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Show BKU i HMO J5g5E5H5H5H5H5E5E5HSa5H5B5E5aSB5H5aSESa5g5E5H5H5Cl If" Wallpaper I Hg If you would avoid paying for ffi Kjj EXPERIENCE II See our Up-to-date Art Wallpapers g Ordinary Prices K Extraordinary values. . Wilkinson & Son 1 I Griffin Bros., I vj The Machinists. I HfcTri complete stock of Wa-M Wa-M gon and Buggy materials. Can M do all kinds of repairing in- chiding buggy top and uphol-iX uphol-iX tering work. Have recently purchased a -machine for set-R set-R ting rubber tires, or channels, thus converting steel to rub-H rub-H ber tire buggies. I All work guaranteed. Joseph E.Wilson Jr. Contractor of all kinds of Cement and Concrete Work Estimates given on Cement Sidewalk, Side-walk, Cement driveways, Cementcurb andgnttcr. Cement and Tile Floors, Cement window and door sills, Cement Ce-ment water tables, Hollow Concrete Building Mock. Concrete Foundations, Culverts and midges. Cement Sewer ripe, etc. Stock of Portland Cement always on hand. Office 128 South First Cast St., LOfcAN, UTAH. I oneii's studio Logan Real Estate FOIt and Loan Company lias a number of First-class Drj and Irrigated . . . Phntn o Farms For sale . I 1 1 1 1 1 I I 11 on Lei ms or for Cash. City proper- II 0 1 V W ty in all parts of town. Longtime Farms Loans a specialty. "Wp Optional payment. Local money f money placed. A No. 1 Security Successor to THOMAS & ObELL. L0US $ CARD0Ni 1 J-K . II lilOll rYlOrtQdQC LOOn A hundred enrs from now, dear 'heart, yg vm ii.ui tyuyv kuun We will not file nt all. j It will not nmtlPi tlion a wlilt 1 pinnnititinn Tll 1OIIO "r ,ht Kn" M lilll I II II (I I IIIIL Tho summor dnys tluit wo lnvo known m VUI)IUIUIIUII Will all forfiotttn lio and lloun. 9 Tlie Rimlm will be overflown Where now tin rose fnll ti.li mi i i. i. A hundred venm fiom now fond huirt, Tithing Office corner, Logan, Utah wvu nithui know nor rare, n What cume nf nil lift h bitterness ' Or followed loe dinnlr fl When all thiRL Jims (into llown, sweet- lienrt, has plenty of MONEY AT The Brut w m nil . o -. B AT.T.'PIATrc! tnv Tim ho.i nf care will suitro in nlu HJ AL1L1 llMl.b 101 Vpu tho uuckmi ahoiu H A hundied i fnm now sweetheart. H FARM AND C TY LOANS w- " """'' ",L i"". H rnm nu uiii luhho ,Jhl lhl0Ui,I1H L,itnnoi tldn of nf jl Will not hue left u stnln at lowest rates. No Commis- ? "p " "'" "V?'!1' ,1,ar. H elnno clinnrorl Will nuun no tnon than in aim ft teni , M S10I1S tnargeci La. luIHI iu camlo more lii Hiuiln, M ' And ono imiio dnam dnam heiu Ml I.iiulHtt N'oiman Jackson LTiie Kind That's Guaranteed. If tiRfEnfiSESP i II JloodMerve Food III AMmttXh If' Itommkm i m I f WEIGH YOURSELF BEFORE TAKING IT S Is not only guaranteed to be the first preparation ever advertised ; or sold under thtf name of ' Chase" for the blood and nerves, but it is ffi H guaranteed to benefit nn one in need of a building tip remedy. U H ' It is a powerful blood builder, n wonderful restorative to the n H ' nerves, and cures all diseases arising from a poor condition of the n vm blood or stuttered nerves B , It is a tome for the sick, convalescent and over-worVed, and it is H especially valuable to old people. H 1 We Waet No Money I Unless We Help You I H Read Our Qunrantec ! What Can Be More Fair? I HQ Any person who gies Dr. Chase's Blood and Nerve I'ood a fair 1 Hn trial without benefit, can hae his money back, by sending the wrap- ffl Hn pers to us. You have cverythipg to gain and nothing to lose. U Jmtf Price 50 cents a box. Made only by W T5E DR. CHASE COMPANY j. 224 N. TENTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. ? Wold and Guaranteed by Rlter Bros Drug Co Logan, Utah; Franklin, Presto" IpH and Montpcller, Idaho, Frightful Suffering Relieved. Suffering frightfully from the virulent viru-lent poisons of undigested food, CO. Grayson, of Lula. Miss., look Dr. King's New Life Pills, "with the result," re-sult," he writes, "that 1 was cured." AH stomach and bowel disorders give way to their tonic, laxative properties. 