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Show i Ti Chicago Meat Market f LOGAN, UTAH, OFFERS YOU A BARGAIN Jf wherein they GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU 30 to f ;" 75 Per Cent IN BUYING YOUR Smoked and j i "JT Salted Bacon. When buying bacon remember. fc "" tto' not throw away your thoney. We mean 'what -ve 4ft say and can prove it to yoiu 1 . & $ : S' I S B. Sorenson, $ Proprietor. h w Notice of Sale. Notice Is hereby given that pursuant toa resolution of tho Board of Directors iVL I of the Idaho Milling, Grain & Power " Wh company, a corporatlon,ratlDcd by tho' H stockholders of the corporation on the' 1 20th, day of April, 1005, the said cor- . I poratlon will olTcr for sale, and will ' i fcell to tho highest cash bidder, at pub.-; lie auction at 12:00 o'clock noon, oin Saturday the 20th day of April, 1005, at tho front door of the court house at Logan city, Utah, all thc.rcal estate,' machinery, water rights, stock on hand, appliances, materials, bills re-, celvable, and ali other property of, whatever nature or description of the said corporation, situated at Franklin, Oneida, County, Idaho. t Dated April 20th, 1005. Thomas Smaut, President, (; J J. M. Maok, Acting Secretary 1 Notice. Notice Is hereby given that a meet- j Ing of the stockholders of the Co-opera-; I tlvo Grocery and Drug company is r hereby called to convene at the olllce 9 of the company In the, Commercial' 9 block at Logan City, Cache County,! B Utah, on the 24th day of April, W5, (1 for the purpose f amending the cor-, ' m poratt name of tho corporation as the m same appears in the article of incor- S poratlon and-the amendment thereto, 0L by striking from said corporate name m trichords "Grocery and" and causing y E tho same to read as follows: "Co-- W operative Drug Company.". w W. B. Pkkston, Jit., Sec. St Date llrst publication April 1st, 1005. Ej I 1 We Extend Easter Greetings 1 fe I ; j fe 1 fe sk to Our Many Patrons and Friends x fe I I fe S7 anc cordiaIly request your presence at Our Big Department Store. JjHC jfe I I S fflS8fe 1UR ma"ificent Lines of MEN'S, LADIES, Men's and Juve- wSl I I fe mvffiH J YOUNG MEN'S and MISSES WEARING .-11 JT Wm ! fe $mkt'M APPAIEL for Spring is complete and embraces mie Uept. Jfflr B fc? few'wjM Style, Reliability and Honest Prices offers a splendid assortment for. Wsmm fe 1 H C5 WVi' -,. . ., SP"nS- Men's Suits. $8.50 to $20; WVIlWB fe i fe W-laMf Good Qlothes for Everybody. Top. coats' $12 to $15; juvenile JYJWHI fe i H fe PCiwK? ' Clothing $2.50 to $7.50 a suit. Ulvlumvi. fe Kt- I ft ml ' IK Ribbons, Rib- Suit and Gloak tccL.and 0xfords-the guara11' M B f : I fe pltlMij bOnS! Department. Shirts and Neckwear for Easrer. ' "'f i H ral) it r 1 ,. 1 L011'1 f:lJl t0 see our Cluett Coat RP?; Ife M B lik&aiS vw Our new department, yet we nave T i i -i r 1 v ot- . T , ,- , lif j n m p VPkmi . i 1 , 1 New arrivals daily from leading Shirts. In our colored shirts the WP fefe H m b fa4'TaKrSl competent and experienced employes - . f . J 0.., p .," . 5 H . 1 5 &WV-$ i-ii 1 n r ..1 v Eastern manufacturers. Silk Suits, colors stay - te-w H iT 4r'l!ls who will make a specialty of this line i i cioen B& ' m fc. T1m-3?M i ci . e t . exclusive in style, $12.50 and up ; H B MASvi and we are confident of success. Just , jfc m fe '' Ml 4 received elegant and large assortment Elegant line of Walking Skirts, in HatS, HatS, HatS. f& fe& I '. Ife JftkOl 1 from the East and are 'desirous of Mixtures, Cravauette and Mohairs. . , Wkfci B r s" .DJgj your inspection, which will mean Specials $4.50 each Special line of samples just arrived " TWv flfe H Um& your patronage. for Easter trade. No two alike. iw$ fefe fe Silk and Cravauette Coats, They will be reduced to manyfactur- fr$$3r i? I fe Shirt Waists $S,5 and up er's cost- vf fmp i 4 Shirt Waist Suits, in Lawn, Voile, m Undermuslins and renowned Mun- Spring Underwear, all weights, all (S'Si! te- x-5& Etemine and Linen. Speciaj offer in sing Underwear for Spring. Prices to colors, all prices. Men's Muusing jMT m fl C Shirtwaists $75e, $1.25, and 2.25. suit everybody. Union Suits for Spring $1.50 each. jrajf fe I 1 Qampbell & Morrell (Bo. -'ZZTet $n h 1 : B rt g THE LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE IN NORTHERN UTAH. ' fefe-S (5 ' IB HI-flHBHH-L urn |