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Show Just a ftttle Paint. ! Right now when everything In nature Is beginning to look fresh and bright. A little paint will go a long way towards brightening up the many old things around the place porcli, chairs and scats, lawn mowers, any of thi farm or garden gar-den Implements and dozen of things fnsldc the house. All need a little touching up. Wo'vo paint all ready to use for any purpose. Put up In any size cans vou may wish and any color vou may fancy Drop In and get a color card and wo will tell you more about , It. Of courso we've brushes to put the paint on with, 10c ud : 1 RITER BROS.DRUG CO., LOGAN, Utah. Franklin, Preston and Montpelier, Idaho. HARDWARE!! K Tools of every description Nails, u Staples, Bolts, Chains, Rope, Poultry i Netting, Wire Cloth, Rubber Hose, Bj Sprinklers, Lawn Mowers, Rakes, D noes, Shovels, Spades Picks, Crow- II bars, Wheelbarrows, Brushes, Brooms K House Furnishings of all kinds, Tln- ware, Galvanized Iron and Granite-H Granite-H ware. Largest stock In Cache Valley. K Quality the best, price the lowest. See our windows and compare prices H with others. I R. LaFount & Co. i 38 Center Street 3S I LOOK HERE!!! 1 THE LONDON HOUSE, 84 First North M I block West of Main stroc. I MRS. E. MOLLO ft Is again to the fro t with a Big W 4tf?c of MILLINERY, Ladies, fg Misses and Cliildren's Hats very cheap LlAvtMaoim iH Banquet Steel Ranges I ... AT - - - - I Ijjtfilliam Edwards I " Furniture and Carpet House, I Main Street, Logan, Utah m 1 A Double Header! -wi-v -v i 50 lbs fancy flour for tl 00 800 Pairs of aiKMi.ee :: liar N l-Olbsi-airo " II 00 WUh Tapioca " l 00 MUnl'mms " 11 ' t 1 HO lbs Oatmeal " Jl 00 4VI4lA ii likes.Iapan tea " II 00 t.1.1 1 lllllr. lijiUitslioldcncateteafor tl 00 'V'' 7phgCotTtofor 1 00 SO ikir I'owcr " l 00 m 4 4 liku's banner oats fur II 00 W'l-. ,.-. 10 iKbs Scotch, oats " fl 0 kUUC'd I-' cans tomatoes i 00 10 cans I'eas JI oo 10 rans Corn ' ! 00 . . t j W liars Iloyal lannilrysoni for oo g Trt IIP Cnli flt Mbars Slcklo plate soau JI IX) ft LU UC SUlll ClL 1'lcUlos. per ki-ir , I Orances. per caM S3 00 I (ranees; ir lo :-o E Manufacturers '""-" ! (BOSL 15c Dozen paid for eggs ! I Henry G. Hayball's, I 5Is55 GcntcrSt. Remember. P 'J. SMITH, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Al.LCAi.ul'noMrf Tm.kmionk 65-5 i.v Attended To . . : SMITH FIELD - - UTAH. ' ' , H I I j A Splendid Showing. I I J 22 We announce ihcarrlal of our shoes forSpring. Z H J 555 A range of styles has been provided exhaustive enough to r iia C satisfy all tastes. It Is our greatest effort to win the favor of CXv Q M Q mm our shoe patrons. a H A c? Colored shoes will bo much worn. We have them In Cham- 55 M a f $. pagne, Nut Brown, Seal Blown, Slato and Ilussct, Kid or Bus- rt- J M X & t sian Cillf- The dalntcst stylos Imaginable for dress In light- fa 2 iil J 2 weights with Louis XV, opera, or military heels, on the very "" H 9 -.( swsgger manlsh effects for street wear WiS 0 H ! 1 1 Howell - Crawford 1 ! I 8 : ,-lfP Logan's Foremost Shoe Dealers. H . "J I s ' s I QUALITY FIT STYLE $Rn There Is a grace nd style in the cut of H NjiWftvW'lfck a suit or overcoat made by the Bell H I1k' ujMl.iB System that Is particularly pleasing. H 4 t'l jiff ' ailA Carefully constructed of the most ser- H p-WI""- ij- PulA vlceabte materials, the label of the H Wrfk i .PI0 tilk Bell System assures you the j H XKAflSjMJEP MOST STYLISH, H IJSlEwf BEST TAILORED, P , Wlm&lg FINEST FITTING -Hi!iBx garment to be found anywhere. H f' i ltfz$ A-lf I The Bell System fronts are so constructed IH V-'lm'Jll that they reUln tllclr Graceful set M W'MIwm' M throughout the entire life of the coat. M p i3M K' H? DfiifiiiJ tnJ lmliirtJ hf H I- $m mkM Stern, Lauek, Shohl & Co. H (A&ifl HESl Cincinnati, O. M iVJI W"M SOLD BY M 1&M Ios NEWBOLD I We are ready I to Show you I what tho leading Jewelry designers have created to give tho correct IH touch to the Spring gowns and tlie later Summer toilettes. H We warrant you won't sscapicttler collection of broodies, pins, pH buckles and waist sets anywhere. IH And to sec the festoon necklaces we are displaying would alono re- IH pay you for taking the time to pay them a visit. IH eARDON JEWELRY BO I UI North Main Street. M paHHHmaaBBHIBBBIIBiBHUVHHBaBaBnk M I m I H.e. HANSEN I I S Real Estate and In S I suranee. J & Edwards Block. Phone Ux. C |