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Show H II. SKCIMST A. AFFLECK M XW PROPRIETORS I ; Cache Valley Livery Co.... H' jip Livery Fcedinnd Tiansrcr'S table. : BM V Hits Meets all Trains. H V J Commercial Tiadc Solicited 5 Stables' lear of KaplcHotcl j H 90 Entrarjco 1st NortlyStreet. H 0) Phonos: oillce Illy kj Res. 17(1 y, ' ' LOGAN, - '- UTAH. B &0J - '?f. i t t B 2 "The; Hanks" Hotel B 2 HOME-LIKE, POPULAR. H . ,vu" "Klili'd , iiikI heated, ((xiil mt'uU and H W I'lrst-classsoTUce llus In nil trains, l'n- B &A frlte hostelry fl,r Commercials Phone MIC U 4)0) HwrPirtUilllio Main nml 1st N. 80) Ladies' Tailoring College H $0) J. E. WILSON. Manager. B tl.A Open i cor 'round, students m r an) time: T tuition earned while taklnir course: ;A ens-! 1i '"'" l'lb"t tallorlinc dipnitincut; AKcnry, I "T Whieler A Wilson suwlmf Nai'lilne-i, ' B ' $t9 Canton Oiillery West of PostoMlcc M j0) Logan Novelty Shop M ' ' K. M. ROLFSEN. B - ' W Tin' .ill) ri liable shop fur lllcjclc. (Inn and H A Itcpalrsof all Muds AImi dealers In m 7 SimrllnirOpodsof All Kinds B W NiiiuIht.'M West lit North ' ) H. A. Pedersen & Co. , REAL ESTATE, LOANS.INSURANCE, COLLECTIONS HBM V l Trliil, Trim ami Itcllahlc ' V Offlii1 mcr 1'lrst National Hani.. Imuran. Ut, H k Postonico HoCIM. Phono Kl- B Corrcsondciic In any I.anmiuk'o answered T 1 Emil E. Nielsen M . i '-2 CARRIAGE MAKER. ' Bk ,' A WtitMns mill Carriages made to order. Ill- K j 2 inlrlnir neiitlj iloim Satisfaction Kiiar- f 9 anU.T'1, (iartr s .iuiiIht Yard. M f m B I Heber K. Hansen H J Tool, Bicycle and Novelty Repairing. m f . Ilrokeii 1'asilnusi mpiulcil, ICiilfo and scissor ' B I 9 sliariH'iilinr. Umlinlla MendliiK, K'rr H A nttiinf. i'ii'. No :n;riri.t West, H I 7 J"''1 Norl" "Tl"' Lincoln !" J Pickett & lieck f) PRAQICAL lio'RSESHOERS 9 nt I'11' " " l-'oillillty. olltll Muln sliect k i A) atlsrui'llon (linranti'i'il. H ' "The Club" Saloon H 2 j ! DtWin, Prop. " -,ll' Norlli Main Street If I'aviirllii ru- H son for Cliolee IniiHirled and Iloim s- H A tie Wet (hmhN and Clears. if) Dr. I. P. Stewart H DENTIST. H J Successor t (limans. MonarU Dllln'inur H 9 I Irst National llnnk 1'hone, IOU 'i ' James C. Walters" H AnOR.SE.AT-LAW. ' A l nhn (lliKU 7j Norlli Main street H Logan Steam Laundry "r ' H- , . 46 West 1st North. - ., a 1 irst-i las. elllcleilt orU done oiicliorl B notli'c; family waslii-H nmn'olaUyt httlUfac-, Jl V tliiiiKiiatuiitiid. I'lionu 111. I U. O. A. & B. Co. Lumber Dealers. BB :T"l iiMirltik'. I'i'llluir. rustic, lath, doors, Jl W bash, liHHlhllnits. liH'kn. Idliiies. nails. Isjlts. L -A liulldi rs liunlvvaiu mid lialnui; (lit) Cole. Mpt f 7 I'lioiie in rill.nJl! A H L. J. Goodrich J 0) Osteopath. Jl 9 (Irailuati'of the Anurlcati school ol (Me- I 0) uiatlij, Klrksillle. Missouri (lltlce -cor- J A nir Main and Center St I-oiran; iilmno 14U . 0) Odell Photo Studio ; 7 Family Croups a Specialty. SB J'i'Ttralls inlarirul In crajon, India Jl -r V Ink. pastel and water colors Main and BB i 0 i enter siroi is, lonun, Utah ft M J 1 C. V. HANSEN WL PAPER HANGER. 