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Show h Salt Lake City Directory jfflcmtg RichFLo iTVans Salt Lake City's Leading Hotel 30 South Main Street. Phone 1G1 EUROPEAN PLAN r.0M, nInn. , cn,,i,v AMERICAN PLAN rloral D"'Bns a SP,J' H Local and Long Distant phone In Orders by mall or phone promptly H every room. attended to I Cullen Hotel. R.H. Officer & Co West Second South st. Modern ASSAYESS AND CHEMISTS H and up-to-date. Kates-J.'.OO 1&!) South West Temple Street. AX per day. Samples sent by mall or express m S. C. EWING, Prop. receive prompt and careful atten-in atten-in r tlon. 1 Windsor Hotel B. G. Morris Floral Co., HI Centrally located. South of Ken- Tnos- ll0BDY. Manager. 1 Europe SEff' Snab.e. " slgns and Decorations IK State trade solicited. Rates Uranch 52 E. 2nd S. Phone 853. Kf 50 cents and up. McCORNIOIC HUILDINO S Lindsay Rogers Fluff Rug Works lm jlr Lawyer. irre-y M IT'S HARP'S CIOAB STORE. HIOH nRA Itr.VEKSIIU.r: nuaa BH r. i niniUifrom old Carpets. No. 30 West B 7 West Second South Street, soutii Ti nuiiu. Taini.idot on' unification I I The FIRST NATIONAL BANK M OF LOGAN, UTAH. mm Capital $")0,ooo.oo !lS SUIU'LUS AND UNDIVIDKD PltOKITS $25,000.00 am Do jour banking business at the First National, the onlj National Vm Rank In Cache county. Under supervision of the United States OH Government. Safety tor deposits. Wm ' Prompt, progressive and up to date. Wo want jour business. M We pay four percent interest on time deposits. Interest compounded fjfl quaiterly. h W. S. McCoiinick, President. Allan M. Flkmino, Cashier. M Jaeks Quaylk, Vice President II. E. Chockktt. Ass't. Cashier. S LIST OF DIRECTORS: M W. S. McCounick. James Qualk .'usktii F. Smith jM John II. Anueiison. Thos. Sjiaut Souen Hansen. VM C.C.Goodwin. C. W. Nuiley. Allan M. Fleming I r I S. m, H0TEL EAGLE B AlWffi ROOMS 50c, 75c and $1.00 M V&ii )yMSm RESTAURANT In Connection. B Main St,, Logan, Utali You Should Know What Flowers and Vegetables you Wish H1 to Grow. LARGEST STOCKS IN NORTHERN UTAH and Idaho, and con- L sists of Six Hundred Varieties. 9 H. Smurthwaite Grain and Seed Co. Fm .West Center Street, Logan. DON'T T0RGET THE CORRECT ADDRESS I I ftSSPiJlO GRANDE I BIO GRANDE WESBWfi ST The Scenic Line Jfi To Glenwood Springs, Aspen, Lcadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs, S Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, and all points 9 East. Connecting at Ogden Union Depot with all Southern Pa- B ciflc and Oregon Short Line trains. The only Transcontinental M I Line passing directly through Salt Lako City. H Splendidly Equipped Trains between -C OGDEN AND DENVER B w1 via Three Separate and Distinct Scenic Routes. I THROUGH PULLMAN and ORDINARY SLEEPING CARS To Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago without change. Free Reclining Chair Cars, Personally Conducted Ex B curslons. DINING CARS, Service a la Carte on all through trains. For rates, folders, free Illustrated booklets, etc., Inquire of your A . 1 nearest ticket agent, specifying the Rio Grande BT 1 route, or address I I. C. BENTON, G PAD, Salt Lake City f List Hope Vanished. When leading physicians said that W. M Smlthart, of 1'ckln, la., had Incurable In-curable consumption, his last hope vanished; va-nished; but Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, kept him out of his grave llosays: "Thlsirrcatspeclllc completely cuied me and saved my Ufa. Since then, 1 have used It foi oer ten jcais, and consldci It a niaivclous throat and lung cuic." Stilctly scientific cure for Coughs, Sore Throats, or Colds; sine pteventlxe of pneumonia Guaranteed, Guar-anteed, 50c, and 91 00 bottles at llllcr llros. DuigCo Chamberlain's Couh Remedy he Best. "Motheis buy It for cioupy children tallroad men buy It for severe coui'hs and eldetly people buy It forlngrippe" savsMoote llros. oflovva. "We sell moie of Chamberlain's cough remedy than any other kind. It seems to have taken the lead over several other urood brands" Thcio Is no question but this medicine Is the best that can be procuicd for coughs oi colds, whether it be a child or an adult