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Show M IH I " I SajkkakeafpityagQjpijy Salt LaVc Clty'9 Leading Hoiel 30 South Main Street. Phono DOlfc I i rililfoPEAPL-AN I i n6r Deslnn a Sottlalttf 'J AMERICA? PLAN ral D"'9"$ a sttl"1' 1 -Local' and Lonpr" Distant phone In Orders by mall or phone promptly I pcvcry roqra. attended to. : 1 ' ' v I I Cullen Hotel. ' R.H. Officer &Co$ m ' West Second South st. Modern ASSAYESS AND CHEMISTS '. M I and up-to-date. Ratcs-82.00 ,109 South West Temple Street. JB Pr day. Samples sent by mall or express1 H S. C. EWING, Prop. receive prompt and careful attend I ; Windsor Hotel; . B.Morris Floral Co., t Centrally located. South of Ken- Tnos- "OB", Manager. I ' European $' StsSnaWe. "Oral DCSlQHS and DCCOFatiOnsj State trado sollcjtcd. Rates Branch 02 E. 2nd S. Phono 8.3. M fiO cents ana up. McCORNICK RUILDINO - I iLiridsay Rogers Fluff Rug Works m IPS h-ARR'S CIGAR STORE. mail OBAtJB IIEVEUSIIILE ItUOS B made (rum old Carpets. No. 230 West1 j 7 West Second South Street. f-ouiii Temple, l'anipiihtoii' application B T If. - I - The FIRST NATIONAL BANKl Bu in rt I l M' OF LOGAN, UTAH.; -f Oai-ital -J " - $.'0,000.00 B L ' H SUltl'LUS AND UNDIYIDKI) PltOFITS $25,000.00 B Do your banking business at tho First National, the only National B Rank in Cache county. Tender supervision of the United States ' 'Government. Safety tor deposits. H Prompt, progressive and up to date. W want jour business, i me We pay four percent Interest on time deposits. Interest compounded H quarterly, , W4 W. S. McCoknick, President. A i.i.an' M. Flkmino, Cashier. 12 Jakks Quaylk, Vice President II. E. Ckockktt Ass't. Cashier. If , LIST OF DIRECTORS: jfjjl W. S. McCoitNiCK. .Tajiks Quaylk .'.)SKi'ii F. Smith M John II. Andkuson, Thos. Smakt Soukn IIanbkn. jrJf C. C. Goodwin. C. W. Niulky. Allan M. Flkmino -r i iA? H0TEL EAfiLE m "TwBifSQK R00MS 50c 75c and $l,0 R ShI )3Sfl RESTAURANT in Connection. I dl3 JHIbw Zeptl Thomas' Mgr I Main St,, Logan, Utah I 'You Should Know What Flowers and Vegetables you Wish M to Grow. LARGEST STOCKS IN NORTHERN UTAH and Idaho, and con- IK sists of Six Hundred Varieties. I II. Smurthwaite Grain and Seed Co. B , West Center Street, Logan. DON'T T0RGET THE CORRECT ADDRESS L sS6nFNVERyRlOGRAN,PE I RidBRAKDEWgTjPw I The Scenic Line I " Td Glenwood Springs, Aspen, Lcadvllle, Ptieblo, Colorado Springs, I K Denver, Omaha, ICansas City, 'St: Louis, Chicago, and a'll points. I iJJ East. Connecting at Ogden Union Depot' wlfhl all, Southern Pa-. ' f cltlc and Oiegon Short Line trains. 1' The only Transcontinental i Line passing directly through Salt Lake City. 3 Splendidly Equipped Trains between T - OGDEN AND DENVER J 0 Via Tlirce Separate and Distinct Scenic Routes. 