1 ' I B i ft X iiOON. Malnstreit I'lioiie Ilok irgfl. t)0)0)0)0)0)0)f0)0)0)4 PrK efL . HVi-b iLjfSB0W W IS S L K Y JA.CfQ U H S( - i ' Barber Shop ' and Bath Rooms ! Wo employ none but Kxporlonccd' Harbors, tlius ensuring the llcst of Service. , Kci,tliliiir clcitn and Up-to-date. Wo hollcH your 'patronage and J ' ' will do otirjbpst to j 'pldaso you. HASKMBNT TIIATCIIKH HAMv The Lincoln Hotel Mrs. Hanks, Propr Commercial Ir.idn hollillid Center Htnct Loirnn I OltiK 4til Thonc U Ed. Poh I MERCHANT TAILOR. tjf jCleaiilnit and licpatrfiitf n nin'clallr )'li'ict jb.imiiles 1f irrjods In Cacln) conntyi ' ' Itoasonalileiirlcei for suticilor work Nnmlier S'JWcsl 1st North streot Hans D. Hansen PRACTICAL' SHOEMAKER. tTI!i'iialrlnir neatly done on short notice Hoot and Shoes maili) to order In tho host style NiimlH-r 10 West I'lrst north Art Department Store Mrs. Emma Hyde, Prop. Mexican Iran workieiuhroldory and Art N ted le Work : Classes now lielnir formed. call fiirternis alTremoiit llotel.Ceiiterntrii't. omvosltc tat'ernnclu; complt'lo conrso In taiestr) and paliitlne Logan Novelty Theatre Sawyers Everetle, Props. Iteflnul aiidetllln iierformances afternoon after-noon nml and evenltnr 4. T.O and H;30jconi-1'lt H;30jconi-1'lt to chance Mondajs and Tliursdajs; Ail nilsson I0u resert i d seat IPi- W 1st N St Logan Elevator Isaac Jorjensen. Prop. IValcr In all Mndsif grain and wisls: oar-(thlfimcnts oar-(thlfimcnts a Hiclallr. 1ll K ul Mintli phone I5Tx . John Thomas I s i Mtrthant Tailor. WZlAitnlmg tailor of northern lltat; call nt hit new store No.70 wes Isl north Lilian rjuh --t i A - - - Chicago Meat Market S. B. Sorenson, Prop. holesale and retail -f n sl and sail meats llsli, ojsterM. iKiultry. hausaret lowest iile. and wn dlstancu imuipt tttlon rhone ijsj :kl west 1st norllmtreol E. M. Curtis 3&Weit 1st North St. Tin and shwt Iron works, e.tlcr. s.tAnts, and moflnie. honey c-in biJ tlu mt iniUi-r of Acvt)linafUa inachlnei (lie Joints, lowest prices. ' " . H.' Palmer --. -,THE,PLUMBER. yTliiiiililmrtli&t iiisils'no tepalrtriK mi-'l mi-'l Sl tll-lack frost Rets at It ' sSam Qlaser TIIL O.Ai,K. liialer In line llituors ami cUars lluitlu and Jiuf trade a MHvlatts.Our I-ewU ' sil whiskey, try IU , J. Z. Stewart Jr. ' ! Atlorney-at-Law. Kstates iiroliati d, collts: lions, ircni rul law j, , , praqtlce. Loirati Utah Alfred A. Blixt ' ' House Painting 'and Paper Hanging. SIkii palntlne a spivlalty; All work iruar-niitiisl iruar-niitiisl llrst-clas't. phone USi Hart & Nebeker Lawyers. Snlto & and tt ronimetvlal block Io?an. I'tah 'I'lioneTO. -po lmxfJ v A. Swinyard General BlacksmilMnJ Hui:k ami arrlaite work His' .uili .Main t)(0)0))0)0) V Altitude 4,502 feet. ' Climatic coiifJ,itions are as nearly perfect us any&place in the United i r States'. . " 9 350 days jn the year on which the sun shines. i t Short, mild winter, and long cool ' summers. 5 Seldom 15 below in the winter and '. but 9p in tluj) summer, with cool mountain breezes. Hverj' uighttcool enough for light r blankets. - Pufest mountain water in un-7 un-7 liniittjdHjuantity. $ Atmostpherej) dry and highly in-,V in-,V igoratiug. Valley is 60mileS in length by 12 $ miles wide. & Named Cache (cash) Valley be- f,' cause it is hidden, being entirfcly sur- rounded by the Wasatch mountains. Mountains fare rich m mineral wealth, and the valley contains 500,-t ,,' - 000 acres of finest soil on earth. Farm lauds'casily worth $100 per acre. GaSj coal, iron, gold, silver, copper, cop-per, marble croppings found in many prospects. Conditions exceedingly favorable to scientific farming and 'raising of fruits. Valley is the greatest dairy section of the state, containing two condensed milk factories and numberless cream-erics. cream-erics. Cache is noted for fine horses, and , largely supplies the San Francisco market. Cache Valley is 65 miles north of ' OgdcnaudlOO miles north of Salt Lake City. LOGAN is the'eouuty seat of Cache county ., with' a population of 7,000, the center of 25,00q. Is located at the base of the eastern range of the Vasatch mountains. Is the "Temple City of the North," and the "Athens of Utah." , The Agricultural College with $500,000 buildings and 750 students is located here. All higher courses taught. The Brighani Young College with magnificent buildings and 725 students stud-ents is here. The New Jersey Academy with 150 students is located" here. The city school system is one of the best in the west. The city has wide streets, paved sidewalks and crossings. A $150,000 waterworks system ' owned by the citv. A $100,000 light plant owned by the city. An independent electric system, "The Hercules." The Bell telephone system with 300 subscribers. Unlimited water power for establishment estab-lishment of factories. The city will soon have a street railway. An electric suburban line with Salt Lake connections is a certain prospect. Logan has a commodious and beautiful beau-tiful opera house, good hotels, a$10,-000 a$10,-000 pavilion and numberless amusement amuse-ment halls, as well as a "Novelty Theatre." Three Gentile churches and ten Mormon meeting houses. Fine residences and up-to-date business blocks. A "Commercial Club" of 150 members. Three miles from Logan canyon, most picturesque in west, from which flows the Logan river, a beautiful stream filled with trout. Kvery opportunity for growth. People are progressive and liberal. City, county and valley wants outside out-side capital invested in mines, gas, railroads, factories. 10,000 other good points will be named on application to Commercial Chib.- Dou't forget J une 9-10. t)t)0)0)0)0))0) 0)(Q0)0)0)0)f r THE SWELL CONFECTION'-ERY CONFECTION'-ERY OF LbGiVN. MURDOCH'S Candy Kitchen Try our Whipped Cream, Chocolates, Choco-lates, Hon JJons, Ice Cream. Ices, and Sherbets. Made the j car 'round. Our cream Is Pasteurized before freezlni,'. All our candles arc tnrido from Cache Valley Sui;ar. , ALL HOME LA130U USED. Tremont House MRS. E. WILCOX. Prop. Center Street-Ooposlto the Taliernarlu Good comfortable rooms, with or without iward at reasonable rates ,. ,' H. J. Porter Expressman. All kinds of articles iuom.iI to any fart of the city on the shortest notice: apply Harris music store. F. E. Plowman Instructor. Banjo. Mandolin and guitar member of' American jrulh! Lanlolsts. mandollulstsand KUltarlst: Studio-No, 7 Commercial block John A. Sneddon Atlorney-at-Law. Oicp 1st Natloal Hank Estatts l'robutcd (eneral Law Practice, A. C. Smith Allorney-at-Law r.stateVtirobaUid. collections, general law practice Smith block, Preston, Idaho. - ' , ,. , , .. , , - , , i ,, Cache Valley Lumber Yd. A. L Skanchy, Prop. All kinds of lumber, tlnlshluirs, mouldings lath. slilnarlpH. doorsaud windows; All kinds of bullitefs hardware.; south Main ftrtet, u X Bowen & Blanchard Livery and Feed Stables. f Uiory and haireasro promptly atleudid to connections uiado with all trulus-coin- meiclal trade solicited, I'lrst West sneet. I.oiran, I'tah Peterson & Sons. f hi I ainltrs. Oolil Mens, window litterlui;. cntd slirns Pictorial stuns, palim d bulletins, wall dls-plojs, dls-plojs, Cicueral palmlniruf all kinds In up-to-date manner. All work Kiiaranteed. Shop. South Main street White Swan Laundry C. A. Cummings, Prop. tallest work Prompt delliry tt K Center St, 'Phoim I05v The Palace Cafe. Gardiner & Co, Props. Is thu place, to eat when In tKau, Our regular dinners aspccjalty: oncucomunnd jou will come attain. Center stu et, Lotran ' Cache Valley Tea and Soda Water Co. tforupkat & Pearson, Props. f-leud.uarterHfor all kind of teas, coffees, cof-fees, spices. llaoiine euractH and buklm; iHiwilur: manufacturers and liottlors of all tlaioisotsoila nml mineral water: solu manufacturers man-ufacturers of Monoirraiii thu bust cereal fruit cotrcuoii tho market. k --, , . Dr. P. M. Poulsen , t ; 0ENTIST. '" . 