that Is aflllct-ed, aflllct-ed, as it always cuies quickly Tor sale by all diugglsts. Health is Youth, llerblne. taken every morning before be-fore breakfast, will keep vou In robust health, lit jou to ward oil disease. It cures constipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, dys-pepsia, fever, skin, liver and kidney complaints. It purities the blood and clears the complexion. Mrs. D. W. Smith, Whitney, Texas, writes April 3, 1002- "1 have used Hcihlr.e, and find It Is tho best medicine for constipation consti-pation and liver troubles. It does all jou claim for it. I can highly recommend recom-mend It." f0cts a bottle. Sold by Ulter llros Drug Co For a Weak Digestion. No medicine can replace the food but Chamberlain's stomach and liver I tablets can help you to digest It It Is not tho quantity of food taken that gives strength and vigor to the system, sys-tem, but thu amount digested and assimilated. as-similated. If troubled with a weak digestion don't fall to glvo these tab-lets tab-lets a trial. Thousands havo been benellted by their mso. They only cost a quarter. Sold b all druggists A Mtht Attack Last night the little daughter of Mrs. lliown, as she sweetly and peacefully peace-fully slept In her little bed near the window, vvasattacked bya death dealing deal-ing demon known as Croup Whooping Cough, and but for the timely use of Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar, which she alvvavs keeps hand), the llttlo life of the little one might not have been saved. Kennedy's Laxative Laxa-tive Honey and Tar Is different from all of tho old-tlmo cough s) nips and Is best for children because It acts on the bowels, Is harmless, safo and certain. Contains no opiates. Sold by Hllcr Ihos Drug Co. About Rheumatism. There arc few diseases that Inflict more torture than rheumatism and there Is probably no disease for vvhch such a vailed and useless lot of remedies reme-dies have been suggested. To say that it can be cured Is, thcrefote. a bold statement to make, but Chamberlain's Chamb-erlain's pain balm, which enj0)S an extensive sale, has met with gicat success in the treatment of this disease. dis-ease. One application or pain balm will lcllevc the pain, and hundreds of sulTercrs have testified to permanent cures by Its use. Why suffer when L'aln Harm alVordssuch quick tellef and costs but a trifle? Sold by all druggists. Forget About Your Stomach. If your digestion is bad the vital organs or-gans of your body aro not fed and nourished as they should be. They grow weak and Invite disease. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you cat, cures Indlgcston and all stomach trouble. Vou forget you have a stomach from tho very day you begin taking it. Tills Is because It gets a rest recuperates and gradually grows so stiong and healthy that it troubles you no more. Sold by Ulter llros. Drug Co. Keep your bowels regular by the use of Chambei Iain's stomach and liver tablets for thore Is nothing better. For sale by all druggists Sale of Delinquent Stock. I The West Cache Irrigation Company Principal placo of business Trenton, H Cache count v Utah. Thero are del liuiuent on the following described stock L on account of assessment levied on the 8th day of March, 100.5, tho several m amounts set opposite the names of the respective shareholders, as follows: H 'Nan'" No, certificate No, shares Unified share Ami k Henry V. Italian! 15; 43; 62; 10S 1120 78.5.... 8110 B5 John W. IJench 3.3..., 09 m Wm. lllalr 3d 10 23.7 "... 10 11 H 11. A Ilallantyne los 80 11.2.... 27 30 H J. L. llurnham 20.0.... 0 IS H S. !'. HalllT 15(1 CO U.5.... 17 85 M.J.Ilallard 153 50 0.5... 17 85 L. A.Chrlstensen. 10; 17; I2S 55 7.7.... 18 81 m John Carlisle m 20 0.0.... 8 07 J. It. Cunningham 15.0...'. 4 77 H Moses Chrlstensen 201 5.25 Jl.l.... 1 8J H Ollf Croiiiiulst ' 21.4.... 7 32 Joseph D. Cardon 151 CO D.5 . 17 8 "1 H Louis S.Cardon 155 f,0 38.2.... 25 10 W. II. Carter .:; ... 'K K- Nidi 15.5.... 4 05 ll.C.Hansen 101 15.0 7.75.... 10 CO H J. l Hansen DO; 105 5 1 .... 180 AlvltUIavvkcs 21.5.... 7 35 Samuel Hunt 103..." 