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Show Cye'K. Nappcr has a real live Easter display in Ills windows big bunnies and little bunnies. They are Just "as cute as they can be" and attract nearly near-ly cverypasscrby. Read and Remember. A shoit time after tho Hurst saloon had been established In the north part of the Union Block, which part belongs to Mr. Hcndrlckson, a prominent clti. zen of Logan told me that he knew of more than one bundled ladies who would not call again at my place of business as long as the saloon icmaln-cd icmaln-cd there. Rut now as said saloon has gone bankrupt and the nuisance has been removed may I hope that any and all ladies as well as gentlemen will favor mo with a call vvhenovcr they aro In the market for tirst-class footwear. foot-wear. The shoes In stock are: C. P. Ford's and Julian Kokengc's for ladlesjSchelt-felo ladlesjSchelt-felo for misses and children and Douglass Doug-lass for gentlemen. All these makes aie the very best shoes in America. ANIMIKAS PUTKIISKN. For Lease. H About 12,000 acres of yaluablo gnu- E Ing lands In the vicinity of Parad so, B Cache Countv, capable of supporting H 6.0C0 sheep or 1,000 cattle. H I'ltANK K. NKIlKKK.lt, H j Commercial Bock H |