4, Hest Set of Teeth, - - jio.Ob Filllnif Teeth, .... i.oo CleanlnR Teeth, 1.00 IIlKhestclass Crown and Itrldifc Work at most reasonable prices. All work guaranteed, Teeth extracted without pain. Olllcc over (J. O. Store. """" -- f - ' i , Fredinand Jacobsen 39 East Fourth South. Manufacturer of Liquid lllillnir. Kery Imttlii truarauteid Campbell commercial company, sole airents Orders filled on aptill-catlon aptill-catlon bjM' .Tacolnen Put Rubber Tires on your Buggy. Km II Nielsen, the canlaRu builder on South Main stieet, will do tills for jou at a small cosu Any buKKy or waiioii. Co and see him. ----l--l------i--i--i--M-i-- f FINE WINES AND LIQUORS , ALSO CIGARS. f) J. R. Edwards and Company I Don't fall to Call If) on want any- 0) thlnp In our liiic. " 0) ' OtJROOobkAlt(EIIldhCtRAl)E' J : WHERE THE FISH ARE. 'The Farmer's Union J - - SmlthHeld . Ulah. 1 JIanufactiirers ofjho famous "rarmers Un-r " Ion "oHrJJ-diOj Ijcst llGurSto .usqiftho besti IW 1 plaeu to exclia.nirojjoocir-i-tluifet'tilacptJiIoi j ''M biislnes,, try n. wiucuaraiiifoSiir, iSxxlsl Hfl j f X T. Petersen manager.! 1 J V ll 4 1 Alfred Picot I Dealer in a Iteatestate. mortirairu loons and tlio Insur- 0) hnce Office W west 1st nqrtli street A G. W. Lindquist Undertaker & Embalmer. f , 'tihonu-onico l-7z a 'phone residence k rA , Hans S. Nielsen 12 Livery and Feed Stable. f) (.noil tcams.ncw rlesfor any serslcc; can- A yon rlifs a .specialty: hacks meet all trains; J Kiiarautco prompt serIco 1st north street. "0J next door to Novelty theater, phono 151 ; John Bench Dry' Goods '" :0) Orocorles. and, Notions W SI Mmthnlaln- " J r - v t- t- . -w "-Wprley & Nelson m5 Contractors and Builders. -A cjxiiran,' Utah, A l'liojio Njis. and VXk ' V"- Poliot.,n):'o;resioiidencesollcltia ' ' ' $rfk TT ! J J. A.vMcCausland 2 l-Denllii J w Tteth filled wth cold, anmltam or white A fllllui;: tieth extracted with tho liastpossl- bio pain byuso of odonj-under; satisfaction Kiiaranteed: po'lxiv 471: oerKIter llros , A : jr-j Jos. Wilson & Son ; 0) Brass and Iron Founders. 0) Sif.Vachlnlsts, maclduvry rfpalilnifof all 0) kind dones no positively- manufacture thu A liest and cheapest swivel for hay derricks 2 in er placed on thu market. 0) f. r , - The Logan Nurseries Trees, Plants, Seeds and Flowers. W As fine stock of ornamental trees as could.be desired: price's reasonable 9 i ,- i i , South Slnln street 9 PalaceJVleat, Market 1 1 Wm. Reading, Prop. w PlIiiioVsjf.iinqtiSn.lKirlt. venUitc.';huii-r ? saees fresh cxvry momlnir; flsli, iranio and " jiottltry In season ta west Center strict 0) The Side Board Barf if Barton dj Baldwin. Props. '' J I Liquors, choice wines and clears, mliul A drinks a specialty: Lincoln hotel g l:wyBParkris6h,, M. D. llhVi"""T"-. if onieo-corner Main and ceuterstreui lies- W idencu-half block north II Vcolliife, po box 0) 422: phones- 124k and 13ux A Niel S. Bell & Co. j 0) City Scavengers. f is l ,, I iH Work done proml)tlj-6ncall;ni'''tordaj charees reasonable: address irenera! dellv- W Cache Valley leal Estate, J I I-oan, collection and Insurance acency res- 0) I Ideuce, business locations ranchis.audfaims 0) I for sale: notury imbllo In our olllce. Lou an A ' J. Z. Stewart. Manager. 0) I Joseph Tarbet ) The Plumber. 0) f i7Orders executid, natUfaclloii iruarnn- , 0) tueilou fchnrt notice HQ N Main street. Lo- 'if0) trait. Utah f r4, Wi t ml- n 'B I MlH rSk |