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Show H , A Pleasing Husband J makes a contented woman. Hint to the wife: Use Central Hour in biscuit J making and sec a serciu smile creep H over the physiognomy of your spouse. Try it once- you'll use It alway. pB I Central Milling Go. H LOGAN, VTAU I $20 for $2 Jh , The 'iiinntUlus Ku-n will supply a B family 'all slimmer, and for the, niuall K amount of J. HBf Onion sets 1 iiuart H I'eppor irrus 1 ouneo B Parsnip i BH lleuts, curly 1 B l-ettlw l( M ltaillsh, early 1 BBS t'aliliairu i H Carrots, tabid S 'eas.eaily dwarf 1 pint i eas. .Medium 1 iiuart H. I I'eas, latu 1 m Spinach 1 ounce BBB I Corn, btttH'l earl v I pint BBV H Mean, early dwarf I pint BBBJ 1 I oinaUM's, early U ounce B' Jj Turnips, early uuni-u BIB I Mi'lun., mnk 'louui'e m m Melons, water W ounce B CuruniW-r- H ounce m B H . Thow living out of town. nllUcnd HI BBB 91 liy mall for 70c extra lu nay (Ki'itai.'e H M' M Will chanue arletles to Milt or mil BBB W (111 one-half of the order for i m m 91 OurMocks arecomuletc In.-wrj ilc- ' ' m tall and In flower t.eedn . Iijm tlie U (" J n llnekt 111. In the Mate. m m J H.G.Smurthwalfe H i; I Sood and Grain Company I : I llll 1111 ! 1HIIHHI I H 'MBHbI Bbh. " " "aTbbbbbbbbbbbbbh. How about coal for Easter? It may be more prosaic, but It is vastly cy" moro importance to your domestic do-mestic economy than Kaster eggs, Kaster hats, clothes or line raiment. Xow don't, like the Easter nbblt, do I any Jumping as regards conclusions In reference to tho quality of coal. Most u:i coal that Is sold Is t,ood. but some Is better than others, and tho better kind Is what wo furnish. And its costs no moic than the other. M. & L Wood & Coal Co Phone J 98 k. Kennedy a Laxative Koney and Tar Cures an Coughs, o expels CoIch from He system by ocutly muvlng tte boweli. $ Jjl )ft '3(i fy jjt !(s JJ? '$. $ J If! v f If f W1 '1 V ' v IP IP i Ti Chicago Meat Market I v LOGAN, UTAH, OFFERS YOU A' BARGAIN 4 wherein they GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU 75 $ PER CENT IN BUYING YOUR Smoked and X Salted Bacon. When buying bacon remember X X to not throw away your money. We mean what we X 4 say and can prove it to you. m $ i I S B. Sorenson, I Proprietor. Z 1 Notice. Notice Is hereby given that a meeting meet-ing of the stockholders of the Co-operative Grocery and Drug company is hereby called to convene at the otllcc of the company in the Commercial block at Logan City, Cache County, Utah, on tho 24th day of April, lDO-i, for tho purpose, of amending tho corporate cor-porate namo of tho corporation as the same appears In the article of incorporation incor-poration and the amendment thereto, by striking from said corporate name tho words "Grocery and" and causing tho same to read as follows: "Cooperative "Co-operative Drug Company." W. B. Piieston, .In.. Sec. Date first publication April 1st, 1D0.J. Peter A. Pehrson I Cement Contractor B is prepared to do any size ce- n nient work on short notice. Curbs, Collars. General ce- ment work done. List me Bj your work. R Phone 90y. Res. 50 N. 5th E I Sale of Delinquent Stock. I Tho West Cache Irrigation Company: Principal place of business Trenton, R Cacho county Utah. There are delinquent on the following described stock gf on account of assessment levied on the 8th day of March, 1005, tho several M amounts set opposite the names of the respective shareholders, as follows: R 1 Name No. cortlficato No. sharp Unissued shares Amt R Ilenry W. Ballard 15; 43; 52; 1C8 320 78.5. . .. $119 6ft If John W,. Bench 3.3.... oo 11 Wm. Blair :ms 10 23.7... 10 11 m It. A Ballantyne 105 60 11.2.... 27 3ft If J. L. Burnham - 2O.0.... CIS B 'S.F.Ballfl 15 i 50 U.5.... 17 85 f M.J.Ballard 153 50 0.5... 17 85 J L. A. Chrlstensen. 10; 47; 128 55.;.- 7.7.... 18 81 o, U John Carlisle 144 , 20. .. ii.9.... 8 07 ji J. R1. Cunningham . v . 15.0..,. 4 77- M Moses Chrlstensen 201 '....5.25 ,'1.4.... 180 """ Olif Cronqulst ( . 24.4.... 7 32 1 Joseph E. Cardon 154...'.. ..'..... 50 0.5 . 17 85 Louis S.Cardon loS.'A'.... .'.."... 50 38.2.... 2545 1 W. II. Carter, ..' ,. 23 fl9 1 T.E.Fuell ' t 10.5,.., 4 ILC.IIanscn 101 45.0 7.75.... 10 00 I J. F. Hansen 00; 105 5 l .... i 80 Alvinllawkes 24.5 .... 7 35 I Samuel Hunt 108 2.5 25.... 82 I WallacoJcnks 100 5.8 0 .... 2 01 W John Jenkins 51.8.... 15 64 i Kimball Bros. C, comp'y 121...: 18. .r .I...34 .... 0 42 m George Kenen 10.47..,. 4 1)4 T.S. Kenen 104: ,20 25.3 .... 13 02 f Hyrum Kenen 0 .... l 80 I N.B.Lewis 171) :..4o! 8.0 .... 14 68 I M.F.Mower 45.4.... 13 02 I Middlesex Banking Co.... 131, 150 40 ,...7.0.... 14 25 I Marinus Petersen t '1.39.... 41 I Andrew Peterson 234 ..: 5.7 ' i oi m II. M. Rawlins 34.5.... 10 35 Wm.F. Rlgby 183 '. 23 .'.. 2.8.... 7 64 1 C.A. Reese 77; 157; 174; 103 110.5 23.1....- 4188 II M.M. Reese 10.3.... 3 09 I George W. Seamons 117 20 41 .... 723 W. A. Seamons 04., 10 35 ..." 685 I Sidney Stevens 100; 229; 230; 231 ... . 1887 35.8 .... 0735 I Wm. Toombs 107...' 30 75.3 ... 3159 I Zepli Thomas 151 35 50 ..." 12 00 1 W. W. Whitney 139 oi 124 .,.'. 21 02 I J. E. Winn 7 m 2 jo & And In accordance with law and an order of the Board of Directors of said I Company made on the 8th day of March 1005, so manv shares or each pleco of w said stock as may be necessary will be sold at tho residence of Charles G. ij Wood, Secretary and Treasurer of said Company at Trenton, Cacho county Utah, on tho Oth day of May 1005, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, " m to pay delinquent assessments thereon, together with the cost of advertising R and expenses of sale. Cuaiiles G. Wood. 1 Secretary and Treasurer of the West Cacho Irrigation Company. Olllce, 1 Trenton, Cache County, Utah. w I SPRING UNDERWEAR ! ! $ I Vests, I I Union Suits and f $ Hosiery. f ' "J - ! f 1 ' 1 V Lop Knitting ff , v 145-147 Main Street - - Logan, Utah J |