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Show Rusila's Export Profits. Moro than half of Russia's profits from exports como from the sale of grain. TEA Is, It tea that unlooses tho wings of thought and the bands of the tongue? Meaning of "Peppercorn Rent." "Poppercorn Kent" Is a nominal rnt. A pepper-berry Is of no appreciable appre-ciable value, and, given as rent. Is a simple acknowledgment that tho tenement tene-ment virtually belongs to whom the peppercorn Is due. TEA Think of the cheer in a cargo of teal DYSPEPSIA YIELDS A JTTHE TEAM'- VI0TIM ITNDIA . i MMEDY TnATOUBES. 7 i w ' w - -, i v Tor Two Tear TtoWttk to Work A Daa Doctor Had TtUd to Ctiaek DIhih, treatment. That Succiled. All sufferers from weakness or disorders disor-ders of tho digestive organs will read with lively Intercut tho story of the com pleto.rppovery of ,Mrt Kottlle Dnrroux from chronic dyspepsia which was thought to 1x3 .incurable, ' To Walling) fdrjnlne years is not a Tory pleasAut 'oxix,rlenco,,'taald Mrs. Darvoux, when attltod for some account of hur illness. " Tor two years I was critically ill nml could not nttond to my household dutlex, and nt ono tlmo I was so weak nud miserable that I could not oven walk. My troublo was ohronlo dys-popsla. dys-popsla. I boenmo extremely thin nud had n, sallow complexion. I had no np-potlto np-potlto and could not take any food without with-out suffering great distress." " Did you linvo n physloian?" Yes, I took medicine ifroni a dozen different doctors, but without getting any benefit whatever," "How did' you get ou the track of a euro?" "A book about Dr.Wllllnms'Plnk Pills was thrown in our doorway ono day. My husband picked it up and read it through carefully. Ho was so impressed by the stutemeutaof those who had been curod by thnt romedy that ho Immediately Imme-diately bought threo boxes of tho pills aud insisted oil my taking them." "Did thoy help you nt ouoo?" " I bognn to fool bolter tho socond day nf tor I started to use tho pills nud by the ttmo I had taken tho threo boxes I was entirely woll. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can euro ovon when doctors fail, nud thoy onro thoroughly, for a long tlmo has passed siuco my restoration to health nud I know it is comploto and lasting." Tho surest wny to mako sound dlgos-tion dlgos-tion is to givo strength to tho organs oon-corned. oon-corned. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills givo now vigor to tho blood. No othor remedy rem-edy yields such radical results. Mrs. Dnrvoux lives at No. 407 Sixth street, Dotroit, Mich. Dr.. "Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all druggists in every part of the world. Dyspeptics should soud to tho Dr. Williams Med-iolno Med-iolno Company, Schonoctady. N. Y., for a new booklet entitled " What to Eat nnd How to Eat." usn the FAirocs RJ Cro. tun Hiuo. Lars 'Uit. packsire I eeots. The Huss Company, South ilend, Ind. When the Charm Wanes. The greater proportion of divorces takes place botween tho fifth and tenth year of married life. How's) This? We offer One lluodred DolUri Reward for tar sua of Clrrb UM ctnout b eared 07 IUll'i Cunti Cure. F. J. CI1KNKT 4 CO., Toledo. O. We, the nnderttf oed. litre known F. J. Caeoef for Ibe Uit IS reen, eod believe Mm porfeaU j boa-oreble boa-oreble la ell bullae! iruniecUom end flneacUllf able to carry out enj ublttfttloni made by bli firm. . WitniMU. KlKlH AMlBTIV, VSboleiele DrufvUU. Toledo. O. TIell't Catarrh Care U taken Internally, action dlroctly upon the blood and mucoue aurfaceiot the litem. Teitlmonlali lent free. Prloe 73 cent pel bottle. Bold by all JiriKsUti. Take Ilall'a Family l'llli for conitlpaUon. 