2.)C, guaranteed Kltei Bros. Drug Co. The Right Name is Dcfcitt. DeWltt's Witcli Ha7el Salve cools, soothes and heals cuts, burns, boils, bruises, piles and all skin niscases, K. 12. Zickefoose, Adolph, V. Va. says: "My little daughter had a white swelling swell-ing so bad that piece after piece of bone worked outof her leg. DeWltt's Witch IIa7cI Salvo cu led her." His the most wonderful healing salve In the world. Beware of counterfeits. Sold by Itlter Bros. Drug Co. Cheated Death. Kidney troublo often ends fatallv, but by choosing ttho right medicine, K. II. Wolfe, of Hear Grove, Jovva, elicited death. Ilcsajs. "Two jcais ifgo I had Kidney Trouble, which caused inc gicat pain. sulTcrlng and anxiety, but I took Klcctrlc llttteis which ellected a complete cure I have found them of gieat benefit in genei.il debility and nerve tiouble.and Keep them constantly onOiand, since, as 1 find they liavo no eiiual " Hltei Ihos Drug Co Cure Coughs and Colds. Mis. C. Petersen, 025 Lake St To-peka, To-peka, Kansas, sajs: "Of all cough lc-medies lc-medies Ballard's Iloiehound Sjrup is my favorite: It has done, will do all that Is claimed for It to speedily cure ail coughs and colds and it is so sweet and pWsant to taste." 25c, BOc, n 00 bottles. Sold by Itlter Bros. Drug Co. Use Millions of Steel Pens. Tho dall) consumption of steel pens In Kp'4hnil numbers four millions A Tried and True Friend. One Minute Cough Curo contains not an atom of any harmful drug, and It has been curing Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough so long that It has proven Itself to bo a tried and true friend to tho many who use it. Sold by Illter Bros Drug Co. Rheumatic Pains Quickly Relieved. The excruciating pains characters-tic characters-tic of lhcumatlsm and sciatica aro HUlckly relieved by applying Chamberlain's Chamber-lain's Pain Balm The great pain relieving re-lieving powei of thu liniment has been tho sin prise and delight of thousands of suliercis. The quick lellef from pain which it alkmis is alone worth many times Its lot Kor sale bj .ill druggists A Dandy for Burns. Dr. ltergln, P.ma, Ills, writes: "1 have used B.illaid's Snow Liniment; always recommended It to my friends, as 1 am confident thcie Is no better made. 'It Is a dandy for burns." Those who live on farms aic especially especi-ally liable to many accidental cuts, bums, bruises, which heal rapidly when Ballard's Snow Liniment Is applied. ap-plied. K should alwavsbekept in tho house for cases of emergency." IWc, ."lOc, $1.00 bottles. Sold by Kitcr Bios. Drug Co. Ballard's Horehound Svrup. Immediately relieves hoarse, cioupy court), oppiessed, rattling, lasplng and difficult bieathlng Henry 0. Stearns, Diuggist, Shullsbuig. Wis, writes, Mav 20, 11)01: "1 have been selling Ballaid's Horehound Svrup for two years and have nevei had a prc-paiatlon prc-paiatlon that has given better satisfaction. satis-faction. I notice that when 1 sell a bottle they come back for more. 1 can honestly lecommcnd It," 2oc, 60e, 1 00. Sold by inter Brcs. Drug Co. Forget