1 THROUGH PULLMAN and ORDINARY SLEEPING GARS , To Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago without "'; change. Free Reclining Chair Cars. Personally Conducted Ex- '" curslons. DINING OARS, Service a la Carte on all through trains. For rates, folders, free Illustrated booklets, eto Inquire of your Z I nearest ticket agent, specifying the Rio Grande 1 ..route, or address... I. C. BENTON, G PAD, Salt take City i , r A Daredevil Ride often ends In sad accident. To heal accidental Injuries, use Ilucklcn's Arnica Ar-nica Sahc. "A deep wound In my foot, fiom nn accident," writes Theodore Theo-dore Schuclc, of Columbus. O., "caused "caus-ed mc great pain. Physicians were helpless, but Ilucklcn's Arnica Sake quickly healed It." Soothes nnd heals burns like magic. i"c at Rlter Rros. Drug Co. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Best. "Mothers buy It for cioupy children railroad men buy It for severe eouuhs and cldcily people buy it forlagilppe" says Moons Rros. of Iowa. "We sell moioof Chamberlain's cough lemcdy than any other kind. It seems to have taken the lead over scvcial other good brands." Thcro Is no question but tills medicine Is tho best that can be procured for coughs or colds, whether (c bo a child or an adult that Is atlllct-cd, atlllct-cd, as it always cuies quickly. For sale by all druggists. About Rheumatism. Theio arc few diseases that Inflict more toiture than rheumatism and there is probably no diseaso for which such a varied and useless lot of remedies reme-dies havo been suggested. To say that it can be cured Is, therefore, it bold statement to make, but Chamberlain's Chamb-erlain's pain balm, which enjoys an Rxtenslvo bale, has met with great success In the treatment of this disease. dis-ease. Ono application of pain balm will relievo the pain, and hundreds pf sufferers have testllicd to permanent cures by its use. Why suller when Pain Halm affords such quick relief and costs but atrillcV Sold by all druggists. A Night Attack Last night the little daughter ot Mrs. litovwi, as she sweetly and peacefully peace-fully slept In her little bed near the window, wasnttacked byndeathdeal-Ing byndeathdeal-Ing demon known as Croup Whooping Cough, and but for tho timely use of Kennedy's Laxatle Honey and Tar, which she alvvavs keeps handy, the little lifo of the little ono might not have been saved. Kennedy's Laxative Laxa-tive Honey and Tar Is different from all of this old-tlmo tough syrups and Is best for children because It acts on'the bowels, Is harmless, safe and certain. Contains no opiates. Sold by Rlter llros Drug Co. Last Hope Vanished. When leading physicians said that W. M. Stnlthart, of Pckln, la., had In-curable In-curable consumption, Ills last hope vanished; va-nished; but Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, kcptlilmout of Ills giave. lie says: "Thisirtcatspecillc completely cuied mc, and saved my life. Since then, 1 have used lb for over ten jcais, and consider It a marvelous tin oat and lung cure." Strictly scientltlc euro for Coughs, Sore Throats, or Colds; sure preventive of pneumonia. Guai-anteed, Guai-anteed, fiOc, and $1.00 bottles at Rlter Hi os. Drug Co. Health is Youth. Ilcrblne, taken every morning before be-fore breakfast, will keep vou In robust health, iitjou to wart' oil disease. It cures constipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, dys-pepsia, fever, skin, liver and kidney complaints. It purifies the blood and clears tho complexion, Mis, D W. Smith, Whitney, Texas, Writes April .'5, 1002: "I have used Ilcrblne, and llnd it Is the best medicine for constipation consti-pation and liver troubles. It docs all you claim for It. I can highly recommend recom-mend It." flQcts a bottle Sold by Rlter Rros Drug Co. For a Weak Digestion. No medicine can replace the food but Chamberlain's stomach and liver tablets can help you to digest It. It is not the quantity of food taken that gives stiength and vigor to tho system, sys-tem, but the amount digested and assimilated. as-similated. If troubled with a weak digestion don't fall to give these tablets tab-lets a trial. Thousands havo been benefited by their use. They only cost a quarter. Sold by nil ttiugglsts Keep your boWcls regular bj thu usio of Chambei Iain's stomach and liver tablets for thoro Is , nothing bettor. For sale bjall drilifglsts. PROBATE AND "GUARDIANSHIP HOTICE, Coaiult County Clerk or the Repcctlve Signer Sign-er for rurther Information. In the District Court, Probate Division In and tor Cache County, State of Utah. tfOTtOI! TO bftlWITOKM INtnlti of Joseph tl rea e. iloceatcil i ,c,?c"u'r' will Prt-wiiU-JiUin-i with vouchers to tho iindiTslRnnl in Ml West Siri.nd South ?-: . ""rl ' c.1,y- 0."C,M' rhiuity. Wish, on or before the nil ly of Auiriist. A. t. IWi HW siutillcsuloii. April 3th. A. I) i ..l'il.l' J"i irV? e"' wlnilnlstralor of tlio esinti. or ,lovph U reaves, (locosM'd. NOTICr, TO CUKMTOItS Kslatoof llenry Walts, Deceased. Creditors will present Halms' ulth vouchers to tho nmlerli;ncil at tlmolllcu nf .1, . .stew-art,. .stew-art,. Ir. attorney, at l.i)an. Cncho enmity. I'tah. on or U-roro tho 31st day of July, lims, Joseph Watts Admlnlstratorof the estate ut Henry Watts deceased Date of first Publication March I.I.A. D.HOJ, .noi'ich to cui:inoic. Kslatoof Markl'i-eece. deceased. Creditors will present rlalips wttli vmuliers to the undersigned nt Coi ovllle.Cacho county Mato of UUhimor In'fure Ihe, 1st day of Au-KU?l Au-KU?l W . Ann I'rus-e. Administratrix of tho estaUi of Mark I'rcece, deceased John A, Sneddon, All j 1st publication March?', last A pal. In the District Court of the I'lrst Judicial District Ifi and for tho county uf Cache. In tho matter of tho estate nnd Kiinrdlait-hhlti Kiinrdlait-hhlti of hmllii WenuerKreii. I.lllle VVenner-Kirn, VVenner-Kirn, Amelia VVcniierirrcii, Mny Vveniicrcrvn, union VVennersreu. and l.isui t.llzalictli Wciinerttriui, Minors. Order to show cause. Win. M. VVelr. ttiOKiinnllnu of tho eslato of the ntmvo named minors havliur illeil In this court his petition, duly verltlrd. prnylmr that ho ho authorised to lenMi for ii period of sIn i ears the followlnir real property Iwlonir-Intr Iwlonir-Intr to said estate, to win Tlio northwest quarter, nnd thv vest linlf of tlm liorilieastiiuiirtur. nnd the northwest quarter of the southeast ciuaru rot section 1J township 1.1, north of ranini one iveslot tho Salt Lake meridian, Also, tlpi mjutlinest quarter of tho.soutlieasl quarter of sis-tlon to township tl. north rnnicu one weslof s. I,. M. Also, thu northeast quarter of section III, jownjlilp 13. north of rmiini oim west of the H, I,. M In Cache county, slate of Utah, containing con-taining