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Show IpWARE!! B Tools of every description jN'alls, staples, Bolts, Chains, Rope, Poultry letting, Wire Cloth, Rubber Hose, Sprinklers, Lawn Mowers, Hakes, Hllocs, Shovels, Spades, I'lcUs, Crow- bars, Wheelbarrows, Brushes, Brooms IB House Furnishings of all kinds, Tln-Hwarc, Tln-Hwarc, Galvanized Iron and Oranltc-S Oranltc-S ware. Largest stock In Cache Valley. Quality the best, price the lowest. H Sco our windows and compare prices Hj with others. I R. LaFount & Co. M 38 Ccutcr Street 38 A Tried and True Friend. One Minute Cough Cure contains M not an atom of any harmful drug, and M it has been curing Coughs, Colds, 1 Croup and Whooping Cough so long that It has proven itself to be a tried (I ind true friend to the many who use jt Sold by Rlter Bros Drug Co. Griffin Bros., 1 jlit The Machinists. I Have a complete stock of Wa-I Wa-I gon and Buggy materials. Can I do all kinds of repairing including in-cluding buggy top and uphol-tering uphol-tering work. Have recently purchase4 a machine for setting set-ting rubber tires, or channels, thus converting steel to rubber rub-ber tire buggies. All work guaranteed. Odell's Studio FOR Photo's I y M Successor to THOMAS & ODELL. m" 'J I Utah Mortgage Loan 1 corporation. Tithing Office corner, login, Utah has plenty of MONEY AT ALL TIMES for I FARM AND CITY LOANS wk at lowest rates. No Commis- H slons charged H Women's Duplicate Shoes. H A most curious trndo has sprung up H latolj which illustrates quaintly tho K pet vanltj of woman. It appears that m women when stnjIiiK rtt hotels or tho K llku do nut caro to exhibit to tho jB paserx nluiiK the corridors tho oxact H slzo or tholr foot, bo they carorully Hi enrrj with thorn a couplu of palm of SB tiny, delicate shoes, which, Instead of V Unioncs they aro wearing, they plnco outimlo their doors for the servants to K take down and clean- All the big hoot H shops In I'arls now make a specialty 9K of this tiny footgear, and a pair or He.' two form a portion of the trousseau of S9 every up-to-dnto brltM?, Madrid worn-H worn-H en aro said to havo tho smallest feet; WRk Peruvian women como next and tho SB American girls aro n good third. The Right Name Is DeWltt. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cools, soothes and heals cuts, burns, bolls, bruises, piles and all skin diseases, K. E. Zlckefoose, Adolph, W. Va. says: "My little daughter ha,d a white swelling swell-ing so bad that plcco after piece of bono worked out of her log. Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured her." It Is the most wonderful healing salve In the world. Ucwarc of counterfeits. Sold by IUtcr Uros. Drug Co. Peter A. Pehrson Cement Contractor i is prepared to do any size cement ce-ment work on short notice. Curbs, Collars. General cement ce-ment work done. List me your work. Phoue 90y. Res. 50 N. 5th E Joseph E.Wilson Jr. Contractor of all kinds of Cement and Concrete Work Estimates given on Cement Sidewalk, Side-walk, Cement driveways. Cement curb and gutter, Cement and Tile Floors, Cement window and door sills, Cement Ce-ment water tables, Hol'ow Concrete Building Block, Concreto Foundations, Culverts and Bridges. Cement Sewer Pipe, etc. Stock of Portland Cement always on hand.. Office 128 South First East St., LOGAN, UTAH. Logan Real Estate and Loan Company has a number of First-class Drj and Irrigated Farms For sale on teims or for Cash. City property proper-ty In all parts of town. Long time Farms Loans a specialty. Optional payment. Local money money placed. A No. 1 Security LOUIS S. CARDON, Mgr., Look Out for This If Anyone Tells You lie Can (live You a Remedy the Same or .lust as Good as Or. Chase's Blood and Nerve Food, Don't You Believe It. This is tho preparation that mado tho namo "Chaso" famous by Its won-dorful won-dorful cures of paralysis, locomotor ataxia and all diseases of tho blond nnd nerves, and for many years it en-Joyed en-Joyed tho distinction of being tho only remedy advertised and sold tinder tno name of Chase. Tho Renulno Is mado only by Tho Dr. Chaso Co., Philadelphia, Philadel-phia, Pa., from their own private proscription. pro-scription. To guard against Imitations, Imita-tions, seo that tho packages you huy aro mado In Philadelphia. To con-vlnco'you con-vlnco'you that it Is thu richest of all restoratives and that it makes solid nesh, musclo and strength, weigh yourself boforo taking it. and sco what wonders it will do. This is tho only remedy that has boon ablo to Bland such a sovoro test. It builds you up. Each doso means now life, vitality and strength. Try it. You can't go wrong. Prico CO cents, five boxes, enough to givo it a fair trial, ?2.00. ' Boole free. LOOK HERE!!! THE LONDON HOUSE. 4 Fir-t North I J block West of Main stiee. MRS. E. MOLLO lis again to the fio t with a 7JjJ Llnc of MILLINERY, Ladles 1 Misses and Children's Hats very cheap I I Dyspepsia H B Qive3 rest to the stomach. Cures indigestion, dyspepsia, sour stomach, tired stomach, weak stomach, windy stomach, puffed stomach, nervous li stomach and catarrh of the stomach. A guaranteed cure. I lh.iurt.iu.ut-l Ola tm What YouCmi I ftJH TlS.ViJffl I I Sold and Guaranteed by Rlter Bros Drug Co Logan, Utah; Franklin, Presto" P and Montpeller, Idaho. Frightful Suffering Relieved. Suffering frightfully from the virulent viru-lent poisons of undigested food, C. G. Grayson, of Lula. Miss., took Dr. King's New Life Pills, "with tho result," re-sult," he writes, "that I was cured." All stomach and bowel disorders give way to their tonic, laxative properties. 2.", guaranteed. Hltcr Bros. Drug Co. Cheated Death. Kldneyi trouble often ends fatally, but by choosing tthc right medicine, TO. H. Wolfe, of Bear Grove, Iowa, cheated death. He says: "Two years ago I had Kidney Trouble, which caused me great pain, suffering and anxiety, but I took Electric Bitteis, which effected a complete cure. 1 , have found them of gieat benellt In general debility and nerve trouble.and Keep them constantlyon hand, since, as 1 llnd they have no equal." Biter Bros. Drug Co A Daredetll Ride often ends in sad accident. To heal accidental injuries, use Bucklen's Arnica Ar-nica Salve. "A deep' wound In ray foot, from an accident," writes Theodore Theo-dore Schucle, of Columbus, O., "caused "caus-ed me great pain. Physicians were helpless, but Bucklen's Arnica Salve quickly healed it." Soothes and heals burns like magic, 'Sc at Biter Bros. Drug Co. Kodol Dyspepsia Gis0 MgtMt what you eat. Send Mc The Names of your friends or relatives In the East who arc contemplating movement to the west during the spring or summer There will be In effect during tho spring months, from all eastern points to every section of tho west, greatly reduced rates (both one way and round trip), and It will bo to their Interest that you give mc the names of parties who may be Induced by these rates to como West. No matter where they may bo located, wo will havo our representatives rep-resentatives call upon or write to them and advise them of the cheapest cheap-est and best way to make the trip. Call upon or address C. A. Walker, General Agent, Chicago & North-Western By., P O Box 750, Salt Lake, Utah Rheumatic Pains Quickly Relieved. The excruciating pains characteristic characteris-tic of rheumatism and sciatica are quickly relieved by applylngChamber-Iain's applylngChamber-Iain's Pain Balm. The great pa'n relieving re-lieving power of tho liniment has been tho surprise and delight of thousands of sufferers. The quick lcllcf from pain which It affords Is alone worth many times Its cost. Kor sale by all druggists. A Dandy for Burnt. Dr. Bergin, Pana, Ills., writes: "1 have used Ballaid's Snow Liniment; always lccommcndcd It to my friends, as 1 am conlidcnt ticrc Is no better made. 