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Show H II. SECHIST A. AFFLI'.CK H IMtOI'UIKTOIlS I S Cache Valley 3 Livery Co.... H A Livery Feed ami Transfer Stable. BBBJ W Hus Meets all Trains B w Conimerclal Trade Solicited H w Stables rear of Knglc Hotel BBBJ Kntranco 1st North Street B Phones: oil Ice 12H k; lies. 17(1 y H ) LOGAN, - - UTAH. bbB B "lhe Hanks" Hotel H 2 HOME-LIKE. POPULAR. BBBJ wu" Hnlili'il and heated, (impel meals and BBBJ B) rirst-i'lassserilcc. Huh to nil trains; I'av- BBBJ ft. orltii hostelry for Commercials I'liom- II IC BBBJ f Over Hostolllce. Main ami Isl N, H Ladies' Tailoring College H J. E. WILSON, Manager. BBBJ fl) Omnyear 'round i students enter any time: BH 7 tuition earned while taking counte: A ens- B Bf torn ladles' tailoring department, Agency BJBB 2 Wlieelir A. Wilson Sewing Naehlncs, BJBJj W Cardon Gallery West of Postotllcc. B Logan Novelty Shop B R. M. ROLFSEN. BJBJj w Tbeold tellable n)ioi fur llloi'lc, Cltin and BBBJ A lteialrsof all Mndsi Also dealers In BBBJ .iMjrtlinr (IimkIs ir All Kinds BH Bf Mimlier.TS West 1st North B 2 ii. A. Pedersen &'Co. B REAL ESTATE, LOANS.INSURANCE. COLLECTIONS H am Tried, True and Itellalile. BBBj Office over l'lrsl National Hank. l.oKn. l!l BJBJj B 1'ostlllco llox .li'U Phone, 1K.I X BJBJj k Corresiwndence In any Language, answerid m v , 9 Emil E. Nielsen B CARRIAGE MAKER. BJBJj B) Wagons and Carriages made loonier, lie- BBBJ fs. pairing neatly done, Satisfaction guar- BBB 7 anteed tlarlT'h Lumber Vard. B T kieber K. Hansen B Tool, Bicycle and Novelty Repairing. BJBJj A llrokcil pasting mcndid. K'nlfo and scissor BBBJ 7 sharpening. Umbrella Meiidtinr. Ii'ej BJBJj Bj I'ttllnir.ete. No .11 I'lrst West. PBJ A Just North 'The Lincoln B "The Club" Saloon B II. J. DtKITT, Prop. B W llMIUNortli Main Street ,T I'.iuirlt re- BBB. B) wtl foi Choice Imported anl Ihnnes- BJBJj tic Wet floods and Clears, B a Dr. I. P. Stewart B BJBJj B) Successor to I, ow.ns. Stewart. Oflleeoicr BBJ A I'lrst National llanl,. I'lioue Kllr H James C. Walters bbw ? i AnORNEY-AT-LW. 1 7 I'lUon lllocU 75 North Main street B Logan Steam Laundry Hi 7 46 KtsI ,st Norh' BPJj A I'hst-ilass i'IIU'Ii ut oil done on Miort PPJ' nutloe, fnmllj ashes asieclalt , sallsfai'- BBV W lion iruartnlK'd. l'lionelll H 2 J U. O. Al. & B. Co. H v a Lumber Dealers. f I lonrmir, rollhiK. ruMli . lath, diKirs. sash iiionlcllinrs. Iik'Us. hluuis nulls, Uilts. PPJ builders hardware anil ilnts, lleo Cole. Mi;r PBj I'li.ilH' 4't IOIhi'AV. I HANS. C. JENSEN H Caled'llay, Straw and Grain B I'rlees leasonable. I.oealeil at the B s 2 l'. C) l-'oundry Uulldlnir. ItesUlence f1 V 'phone "1 Purchases (lellveied Idle- bB 2 f 7 i ' )m r ! pppv "" (- BBBBBft bbbbbbbbbebbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbblBbbbbbb W ESLKY JACQUES Barber Shop and Bath Rooms Wc employ none but Experienced ilarbcrs, thus ensuring tlie Hest of Service. EcrythltiK clean and Up-to-date. We solicit your patronage and will do our best to please you. 1IASEMENT THATOIIEIt HANK The Lincoln Hotel Mrs. Hanks, Propr Coiiuni rolal trade Kdlkllid Center street Imuran, 1' O llov 410 'I'lione 11 Ed. Pohl MERCHANT TAILOR. "" Cleanlnir and lteimirliik' a atxiclally Klnest samples of trooils In Cache rwuntyt. lteasduhlu prices for superior work NiimlMT 51 West 1st North street Lojjan Novelty Theatre Sawyer 4 Everette, Props. Itulini-d vaudeville, im r'formances after-noon after-noon and and eenlnif. . 