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Show TEA Tea is almost nothing; bow much weight do you think there is in the taste of it? Weight is no measure for teal TEA Is it tea that makes the Jap? What makes a Russian ? TEA We want no money for unsatisfactory tea. Don't be shyl Vfcur gror rvlunu yvur money tf y taft tiki BJUBtm' Bmu Fearful Powder Explosion. Tronton, Tcnn. Threo men wero killed, threo Injured and much dam-ago dam-ago dono to property hero Saturday by tho explosion of n quantity of powder In n storchouso In tho rear of n hardwaro store. Tho dead: Ilobcrt Pholan, owner of tho store; Dr. Parker, Par-ker, Trenton; Mr. Arnold. Fntally injured: John K. Plerco. Mr. Pholnn was trying a target gun nnd It Is thought a ball penetrated a can of powder, cnuslng tho explosion. Nearly Near-ly overy business houso In tho bus! ncss district was damaged. PAINFUL PERIODS A Suggestions How to Find Relief from Such Suffering. j9WlissNelUeHolmesJffiE MrsTillle Hart -WWA Whllo no woman is entirely free from Vegotablo Compound Booner: for I have triod periodical suffering-, it does not seem to so niany remodfos without help, bo tho plan of naturo that women "I drooled the approach of my menstrual should sSffer so severely. Menstrua- ffiSXSX&fc tlon is a sevcro strain on a woman's Compound two months I boenmo regular and vitality. If It is pulnful or Irregular natural and am now perfectly wellandfrea something Is wrong which should bo from ram atmy monthly periods. I am very set right or It will lend to a serious de- grntofiil for what Lydia E. I'lnkham's Vege- rang'ement of tho whole female organ. taUo Compound has dono for mo." jsmi Such testimony should bo accepted --' Moro than fifty thousand women y &U women ns convincing evidence ' havo testified In grateful letters to Mrs. that Lydia B. Pinkhara's Vegetable Plnltham that Lydia E. Plnkbam's Compound stands without a peer as n Vegqtablo Compound overcomes pain- remedy for nil tho distressing ills of ful and irregular menstruation. women. .,,,-.,., . u It provides a safe atidsuro way of es- Tho success of Lydia E. Pinkhams k-s t capo from distressing and dangerous Vegetable Compound restfl upon tho H weaknesses and diseases. well-earned gratitude of American R Tho two following letters tell so con- women. H vlncingly what Lydia E. Pinkham's Wien women are troubled with irreg- Vegetable Compound will do for ular. suppressed or pnlnful menstrua women, they cannot fall to bring hopo ln. leucorrhcca, displacement or ul- to thousands of sufferers. ceratlon of tho womb, that benring M Miss Nellie Holra-s of 540 N. Davl- down fe.cllnP' l"mmation of the U slon Street. Buffalo. N. Y., writes : varIf lckacl.e bloating, (or flatu- " Iency), general doblllty, Indigestion nnd , Dear Mrs. I UikUam: nervous prostration, or are beset with H "Your medlciueuindoodanldealmodlcino i, -,,.r.t,a ,n-,i-- inn, for women. I sutforod misery for years with f ucl "ptoms llzDC,fB Mntness, painful period, bertdaclioa, and bearlng-down lassitude, oxcitablllty,.irrltablllty, ner- pains. I consulted two different physicians vousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, M but failed to got any relief. A friend from they should remember thero is one tried H tho Kast mlvisod me to try Lydia K. I'lnk- ond truo remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's M ham's Vegotablo Compound. I dl.l no, and Vegetable Compound nt pneo removes "SrieS'nUn! h troubl". We tobuy any other I mv general health U much Improved. I medicine for you need tho best. M mlvlso all women who suffer to take Lydia Don't hasltuto to write to Mrs. B E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Plllkhnm it' thoro is anything H Mrs. Tllllo Hart, of Larimore, N. D nbout your sickness you do not j writes: undorstmul. Sho will trcnt you Dear Mrs Pinkham- with kllulllCSH tliuljior iwlvico is) H 'I might havohavo been spared many -row. No woman ovor rcfrrctted months of suffering and pain had I only Writing- hor 1111(1 she ho helped, known of the elllcacy of Lydia K. Finkham1. thousands. Address Lynn, Mass. H Ask Mrs. Pinkham's Advlce-A Woman Best Understands a Woman's Ills. m Ml Say Plainly to Your Grocer 1 That you -want LION COFFEE always, nnd ho, S boing a squaro man, will not try to sell you any- B thing olso. You may not caro for our opinion, but V fl What About the United Judgment of Millions ' " R of housokoopora who havo used LION COFFEE , ' B for over a quarter of a century ? m la thoro any stronger proof of merit, tlian tho Hj Confidence of the People M and ever Increasing popularity 7 fl LION COFFEE Is carefully Re- W lected at the plantation, shipped M direct to our various factories, EC where It Is sldlllully roasted and curclully packed In sealed puck- 8 ones tinlike loose eolfee, which S Is exposed to germs, dust, ln- I sects, etc. LIONCOFFEErcachcs I you as pure and clean as when H It lclt the factory. Srld only In H 1 lh. packaacs. Wm Lion-hond on ovory package jjn Savo thoso Lion-heads for valunblo premiums. ay SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE i WOOLSON SPIOE CO., Tolodo, Ohio. 'geVa.Tiiompson's Eye Water When Answerlnn Advertisement Kindly Mention Thlg Paper. W. N. U., Salt LaHo-No, 10, IQOB. ALL BROKEN DOWN. No Sleep No Appetite Just a Con i tlnual Backache. Joseph McCauley, of 144 Sholto ' .street, Chicago, Sachem of Tecum Mh Lodge, snys: "Two year Bgo my health was com Vfet plotely broken down. HHjSl My back ached and HJIp. was so Inroe that at HBv ! times I was hardly & Lmil'i au todrcss myself. , gr BLgf 'ost my appetite M&2MP!!jXJ and was unable to i fSvWm "'cct'' T',oro seemed 1&Ms2tftA to k no re"c' until V2T.. r-rfZaa'fl took Doan's Kid noy Pills; but four boxes of this rem i edy effected a complete nnd pcrmo j nent cure. If suffering humanity knew I tho value of Doan's Kidney Pills thoy would uso nothing else, as It Is the, j only positive cure I know." j For Btilo by all dealers. Price- 50 , .cents. Fostcr-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, N.Y. i Hot Couiih Bjrup. Tte"Qooi VnfH Nrk Intlma HoM t 1ruralu. Hi WTr1 K-i-lk'M'lJjJiaaEEMgjI I 4 |