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Show K An Ordinance. Hj Granting a Franchise to The Utah Hj Independent Telephone Co. H; Section 1. He it ordained by tlic 1 Mayor and City Council of l)nan, i Utah, Hint the I'tah Independent 1 Telephone Company, a corporation, Its H successors and assigns hereafter to j he called In tills ordinance rjiaiitcc Is i hereby mantcil the right, franchise m and privilege to construct and operate B and maintain upon, alonrr, through, B , under and In the sliects, alleys, lanes and public places of said city all neccs- sary poles, posts, cables, wires, con- dults and other suitable material, ap- pllances and appurtenances ncces- saiy and requisite to the operation and maintenance of a telephone ex change in said cltj for period of llfly (50) years. Section -. That the said grantfe, its successors and assigns shall, in electing the said poles and posts and doing undci'Kiound work, disturb the sidewalks and pavements as little as possible, and shall at all times after electing said notes and posts, wires and cables, replace all streets so ills- turbed by them and leave them in ' equally as good condition as they were '' before being so disturbed. Section :i. That Logan City shall i In noway be liable or responsible for i any accident or damage that may occui In the election, establishment, location and maintenance of poles, i posts, wiies, cables or conduit or dam- s nges arising in any manner therefioin by reason of the default or misconduct bSB of said giautre, Its successors or as- kVI ) signs aforesaid, or their employees, ftVB and the acceptance of this grant shall be deemed an agiccmeut on the part of said grantee tor itself, Its successors and assigns to save said city harmless bSb from and against, any and all liability, loss, cost, expense or damage from any cause arising out of any such do- . fault oi misconduct or which may ftSI accrue by icason of any accident or In- ftSI Jury which may occur in or by reason of the constitution or operation, croc-' ftfj tlon, establishment, location and kVI maintenance of said poles, posts, ftVI wlies, cables or conduits used In the ftpl operation of said telephone exchange, and to Indemnify and repay said city H for any loss, costs, expense or damage H of any kind it nun sustain by reason H of any such default, misconduct, lie- H cldcnt or Injury, and If any Judgment H for damages against said city for any H such misconduct, default, accident H i or Injury shall bo iccovcred against H said city, tho recovery thereof shall be H Dual as between said city and the said V grantee, its successors or assigns, H aforesaid, and conclusive as to the H liability of the latter to the foimcr, H piovlded, however, that said grantee and its succcssois or assigns shall have H had notice In writing of the pendency H of said action in time to appear, an- B ' swer and defend the same. H Section 4. The city council of Lo- H gan hereby rescues t lie right to use, H free of expense to the city, the poles M hcicln provided for, which may be H neccssaiv for the stringing of wires H for police, lire alarm and other muni- B cipal purposes piovlded such wires V shall not interfeie with the proper H use of the wires of the grantee. B Section f. Tile construction of the J telephone plant referred to herein H shall commence within six mouths B after the granting of this ordinance, and be completed with all convenient H Section (1. All poles and posts used M by tlie grantee heielu, its succcssois m and assigns, shall be reasonably M straight, and at all points w here there B Is an unusal stialn, shall bosuillcientl.v HHm stayed In workmanlike manner, and m at all points shall be so placed as not B to Interfeie with travel or ordinary H use of theslieets, as may be directed m by the city council or s-ome committee m or pel son authorized by It for that H purpose, and shall further comply m with the teims and requirements of m existing ordinances or ordinances HH which may be heieafter passed, In rc- IB latlou to slice, height, painting and B position of w lies thcicon. Section 7. All woik done by the m giantee herein In the public sticcts, m i lanes, alleys oi other public places In m said city sliall be done by the grantee B heielu under the supcivision