8hoe Fashion Is Ancient. Tho present fashion of shoes waa Introduced Into England In 1C33. TEA Tb there a better way ttt keep the family longer at table, to keep it together? No Snow Near Sea Coast. In no country does the line of perpetual per-petual snow roach tho sea coast TEA1 ' The modestest thing In the world is tea. It is only teal . Disinfect Railway Carriages. In Bavaria railway carriages are disinfected dis-infected at tho ond of every Journey, TEA It rouses new life and al most satisfies hunger. Father Goose. Cho namo of Mother Gooso's husband hus-band uas Isaac Goose, and her rhmyet wero first printed by her son-in-law, Thomas Fleet, a printer In Boston, TEA How many letters are there In tea? One, two or three, as you like : t ortxor tee or tea. Knew Him. "When my husband comes home and tells mo ho has had a corking good tlmo," sRld Mrs. Oayman, "I always know ho has had an uncorking uncork-ing good time." TEA Your grocer has also ouri coffee baking - powder ex -i tracts apices and soda. All alike as to trueness nnd goodness. ulU'i ihM U a fd t,u ee mm, Difficult Feat on Skis. The two men In tho foreground are Just accomplishing tho dlfflcult feat of turning round on ski, tho feet being raised one at a tlmo, as shown, and the heavy ski Jerked round. Norwegian Nor-wegian soldiers, It Is said, learn to keep their balance on theso shoes In threo or four days; but oven when ox-pert ox-pert they carry n ski stick, for, when ski running nt speed, tho only way to stop Is to dig this stick Into tho siHjw or Ico dont roRoirr H A larse Xtt. package lied Crow Dall Bine, oat' W t cents. T&aJtuss Company, South Uead,Ia& i jsmesnamTB gases j Of lencorrbea, excessive flowing, painful but a specialist's prescription, hawing J periods, prolapsus, or falling of womb, as a single aim the cure of disease! H attended by weak back, bearing-down peculiar to women. 1 1 sensations, .ulceration of womb, .paid' Reliable'dealers recommend " Favor- fj ! tJ'yf fT t. l llJalJT ite Prescriptloni" With tricky ones, jssssaaaBeaw something else, that pavs, them ,better j eflSStft ( .''iKeafaaafaaafaaafaaafaVaaVaV will probably be Urged Upon VOU M SH JBUJ WBBp "Just as good." Perhaps It is for $8 jBr7""' sVllBLm thtm; but it r,an't be for you. Soma n TB ' fl laving may bo made by purchasing our B If mm medicines in half-dozen quantities. HI , , Mm ,i aCfl If you are convinced that the " Fa- ( ls W) , , Tfv cr , TfzA t vorite Prescription " U the rocdicina and tenderness of ovaries, are almost you need, do not be cajoled into ac- always cured by a falrlv persistent uso cepti.ig something else. The attempt of Dr,'Pierce't Favorite Prescription, to induce you to do so is an insult to m If in any case it should, in due time, your intelligence, Turn your back on Hj not seem quite adequate to meet every the ono who offers the affront. . B phase of some complicated case, Dr. nD ,,., , nAiANT ppi urr B Pierce always stands ready to offer DR' PIERCB 5 PLnASAfrr PELLBT3 m valuable suggestions based upon years Curo biliousness, sick and bilious head- of varied experience which often proves ache, dizziness, costiveness, or constl- H of inestimable value. This be does en- patlon of the bowels, loss of appetite, B tirely free of charge to thoao using his coated tongue, sour stomach, windy K medicines. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, belchlngs, ''heart-burn," pain and dls- L jB 403 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. tress after eating, and kindred derange- 9l Hi Dm. B. v.-Pinto Buffalo. N. Y. i ments of the liver, stomach and bowels. JE Dtar 8r I once tbouiht I should never Perilons subject to any of these troubles HC wtit7womb ali.MeVord. cannot ere Bnoald nevcr without vittl of tho Haddlstresslna- baarlne-dowu pains, oalnful " Pleasant Polleta " at hand. They are TO taonthlr sickness, backache, constipation, always adopted as a household rem- B also cold hands and feet at all times. Was .v ftpr ihn first trial Put tin In W Si runVlown.andthereiwaanothJnfc-leftof e?Y nu?r. lno. P?81 lr,aV , ,! P. ,n Ke but a shadow. After I hadtaken elsht glass vials, tightly corked, therefore Hi ittlea Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, always fresh and reliable. K $$ Uso mnePofnDr JSctfa'VtolSSSt 0ne ,ittla ' ' Pellot " is a 'a1- WO Pefiets. I waa entirely curei I always keen aro cathartic. They regulate, inrlgor- B tee remedies on hand now. and recommend ataand cleanso tlio liver, stomach and Dl tiiemtoallmyfrUnda. Tfjurstr bowels. As a "dinner pill," to pro- 98 4th Street. BonsseUer. Albany. NTx. mot5 digestion, take one each day. To There is no opium, cooalne or other relievo the distress arising from over- HJ narcotlo in "Favonto Prescription." gating, nothing equals one of these H Neither does it conUln alcohol, wh'sky "Wlo "Pellets." They're tiny, sugar- ' or