About Your Stomach. If jour digestion Is bad tho vital oi-gans oi-gans of jour body are not fed and nourished as they should be They grow weak and Invito disease. Kodol Dyspepsia One digests what you cat, cures Indigeston and all stomach tioublc. You forget you ,havc a stomach fiom the very day you begin taking It. This is because It gets a rest recuperates and giadually grows hostiong and healthy that it Doubles you no more. Sold by Ultei Bros Drug Co. Vion a Name oi Fame. DeWlttS Little Karly Itiscrs, the famous little pills, have been m.ido famous by their certain yet harmless and gentle action upon the bowels and liver. They have no equal for biliousness, bilious-ness, constipation, etc. They do not weaken t lie stomach, giipc, or make j on feel slck.Oncc used alwavspicfcri-ed. alwavspicfcri-ed. They stiengtlien. Sold by Hiter Bios Drug Co STRONG fW Again TtJ)) is what Mrs. Lucy WtfwL stovall'ofTilton'Ga' "p-Strev, said after takine Qj J)Q Kodol Dyspepsia BWrKa-J Cure. Hundreds wM BlNJ5iar of other veak kmi ImWrnLS"' womon aro - StT 1 bolnc ro- f I wl Ml strd to porfect V ! I nca'tu By tWs rem- tab! c yov may k I Llk wHlf youwllltako X-frv Indiccstlon cause S&z' nearly all tho sick ness that women have. It deprives tho system of nourishment nourish-ment and tho delicate organs peculiar to women suffer weaken, and becoma diseased. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure enables tho stomach and digestive or cans to digest and assirmlato'all of the wholesome whole-some food that may bo eaten. It nourishes tho body, and rebuilds the weak organs, restoring health and strength. Kodol cures indigestion, constipation, dyspepsia, sour risings.belching.heartburn and all stomach disorders. Digests What You Eat I DelUrtiotlUkoMilVi I rnpired at tb Lt-Udm Lt-Udm m math u the oritorrcf B 0.D.WUI tHl. r 10 c.nt tin. A Co .Chloro. V t A. Sold and guaranteed by Rlter Bros Drug Co. Logan, Utah; Montpcller, Franklin and Preston, Idaho. wow a I wow a I wow a I Bu$hBush I Did you read what that Commer- H cial had done to 'em in Salt Lake? H They got skinned to a finish. H Will Logan treat 'em that way H June 940? I Oh no. boys, we will give them a H royal good time. We have a feel- H ing. you know. We will let 'em H down easy? H What's the score? JO to 9 in I favor of Logan-just a reverse from H last year, you know. H What else is going to be done? H Oh will have a parade, you know H (Brig Pyper.) H Bucking bronchos, magnificent H floats, turnouts that beat 'em all, H marching clubs, 900 decorated bicy- H cles, seven bands, the finest horses H in Utah, cadets in full uniform, col- H lege displays, silk tile brigade, Logan H ifire department Commercial Club, H Tabernacle choir, and the city coun- I H cil and county commissioners riding H II in the county's 24 -ton road leveler I H 1 pulled by 200 white horses with 1 H 1' black tails. H I Will they see anything else? I H I Oh, yes, something like seventeen H I acres of bunting and electric light 1 H I displayr. "The Streets of Cairo"- H i seventeen big shows all in one. The H funniest that have struck the State. j H Grand balls, big doin's at the Opera H house. Horse racing, as .sure as H I you live. A red-hot sizzling time H I from beginning to end. That ball H game will be worth coming across H the continent to see. 1 H Are things progressing properly? I ' M Sure! , sure! The Committees are 1 H whooping 'er up about right. H Prepare to get. here June 9-10 if I H you have to travel barefoot all night. I M JUNE 9-10 I i j |