'It is a dandy for burns." Those who live on farms ate espeel-ally espeel-ally liable to many accidental cuts, burns, bruises, which heal rapidly when Ballard's Snow Liniment Is applied. ap-plied. It should always be kept in the house for cases of emergency." 25c, Mc, $1.00 bottles. Sold by IUtcr Bros. Drug Co. Ballard's Horchound Syrup. Immediately relieves hoaise, croupy coui'h, oppressed, rattling, rasping and difficult breathing. Henry C. Stearns, Druggist, Shullsbnig. Wis., writes, May 'JO, 11)01:' "J have been selling Ballard's Horehouml.Svrup for two years and have never had a preparation pre-paration that has given better 'satisfaction. 'satis-faction. I notice that when 1 sell a bottle thoy come back for more. I can honestly recommend It." 2oo. r0c, S1.00. Sold by Biter Bios. Drug Co. - -Won a Name of Tame. DeWitt's Little Early Blsers, the famous little pills, havo been made famous by their certain cthaimless and gentle action upon the bowels and liver. They have no equal for biliousness, bilious-ness, constipation, etc. Thoy do not weaken the stomach, gripe, or make jou feel sick. Once used alwavspioferr-rd. alwavspioferr-rd. They strengthen. Sold by Biter Bios. Ding Co. DeWitt's Salvo I For Piles, Durns, Soros. 1 The Only Double-Truck Railway between 1 I the Missouri River and Chicago. Overland Limited The Most Luxurious Train la the World Compartment and drawing-room sleeping cars, observation cars, dining din-ing cars, buffet-smoking and library cars, with barber, bath and Book-lovers Book-lovers Library; entire train electric E'lghted, through to Chicago without hange. Direct connection for it. Paul and Minneapolis Tickets, reservations, and full In-for In-for cut Ion can to obtained from C A. Walker, General Aiient, jhlcago & North-Western Ry. 206 South Main Street, 4WMO Salt Lake City, tUh. wow a I Wow a I wow a I Bush -Bush 1 What's new? I H Nothing but the certainty that Mr I H Brigham Telophonicus Pyper has H secured the privilege of blocking H Center street and filling it with a H stupendous aggregation of shows to H be known as 'The streets of Cairo H Ever been in Cairo? Pshaw, H you ought to go. The writer was H in Cairo, Illinois, one time and "the H streets" were filled with tin cans, H negroes and coal miners that looked like negroes. H But Mr. Brigham Telephonicus H Pyper says these "Streets of Cairo" will be imported from Egypt. Of course, that's different. Over there H they have mummies 10,000,000 I I years old hanging up in all the stores and at each street corner is H one of those large pyramids. Camels H are cheaper than mustangs and I every man goes to breakfast on an elephant. There are whirling Der- vishes who for ten cents and a chew H of American tobacco will whirl on H one toe for fifty hours. It is said some of these performers have such I corns on their toes that they fre- I I quently get mixed as to which is I j 1 which. Every man is a magician 1 ' H I and the feat of throwing a rope into the air, climbing up and sitting on J top of it is common, I I I Mr. Brigham Telemachus Pyper I I I says he is going to have all these I I I things and more, too. The "Wild j I J man of Borneo" will be here, the 1 I I three-headed baby, forty-two years 1 I I old, and he may get Anna Eva 1 I I Fayke to tell fortunes. I I 1 In the line of curiosities, Mr.Tell- I . H I 'emsome will try and get the fellow I 1 who never told a lie, the woman I I who never added a postcript to her I letters, and the preacher who never wanted to swear. Loop the Loop- er, the man who lifts 400,0001bs. I Here's to "the Streets." I JUNE 9-10 I I J I O I |