ulout 4so acres. It Uonlcrod that nil iktsoiis liilereslrd In tho said estate appear Is'torn the nhuvo entitled court on Monday the JTth day ot April, IH05, at - p.m. at thu court rtHim nf said court In the county court house, at Uiiraii. Utah, loslniw cause. If any thero Ik', why the said real estiitefthou Id not ho leased to Joseph Chrlsteiiseii upon thu terms unit conditions which fully appear In tho said in-tltloii Illeil herein to which reference Is heruhy made. And It Is further ordered that notice hereof ho given for nut less than ten daysliy piilillcatlon of this order hi thu l)gan Itepuh-llrnn, Itepuh-llrnn, and ty mailing notices to thu relatives of the said minors mentioned In thu petition ten days prior to said l'th day of April, IWi. V. VV .Maiiiiha.v, District Judge. Dated this 4th day of April. HW. NOTlOi: I'OK I'ltltl.lOATION, No, Siiitl. Department of tho Interior, I.mid Olllco at Halt Lake City. Utah. April s, I HO, Notlcu Is hereby given that tho following, named settler has tiled mil Ico of his Intention Inten-tion to make llnal pnnif In supisirt ot his' claim, nnd that said proof will ho made lie-fore lie-fore tho clerk of tho District Court In nnd for Cat ho Conntv, Utah, at logau, Utah, on May 17, I1HO, vlri Alfred .luuseii II i: V.VM for lots I, L'.U, and 4. bee. 5 tp. 14 y. It. I VV. S I.. M. lie names the following witnesses li pruvei his continuous rusldeuco iiijiftn auiloultlva-tlonofHaldlnnd, auiloultlva-tlonofHaldlnnd, vli ' "' Myron W. Duller, ITnhrnltn llergesou. Itufus I' llullcr. Cliimenco llutler. all of Treiilou. Utah I'liAMt I). IIohiih. Iliglsti r. - ii i Kennedy a Laxative Honey and Tar Cures all Coughs, and expels Colds from the system by cent ly moving the bowels.' i i i 1 1 , i ,i . The Castle fn Spain, In the mhlst of the nloatnlnir, VVhllo soft ililppeil the lulu, IIIh thoilghlH fill to hiilldlllif Thut ensile III Hpiiln; And hrljihl Hhotir- tho vision With nlvstlenl Blow ' . When sound, J u uhUpei; , "Wiitit ' Kilter mid know I" Ah. the uiiiil ii ml the tin rets lie looked on will Joy Wein opl) tin, fiinnlioiisu . . lie luvnl when n hoy. And tho I'rlneeMs who dwelt thero Tor ii)i us Ills hihlu AVn slin who u dermic lluil luipul ut his silu! And the vvlmi Unit he niilured Itts cup-Hen ei In lux Whs n draft fiom the fnltlifid Old piistlire-lot spring. And the wealth of Ihe Indus That ' 'ked Ills nliuilo Was tu dnrllng fiu.'M A trupdle-hed showed! Willi" the miulo thut iuh'emd Ami "drilled through the ktep Wan u motlmr-vulee singing These chlhlien to sleep Thus there In thft gloaming, As soft chipped the rain, lie fouiul ho had cnleied , Ills v'uallij In Hnalli -Ynuths Companion. CACHE VALLFA-'mtlfCARD No. It. Dally. No. IS. Dally Mixed, H I'ocatello 2i4S p. m 3:30 a. m mU Salt Lake 5ilj " llitip.m H Ottita 7:15 " ..,., ,.,1,.,.. 1:25 H CacheJct, 8:53 , .,,,., JiMam H Meudun iilJ " 'e.oo WM Logan :. ' 4.3 H Smlthfleld Bi4S " 7:00 " H Itlchmond 9151 7S42 H Franklin I0is " a.jj Wl Aiiiurts H I'rston IOiW " Ditd.'a.ta W SOUTH HOUND. H ' 'NO. IS Daily. ''''I' '';No:iil.D"alIyMlVe, H Preston 7:10a, in B:40i.m l'"rnklln 7i7 " 10.00 " H Ulchmood. "j ." .ml 10:40 " mM SmlthBold 7:5fi " ."