7:0 and 8;M; com-pleturhainro com-pleturhainro .Mondujs and Tliurwlays: Admission Ad-mission 10c reserw-d seats 10c "W 1st N HI Logan Elevator Isaac Jorgenscn. Prop. Ileale' In all klnilsof (train anil xiedsi car-Hhltiinenls car-Hhltiinenls a mhcUII. 1IM I! "nd soulh lOionn 15"i John Thomas Merchant Tailor, lir"I.eadlnir tailor of northern Itah: call at his new store, No. TO west 1st north I-oiran Utah i Chicago Meat Market S. B. Sorenson, Prop. Wholesale and retail fresh and salt meats tlsh. ojsters. iMiullry. sausairnat lowest price, uud o distaucu eoniiM'tUlon. I'lione ISH; 3.1 west 1st north street E. M. Curtis 36 West 1st North St. Tin and slit et Iron works, witters, sixmts. and roolliiK, honey can hy the lOOi maker of Acetjlene (las maLldiie: K'st floods, lowest lirk es A. H. Palmer THE PLUMBER. rrl'liinihlnifthal needs no repairing until un-til .lack frost itets at It Sam Qlaser Tilt 0. A. K. Hualer hi line liquors and ckars llottlo and g trade a spcclalt). Our Lewis N4 whiskey, try It. J. Z. Stewart Jr. Attorney -at-Latv. Ilslates prohatid, ivllectlons. iteneral law practice T.i:aii Utah Alfred A. Blixt House Painting and Paper Hanging. Mnii imtiitlntr a spcclalt i All nork iruar-antied iruar-antied llrst-class. phunu IM Hart & Nebeker Lawyers. suite 5 and 0 commercial hlock iAiiiau Utah ' 'I'houu 70. -toli 51 " -. - - A. Swinyard General Blacksmlthing Ituwy and carrtacn work 1.11 south Main Odell Photo Studio Family Groups a Specially, (trortralts enlarged In crajon, India Ink. pastel and water colors Main and center streets. Ia)iiu. Utah L. J. Goodrich Osteopath. ilradualuof tint American school ottHtc-opathj ottHtc-opathj KIrkslllu, Missouri Ofllco corner cor-ner Main anil Center M. Uirannhyne H'V Altitude 4,502 feet. Climatic conditions are as nearly perfect as any place in the United States. 350 days in the year on which the sun shines. Short, mild winter, and long cool summers. Seldom 15 below in the winter and but 90 in the summer, with cool mountain breezes. Every night cool enough for light blankdts. Purest mountain water in unlimited un-limited quantity. Atmostphere dry and highly invigorating. in-vigorating. Valley is 60 miles in length by 12 miles wide. Named Cache (cash) Vallcj' because be-cause it is hidden, being entirely surrounded sur-rounded by the Wasatch mountains. Mountains are rich in mineral wealth, and the valley contains 500,-000 500,-000 acres of finest soil on earth. Farm lands easily worth $100 per acre. Gas, coal, iron, gold, silver, copper, cop-per, marble croppings found in many prospects. Conditions exceedingly favorable to scientific farming and raisiug of fruits. Valley is the greatest dairy section . of the state, containing two condensed milk factories and numberless cream-cries. cream-cries. Cache is noted for fine horses and largely supplies the San Francisco market. Cache Valley is 65 miles north of Ogden and 100 miles north of Salt Lake City. LOGAN is the county seat of Cache county ' with a population of 7,000, the center of 25,000. Is located at the base of the eastern-range eastern-range of the Wasatch mountains. Is the "Temple City of the North, " and the "Athens of Utah." The Agricultural College with $500,000 buildings