to speedily euro all coughs and colds and It Is so sweet and pleasant to taste." 2ic, fine, &1.00 bottles. Sold by IUtcr Hros. Drug Co. A Daredevil Ride often ends in sad accident. To heal accidental Injuries, use Hucklen's Ar-i. Ar-i. ca Salve. "A deep wound in my foot, from an accident," writes Theodore Theo-dore Schucle, of Columbus, O., "caused "caus-ed mo great pain. Physicians were helpless, but Hucklen's Arnica Salve quickly healed It." Soothes and heals ' burns like magic, 25c at Klter Dros. Drug Co. Rheumatic Pains Quickly Relieved. Tho excruciating pains characteristic characteris-tic of rheumatism and sciatica are ipilcklv relieved by npplylngChambcr-Iain's npplylngChambcr-Iain's rain Halm. The great pain relieving re-lieving power of tho liniment has been the surprise and delight of thousands of sufferers. The quick lellcf from pain which It affords Is alone worth many times Its cost. For sale by all druggists. v A Dandy for Burns. Dr. Hcrgln, Tana, Ills., writes: "1 have used Hallaid's Snow Liniment; always recommended It to my friends, as 1 nm confident there Is no better made. 'It Is a dandy for burns." Those who live on farms are especially especi-ally liable to many accidental cuts, burns, bruises, which heal rapidly when Hallaid's Snow Liniment Is applied. ap-plied. It should always be kept In tho house for cases of emergency." i'c, .10c, 41. 00 bottles. Sold by Hlter Hios. Drug Co. Ballard's Ilorehound Syrup. Immediately relieves hoarse, croupy courh. pppresscd, rattling, rasping nnd dilllcult breathing. Henry 0. Stearns, Druggist, Shullsburg. Wis., writes, May 10, 1001: "I have been selling Hallard's Ilorehound Syrup for two years and have never had a pre-paiation pre-paiation that has given better satisfaction. satis-faction. I notice that when 1 sell, a lx)ttle they come back for moie. 1 can honestly recommend It." 'Sc, 50c, $1.00. Sold by Hlter Hies. Drug Co. Won a Name of Fame. DeWltt's Little Early Klsors, the famous little pills, have been mado famous by their certain yet harmless and gentle action upon the buwclsnnd liver. They havo no equal for biliousness, bilious-ness, constipation, etc. They do not weaken the stomach, gripe, or make you feel sick. Onco used nlwavs preferred. preferr-ed. They strengthen. Sold by Hlter Hios. Diug Co. STRONG nTW Again TNJRffiR Jj is what Mrs. Lucy sJ&ffinMjl Stovall.ofTilton.Ga lZ1 to! sa' a"or 'akinSf "vy JrfVV Kodol Dyspopsia MBrJWuMPggl Cure. Hundreds HHY BlSSi ' of other weak fj wl ll stored to perfect, ?J health by this rom- vk! cdy' Y0U may b I LJk! we" " yu w"' kko I - j Indigestion causes' gS' nearly all tho sick- I ncss that women i have. It deprives tho system of nourish- ' merit and tho delicate orcans peculiar to j women suffer weakon, and become i diseased. ' Kodol I Dyspepsia Cure enables tho stomach and dlcestivo organs to digest and assimllato all of tho whole-comofcod whole-comofcod that may bo eaten. It nourishos I tho body, and rebuilds tho weak organs, restoring health and stronsth. Kodol cures lndigostion, constipation, dyspepsia, sour risinrs,belch!ne, heartburn and all stomach disorders. Digests What You Eat I DellutettW boll, I I I htpui tl ilia tt- I tlmu m aocb ia tb erfcUrr! E.0.2)WHi I UUI, r 10 Met ill. C.,CUm,P 1 A. Sold and guaranteed by Rlter llros Drug Co, Logan, Utah; , Montpeller, Franklin and Preston, Idaho. t I tH Wow!! I Wow a I wow a I Bush-Bush I I What's new? M Nothing but the certainty that Mr, M Brigham Telophonicus Pyper has M secured the privilege of blocking M Center street and filling it with a M stupendous aggregation of shows to H be known as 'The streets of Cairo H Ever been in Cairo? Pshaw. H you ought to go. The writer was H in Cairo. Illinois, one time and "the H . streets" were filled with tin cans, H negroes and coaj miners that looked H like negroes. ' 'M But Mr. Brigham Telephonicus iH Pyper says these "Streets of Cairo' f H will be imported from Egypt. Of jH course, that's different. Over there iH they have mummies 10,000,000 jH years old hanging up in all the !H stores and at each street corner is IH one of those large pyramids. Camels H are cheaper than mustangs and H every man goes to breakfast on an ,H elephant. There are whirling Der- 11 Ivishes who for ten cents and a chew j of American tobacco will whirl on 1 H one toe for fifty hours. It is said I H some of these performers have such H corns on their toes that they fre- quently get mixed as to which is jH which. Every man is a magician iH and the feat of throwing a rope into 'jM the air, climbing up and sitting on ,H top of it is common, H Mr. Brigham Telemachus Pyper H says he is going to have all these H things and more, too. The "Wild M man of Borneo" will be here, the I 'M three-headed baby, forty-two years I , I old, and he may get Anna Eva I M Fayke to tell fortunes. M In the line of curiosities, Mr.Tell- j M 'emsome will try and get the' fellow M t who never told a lie, the woman 1 H j who never added a postcript to her 1 M I letters, and the preacher who never 1 M 1 wanted to swear. Loop the Loop- 1 M I er, the man who lifts 400,0001bs. 1 H 1 Here's to "the Streets." !H JUNE 910 I |