of and subject lo inspection by the city council, council committee or other pcisou or pci.sous authorized by It for m that put pose, the right being exprcssy B reserved hcicln by the city council, acting thiouuh such committee or per- m son, to condemn any work of construe- H tlon not done or performed In accord- m aucewlth thctcrnisofthlsfiunchiscor m contrary to existing ordinances and to M stop and picu'iit the continuation of H any such work coutiary to this frail- B clilse or existing ordinances. H Sections. That the said grantee, m its succcssois and assigns shall fur- m nish, liialntalu and keep in repair fiee m of chaige, telephones not exceeding m twclvo In number for the use of Logan m city from and after the Installation of H its plant, and in addition thereto m three telephones shall be furnished1 B free to Logan cit at the end of each1 bYJ succeeding live. ear term theieafler, for the peilod of tilteeu yea is, fiom ftV the date of giantiug this fian- clilse, and for the lemnliKler of the life of this fianchise the ftm grantee shall furnish free to Logan ftpa' city one additional telephone for each m succeeding live ear term, the loca- m tlon of which telephones shall be as m directed by the city council, and shall H grant to Logan city freo tolls for ap-' B prehendlug criminals within a radius ; PPJ of one liuudred miles of Logan cltv. I PH Section u. Tho light to purchase f the entire plant nnd property of the PPJ grantee hcicln within the limits of Lo- gau city, Including the appurtenances, PPJ appliances, exchanges, instruments PPJ and other propert), is hereby lc.servcd PPj by Logan city, a municipality, and Ppt said municipality sliall have the right PPJ at any time It ma deem lit, to pur- BS, chase said piopcity upon payment AS- - therefor of a fair and leasonable sum. PPJ to be llxcd by arbitration or by Judg- PPJ- nient of a court of competent jurlsdlo- ' tlon upon condemnation thereof, the m grantee herein and its successors and K . assigns by acceptance hereof cxpress- m- i, ly consenting to such condemnation 1 ' for the purpose nf Hxing the nurchase B- :; price of Its said property, and In the B event Logan city sliall purchase said j property the franchise herein granted H shall revolt back to Logan city with- m i out cost. H Ci J Section 10. The tate of rental or unlimited Individual telephones used for business purposes wltliln the corporate cor-porate limits of Logan city shall nob exceed the sum of forty-eight (48.00) dollars per year; tho rate of rental of unlimited Individual line telephones for private residences within tho corporate cor-porate limits of said city shall not exceed ex-ceed the sum of thirty (30.00) dollare per year. Section 11. Anycombinatlon.sccret agreement or understanding or pooling pool-ing or agreement to pool between the grantee, Its succcssois or assigns nnd any other peison, linn or corporation now engaged or which may hereafter engage in the construction, tnalntciif ancc and operation of any telephone line or lines, exchange or exchanges within the limits of Logan city wherein or where by and by which the rates chaiged for the use of telephones within the corporate cor-porate limits of Logan city shall bo fixed, chall cause and work a forfeiture of the franchise hereby granted and the city council of Logan city hereby icserves the right to dcclaic a forfeiture for-feiture of tills franchise as a penalty for any such combination, secictagree-merit, secictagree-merit, iindcistaiidlng or pooling, the giantcehcieln and Its succcssois and assigns expressly agreeing and consenting con-senting to Jurisdiction of said council to so declare. Section 1U. The grantee herein, Its succcssois and assigns shall, as fast as the pavement of the stieetsof Logan city sliall be begun, place Its wires in conduits on the streets so paved, In advance of said pavement, If required by the city council so to do. Section lit Tlicfianchlscand prlvl, leges herein and hereby gianted shall bo void and of no cITcct unless grantee herein shall within thirty days from the passage hereof, file with the city recorder of Logan city, Its acceptance In writing of this franchise, and all Its terms and conditions. Section li. In consideration of the granting of the lights and privileges