othor intoxicant. coated, anti-bilious granules, scarcely H It often happens that childlessness is 'r8er than mustard seeds. H due to condlt'ans Which may be cor- Doctor Pierce's great thousand-page H reoted. Manywomen hare found that "Common Sense Medical Ad visor" will H the vitality and vigor imparted by Dr. be sent for the mere cost of mailing ; HJ Pierce's Favorite Prescription' to the papor-bound for 21 ono-cent stamps, H womanly organs, haa been the one thing or cloth-bound for 31 stamps. It is a R needful to fulfill the joy of motherhood, grand and useful book. Address Dr. Hj This famous medicine is not a utre-all, It. V. Pierce, 603 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y. H Mrs. TTInalaw'a Soothlna- flyrap. for children leetblni, toftene tbe gurai. redacea la-SammaUon.alUjip.la, la-SammaUon.alUjip.la, cure, wind cullu. SooabotUe. TEA The cost of tea is all In the tea ; the cost of coffee fa by no means all in the coffee. Yew (rone -wuru four moatf If fern aWl Me eaUUafV . Southwark el Market. London possesses a curiosity In the Southwark Eel Market, which Is said to havo been held regularly for over 800 years. It Is llttlo known except In tho neighborhood whoro It Is hold. TKA Tea is coarse or fine, tea or weed, harsh or smooth, keen or soft, heavy or bright but words are empty. WHl. fcr ear JCjiowUI,, Beol. A IcUBU. 1 Cmpaiy, Sm rrancW " A Dream. lllks to think how fine 'twould bulk Were 1 the bi Me of a srand marquUt All day lens His lose sons , Would he sing- while, he slahtd for muls. Now Orleans Picayvne. Alabastine -j I Your 3 1 Walls : I Just ask the doctor if there isn't M danger of disease in your walls. KB J Don't take our word for It ask him. 5 m& a Make him tell you. J jPJ There Is only one perfectly sani- wM tary and hygienic wall covering. fM J That is Alabastine made from J jfil Alabaster rock then colored with 9 fsi mineral colorings. ' lm J Alabastine is cleanly, because it J JjS a is made from pure rock Alabaster J W rock and pure water. It is not stuck jpifi on with sour paste nor smelly glue. i Wi a When your walls need covering, ' '"' W2 you don't need to wash aLabastinb s Sm a off. Just add another coat, for Ala- m bastine is antiseptic as well as J fi a beautiful. The most beautiful decor- J IB attons are possible with Alabastine. Hi Anr decorator or painter can put It on. 931 You ouuld do U jrounelf. Imlitcn Ala- jfU baiUne belns dellrereil In the original I (Hi I package. It la your onlr aafexuard " JEM agalnitanbitltutlonof worthlen kalio- ma a mlnea. Write for beantlful tint card i IX J and free aug-gcstlona. j Q BJ mi" dialir tan'l luttly yen, tini ut Hi g H ej nami and wtwilltit that wukavtAUbaitini sj SB U ALABASTINE COMPANY. K Grant Are., Grand Itaplda, Mich. Mj raisiSiBiNewTorkOfflce,:asWater8t.HBalj" wL IH0RTH-S0UTM-EAST-WE5T! 1 .ettksMs YU Wlfab riM ' AaBA tlLCt CirtTHINQ M JBBBk tttRYWM-r.i,. m ntUHttlaklx AiM aortmai&M HJ fcww the wrM ever TNy ore rodem W -,M WsdiorjrellowforoJIIuitoefiwtworli. H TOfllO MffWwtkjnMtteJICNOr H , Trie rlJHbaivaitcalti) oive x IH ApVIL broctioiAllrelAblcdcalmxirUien. HJ pniSJBH A CLEAR, HEALTHY SKIN fl y eTemS Saedbolm'e Ec:ema M mm Bp n and Bkin Remedy "' ' WM k Purines, Then Heala. H Lz Jmm Poaltlvely curea Ecierae, I'lmplet, 1 WWyjl Kruptloni. Iniect Oltea and all die- 9M r I jf n euii of the akin. An abaolate aTel cure for Dandruff qr Scalp dlieaae. jM 31.00 Per Bottle. BendforVBCKBOORXBZS. dfl Aik your druKKlit or barber or lend to 9 BAWPHOLM BKPO O0.,'pa Kolata, Iowaj 3 ST, MARK'S HOSPITAL f SALT LAKE CITY ! I O. O. HUNTING, Suporlntondent r ALFALFA SEED BAILEY & SONS ei-es a. snd so. bt.. aair lakm oirv. utam Are headquarters for the best quality Alfalfa n?A il10 ." aaa rd" ao"ls; Ora n, EGGS THAT WILL HATCH I From My 1'rlie Winners. Sftrri?J!linJ0utKh Uoe W.'.6opersetD. H. Ullrown Leghorn Ees Il.w per setting. S. O DAY 72B VMTM T V' ' Ur I SALT LAKH PITY... HOWARD E. BURTON, A80,AVJW8T,N, rSF&'ffS.P&V1?.01' 8i.'"r' I-ill OolJ "sil- 1 ver.i Sfl (lolil, au ZlneurCopper.il. L'raolde teata. ti MalUng envelope and full rrfca llit sent oa pllo "JJ lllii r'2 K4 T. "Plrwork iuSltW. UaX 2 vine, Colo, inference, Carbooaut Natluoal Daaar "1 When Answering Advertisement l Kindly Mentlrn Thf Wtmtr, W jLaiaiaHa |