....."..".tt:iO " H Uigan SsK, ..I' , ..(,,.. ...,..l5iMp.ra mW Mendon S!3f1, ....'..?!:?..'.. lilO " mU CacheJct. Si53 ," i;3j B Ogden IOi.10 " 5:30 ' Salt Lake ll:5J " t):55 " BSJ lcatello 4,3 " HBV Tor further Information apply to H V V. Wixxhldn.Ak'cnt. BVJ Official Directory. i-H Dlsttict .IiuIko V. W. Maunhan. H District Attoiney-Ktod. I. Ilolton. U ddll.VTV tilKICKItM, H County Cortiiulssloliei-s-I!, A Ilcnd- H rlcKs, .los'cph Ivnovvles, W. II.Dar- mU M County Clerk -Jacob N, Larscu. H pounty Recorder Rebecca Kanics. H County Attorney.!. C. Walters. BVM County Treasurer W. C. r.irklnson. County Assessor .Ion. .1. Richardson. BVA County Sherlir-T. II. Smith. BVA County Surveyor IC. C. Schatib. M County riiyslclan--AV. it. I'arklnson. H County Supt. Schools Lewis McCar H County Fish and Q tine Warden Chas. H II WlSon H Wntef f. ommlssioncr .lames Mclkle. H Fruit tree Inucsotors Niels R, Rroby BVAb Wcllsvtlle sou th i of county BVMV I'homas Sterliiie, Providence, north 1 H I'rcclncL Justices of tho I'cacc and H Constables of Cacho County, elected H November 8th, VMi, BVAV .lustlccf A .on.Gco. V. DavlstRcusoti V(H L. 1'. Round vjCoIIckc, C. R' Jcpp- H sen; Covevillc, K. S. Larscn; 1 Greenville, NclsA. Madsen; Hyde J l'ark, James Morton; Hyrum, Jas. L ensen; u(,'an, Thos. X.Smith; H L Alston, i eter F,. VanOidcn, Jr.; 1 Mllvllle, Martin Oiscn: Mendon, J " --;Mt. Sterllnif, David J licnrv; Newton, Lorenzo 0. Lar- ben; l'otcrboro, ;lrov- 1 . Idcuci. Lorenzo R. Tibbltts; I'ara- 1 tllse, V. .!. Willis; Richmond, H . ; Smlthllcld, Win. Douij- H last; Trcnou, Charles G. Wood; H cll.svlllo, R. Rasmusscnt Wheel- cr, .lames M. Anderson; Clarkston, J nine 11 lardlnc. Phb Constables A ton,-William C. Hub- H baitl lleiiion, J 10. Rarncy; Col- lege Walter A. Jensen; Covevillc, F h. Tltensor; Orccnvlllc Wii- H lard Nyman) Hyde l'ark, Fred O. SVoolf; Ilyrttih, Robeit II. McFar- 1 lean; Itwaiu .Oeorco 1. Fames, Levvlston, --i --, M 111- H vlllc, Fredrick TrYciitcs; Mention, , ; -Mt.. Sterllni;, Daniel wlovil; KuvvtQii, Franklin T, Orlirin 1'ctcrb.oro, , H . t'rovldcnce, Horace Ham- Mnond raradlsej' R. V. James; Rlchinond, i : H Smlthlleld.AyaltcrFlslier: Trenton Alvln plcCombs; Wellsvllle, Fred T J)arley; Wheeler, William Ry- H bee; Clarkston, AslahThoinpson. HANS. C. JENSEN H Baled Hay, Straw and Grain. H Prices reasonable. Located ut the BVAVJ U. O. Foundry bulldlnt,'. Residence H 'phono 71x. Purchases delivered if de- H IfO HELfflill H to stay hoalod, and to romovo ovory traco of arB l COUGH or a COLD quickly and pleasantly H don't fail to ask for tho only romody in all the E I world that doos i;; i I H I DISOOVERYi I 1 FOR CONSUMPTION I .fl Sims, Ark., Oct. 14, 1903. I H I had lung trouble for two years. It confined mc to my I H bed four weeks. I got three bottles of Dr. King's New I HH Discovery and it cured mc. Have not had a pain in m" M HiiiiiH lungs since. J. VV. Johnson. Utt H 9 s27.Soc Absolutely Guaranteed H H WUGmmmWmW SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY HBHHHfli K3 ItHcr Rros Drug Co. Loj?an( Utdh, Montpcllor l'restoirand FranUlIn, Idaho .Bl |