and 750 students is located here. All higher courses taught. The Brigham Young College with magnificent buildings and 725 students stud-ents is here. The New Jersey Academy with 150 students is located here. The city school system is one of the best in the west. The city has. wide streets, paved sidewalks and crossings. A $150,000 waterworks system owned by the city. A $100,000 light plant owned by the city. An independent electric svstcm, "The Hercules." The Bell telephone system with. 300 subscribers. Unlimited water power for estab- lishment of factories. The city will soon have a street railway. An electric suburban line with Salt Lake connections is a certain prospect. Logan has a commodious and beautiful beau-tiful opera house, good hotels, a $10,-000 $10,-000 pavilion and munherless amusement amuse-ment halls, as well as a "Noveltv Theatre." Three Gentile churches and ten Mormon meeting houses. Fine residences and up-to-date business blocks. A "Commercial 'Club" of 150 members. Three miles from Logan canyon, most picturesque in west, from which flows the Logan river, a beautiful stream filled with trout. Every opportunity for growth. People are progressive and liberal. City, county and valley wants outside out-side capital invested in mines, gas, railroads, factories. 10,000 other good points will be named on application to1 Commercial Club. a Don't forget June 9-10. r . THE SWELL CONFECTIONERY CONFECTION-ERY OP LOGAN. MURDOCH'S Candy Kitchen v Try our Whipped Cream, Chocolates, Choco-lates, Hon lions, Ice Cream. Ices, and Sherbets. Made the year 'round. Our cream Is Pasteurized before freezing. , All our candles are made from Cache Valley Sugar. ALL HOME LABOU USED. Tremont House MRS. E. WILCOX, Prop. Center Street Opposite the Tabernacle flood comfortable rooms, with or without loard at reasonable rates i " F. E. Plowman Instructor. llaujo. Mandolin and irultar member of American guild Uaujolsts. mandollnlsts and guitarist: Studio-No, 7 Commercial block , John A. Sneddon Attorney-at-Law. Oter IstNatloal Hank Estates Probated General Law Practice A. C. Smith Attornty-at-Law I'states probated, collections, Kent ral law practice Smith block, Preston. Idaho. Cache Valley Lumber Yd. A. L Skanchy, Prop. All kinds of lumber, HnUhlnes. mouldlntrs latb, shingles, doors and windows: All kinds of builders hardwarersouth Main ft net Bowen & Blanchard Livery and Feed Stables. Livery and bagiraire promptly attended to connections made with all tralns-vom-mciclal trade solicited, I'lrst West strett. Logan, Utah Peterson & Sons. The Paintvs. Gold signs, window lettering, card signs, pictorial signs, painted bulletins, wall ills-pla ills-pla j s. General painting of all kinds In up-to-date, manner. All work guarantied Shoj South Main street White Swan Laundry C. A. Cummlngs, Prop. IIIi,t work- Prompt delltcri 43 E Center St. 