herein given, and by the acceptance of this franchise, the Utah Independent Telephone Company hereby agrees lo give to Logan city annually thirty cents for each telephone said company has In operation in Logan city exclusive exclu-sive of those granted to Logan city, during the life of this franchise, said sum to bo paid to the city treasuicr of said city on or before the second Monday Mon-day in January of each year; said payment pay-ment to be in lieu of ail license taxes of Logan City Imposed against said grantee. Section ID. This ordinance sliall continue to be In foice for the term of llfty (SO) yeais fiom and after Its passage. pas-sage. Section 1(1. This ordinance shall take effect upon Its passage and approval ap-proval and publication as required by law. J'assed by tho city council tills :ti)lh day of March, A. I). loor. lK(). W. LlNIMJlMhT, President of the City Council. Attest: IlArrri: Smith, Hecordcr. Appioved thls"thday of April, UK15. E. W. Hoiunson, Mayor. State of Utah ) ss County of Cache ) I, Hattle Smith City Recorder of Logan City, Utah, do hcieby certify Unit the abovo and foiegolng Is a full, tine and correct copy of tho original ordinance entitled: "An ordinance granting a franchise to the Utah Independent Telephone company." In witness thereof I havo hereunto set mv hand and alllxed thecorpoiatc seal ol said Logan City tills eighth day of April, A. I. wori. ILvrriK Smith, City Recorder. Every facility known to the Banking business. Is accorded tho smallest customer as well as the largest In this institution for saving. Wo take pains to explain matteis to any interested inquirer. Wo pay Interest, compounding quarterly, quar-terly, and conserve your best interests all possible. Ask freely in person, or mall If you desire to know more. Cache Valley Banking Company LOGAX, I'TAH Up Went the Price of Gin. "Letters from Holland convoy to thu Lonion populace nows doubly calamitous. calamit-ous. Grain and, consequently, bread has risen; that Is bad. But, vrhat Is still vtorse, this advance has occasioned a rise in tho price of gin lso." London newspaper, Juno 3d, fe'r! w 7i c. l V t-ifel 83 Ul f S Glothes ,hi& fep I Ffe IH 1 1J STANDARD gt I feu Wirml 'UMHt SM fe ' ' fe 1 How about coal for Easter? It may be more piosalc, but It is vastly of more Importance to your domestic do-mestic economy than Easter eggs, Easter hats, clothes or line raiment. Now don't, like the Easter rabbit, do anv Jumping ns regards conclusions in reference to the quality of coal." Most alt coal that is sold is good, but some Is better than others, and the better kind Is what we furnish. And Its costs no more than the other. Ml. & L. Wood & Coal Co Phone 1 98 k. A Pleasing Husband makes a contented woman. Hint to the wife: Use Central Hour In biscuit making and see a serene smile creep over the physiognomy of your spouse. Try it once you'll use It alway. Central Milling Go. LOO AN, I'TAH. When Success Is Easy. The principles that win success aro Tery simple and few In number. They are oaslly remembered. Here they are: First, industry, but not overwork; over-work; second, willingness to profit by tho experience of others; third, ability abil-ity coupled with modesty; fourth, slnv plo and correct habits; fifth, honesty, politeness and fairness. Any one of ordinary ability who practices these rules cannot arold success. Success In aasler than failure. London Tit-Bits Tit-Bits I Wilson Whiskey THAT'S ALL. DlgH5H5g5H5H5E5asaSE5H5H5H5H5H5H5HSS5HSa5g5H5g5B5Hn Nothing is so Convincing ffi of thrift and energy as a new B 1 I Goat of Paint S on your House, Barn, Fence Gj I and no paint can do the work better than 7 g I Patton's Sun Proof J j paints, Positively the best paint sold. s It comes in packages from 1-4 Pint g to a Gallon. q THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. S i Co-operative Drug Co., ( Sole agents. W (Benter St. i 3 H5HSa5H55B5HS5a5H5a5H5H5HSH5H5H5B5a5B5H5H5H5H5H5ni 1 I Spring is 0k 1 1 Here. ;Sr2) si Your special attention is isZi $'-tjjaJ( S H called that we have just re- rfffllV " '! '7", .$& f S f$ ceived a big shipment of icgr X N 1 Famous - W ,.-4 S Friend Made Wlf ? Qlothing "M I ffi for Men and Bovs. Every U" d S S Garment GUARANTEED to . 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