'Phone 105 The Palace Cafe. Gardiner & Co, Props. Is the place to eat when In Logan, Our regular dinners a specialty; oneo come, and ) ou will come again. Center street. Logan Cache Valley Tea and Soda Water Co. Korupkat & Pearson, Props. . tWIIeadiiuarters for all kinds of teas, coffees, cof-fees, spices. llaorlng extracts and baking powders manufacturers and bottlers of all !!aorsotsoda and mineral water: solo manufacturers man-ufacturers of Monogram tho liest cereal fruit coffee on the market. Dr. P. M. Poulsen DLNTISr. Ilest Set of Teeth, . jlo.Oo Filling Teeth, .... ioo Cleaning Teeth, - - - i.oo Highest class Crown and Itrldgc Work at most reasonable prices. AH- work guaranteed. Teeth extracted without pain. OtllcooverU. O. Store. Fredinand Jacobsen 39 East Fourth South. Manufacturer of Lhtuld lllulng. Every bottlo guaranteed Campbtll commerUal company, solo agents. Orders filled on application appli-cation by I". .lacobsen ,C. V. HANSEN PAPER HANGER. iiOON. Main strict 'Phoni How Put Rubber Tires on your Buggy. :tnll Nielsen, the caniagf builder on South Main street, will do this for you at a small cost Any buy.g or wagon. Go and seo him. FINE WINES AND LIQUORS ALSO CIGARS. J. R. Edwards 8 and Company Don't fall to Call If you want any- , 0 thing In our line. 9 OUIt GOODS AHE HIGH GRADE WHERE THE PISH ARE. The Farmer's Union ? Smlthfield Utah. a Manufacturers of the famous "farmers' Un- ifrv Ion Hour" tbo best flour to uso tho best ir , place to exchange goods-the best place to do A business, try us. wu guarantee our goods II. a T. Petersen manager w Alfred Picot Dealer in A Ileal estate, mortgage loans and lire Insur- ance office S3 west 1st north street ) G. W.Lindquist, i I Undertaker & Embalmer. F I 'ilione-ofilce I27z 'phone- residence ask ak H Hans S. Nielsen 5 I Livery and Feed Stable. f) Good teams.new rigs for any sen ice: can- A yon rigs a specialty; hacks meet all trains: J guarantee prompt service 1st north street, Q next door to Notelty theater, phono 151 ft John Bench T Dry Goods 0 1 Groceries, and Notions Br M Sil south main f 9 Worley & Nelson' 5 1 Contractors and Builders. ' ft I Logan, Utah a 9 Phone Nos. Hv. and lisle I 1' 0 Uix XI4; correstiondcncosollclted w I : - - I ' J. A. McCausland I Dentist. X B Tuth llllid with gold, amalgam, or white A I Illllng; teeth uMracted with the least liossl- J B ble pain bj use of odontunder; satisfaction 9 guaranteed: poUix 471; oer Illter llros I Jos. Wilson & Son Z I Brass and Iron Founders. A B .acldnlst-, machlmry repairing of all Bl I kind done we iosltlely manufacturo thu A liost and cheapest swhel forhaj derricks H mi r placed on the market. A H The Logan Nurseries I Trees, Plants, Seeds and Flowers. I As line stock of ornamental treis as w I could Imdeslrcd; prlci s reasonable 9 H' South Main strtet ' fl) H: Palace Meat Market ) I Km. Reading, Prop. B I'rlinu Ivcf. mutton, iwrk, ial, etc; sua- ' B sages fresli . ury iiionilng; (Ish. game and BB I-oultrj In season 83 westCenti r strut A H The Side Board Bar I Barton & Baldwin. Props. ' O H LlMuors, choice whiis and cigars; mixed 7 H drinks a sini-lalty; Lincoln hotel 5 W. B. Parkinson, M. D. S I Physician and Surgeon. m B Ofllce turner Main and ctnterslriet; lies-. B Klmchalf block north II V college, poijo Z B 4i!l Phones l,'4k and Mix J B Niel S. Bell & Co. s Cily Scavengers. 0 H Work done pIC)mH,y(mi.aU 0 jUar, r..a,a,,it.: a.l.lr. ...raiai-lt ft b) 'bbbI Cache Valley Real Estate, 5 I .an.collictlon and Insurance agency, res- M I Idi in . . im.int'SH lueatloi... i.,K:.l..1i f.rm, T M "r ale. notary public In our olllce. Logan X WU I. Z. Stewart. Manager. ? H Joseph Tarbet 'ii The Plumber. a afJI r-'i-r.xr,.,iiHis,,M4.ioi,mrtll. S B union slum noil, 0NMalllhU W gan I tab ' l. BB VBe 1 1 iflp 'Br BflBBBBBBBBBBB-Mu--.-IBBta |