2.5 25.... si m Wallace Jcnks 10H ; C.3 0 ...'. 2 01 H John Jenkins ' 51,3 .... u TA M Kimball llros. C, comp'y 121 ,,,,. 13 31 .... ti 42 ficoigo Kenen 10.47.... 1 III H T. S. Kenen 101 20 25.3 .... 13 t)2 H llyruni Kenen , 0 .... 1 80 m N. It. Lewis 17U .'....40 S.O .. . 1158 H M. K. Mower , 15.1... 13 02 H MJddlescx Hanking Co... .1.11, 150 10 7.U .... U 2-1 H Mai Inns Petersen 1. ;!!),... 41 M Andrew Peterson 231 5.7 1 111 L II. M. Ilavvllns 31,5.... 10 35 H Win. V. Hlgby 133 23 2.8.... 7 01 C. A. Iteeso 77; 157 174; 103 110,5 23.1.... 4183 H M. M. Keeso 10.3.... 3 0') L Oeorge W. Seanions 117 20 II .... 75 L W. A. Sc.imons 04.., ....10 35 .... 5 85 H Sidney Stevens 100; 221); 230; 2.11... . 183.7 35.8 .... 07 35 H Wm. Toombs 107 30 75.3 .... 31 5'J H .cph Thomas 151 35 CO .... 12 no I W. W. Whitney 130 01 121 .... 2102 'H J. D. Winn .... 2 10 H And in accordance with law and an order of the Hoard of Directors of said H Company mado on tho 8th day of March 1005, so manv shares of cacti piece of H said stock as may bo netessaiy will bo sold at tho residence of Charles O. H Wood, Secretary and Ticasutcr of said Company at Trenton, Cache county H Utah, on tho oth day of May 1005, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, H to pay delinquent assessments thcicon, together with tho cost of advertising H and expenses of sale. Ghaklks G. Wood. H Secictary and Treasurer of the West Cache Irrigation Company. Otllce, H Trenton, Cache Count), Utah. H PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE. Consult County CltVk or the Respective Signer Sign-er for tFurther Information. In the District Court, Probate Division In and for Cache County, State of Utah. NOTlCi:T()Clti:i)ITOItS. Thin In of .tosenh (Irt avis, ducavNl Crulllorh will iri'v nlrlnlins with voui'ht Is tiitho iiudi'i-Klirmd ntftoe Wist Nvond boulli Mifi'l, IjiifHii cltj. Cm hnciiuiilj, Utah. 011 ur Ix'foro tho Till day of Ainrust, A. I) lWi Halo of lirst iiuhllcatlon, Ainil Stli, A. I) IIHO VVIIIIani C. (iri'aws. ailmliilslrattir of tint statu of .losciili (i ruav cs, din aM d. noticm: -to citnniToits r.sluti'iif lloiirj VVntti, Di'icasid, Cri'dltorH will uri'M'iit linlniH with miih liurs to thu iiiiik'nlmu'd at tlin olllcc of .1. ,. Mew art, ,lr. iitliirncy, nt l.uuan, Uurho I'ounti, Utah, (in or Ix'fiirn llii'. list dai of Jul), IHOTi, .Iom'IiIi Watts AiliiiliihtraUirot thut'statoof llinry Watts ilt it'asi'd Datu of first publication Maifli I5.A I) lmvj, notici: to oiti:i)irons INtutuof Mark I'mco. ilu'caiil Creditors will liri'M'iit rlalms with vouohers to tho uniU-nilvnid alCotutlllu Uai liuiouiit) bialu of Utah on or Ix'Toro thu lt ilaj of All-KUHt. All-KUHt. IIOj. Aim Truer. Administratrix of thu ustutu of Marl. Truce, (linuncd , JolniA hnMldon, Att'y 1st iiulilloatloii March M. lust All -11. NOTICi: TOlt I'UIIMOATION. .No, Wll Hiiiartini'iit of thu Interior Land Olllco at Salt l.ako Cltj. Utah, Anrll h, lirnr,. Nollcu Is hcruhy kIm-ii that thu folloHlnir nainid smtli r lias lllcd nollui of Ids Intuition Intui-tion to niaku final proof In hupiKirt of his rlaliii, anil that bald tirnof will m mado li-foru li-foru thu cli'i I. of thu hlstrlct Court In and for Cu'hu Counts . Utah, al l.oiran. Utah, on May 1", llnij, li Alfred .li'UM'ii II i; I.VuJ for lou I. S.3. and 4, sei- s tl. 14 , It 1 W S I.. M lluiiaini's tin' followliii.' wIhiusmw to inovti his lontlmious risldiiuu iiimn and cultivation cultiva-tion of said laud, li Mi roil limk r Dnliralm lit rKcsun, liufiis T llullir, Ch iiu'iiiu llulli i .ill of Trenton, Utah I'llANk I) IIOIIIH, Iti'Klsti r Cure Coughs and Colds. M Mrs. C. Petersen, 025 Lake St. To- H peka, Kansas, says: "Of all cough re- medics llallard's Ilorehound Syrup M Is my favorite: it has done, will do all that Is claimed for it to speedily cure all coiiKhsand colds and It Is so sweet and pleasant to taste." 25c, 50c, $1.00 H bottles. Sold by Itltcr llros. DrtiK Co. H I Oregon Short Line R. R. I CACIIK VALLKYTIMROARD H MM No, II, Dally. No. 15, Hatty Mixed. H Tocatello H:I5 i. m U:00 a. m :M Halt T.ako 5:45 UiUp.m m OKdon 7H5 " , l: " Cache.TcU 8:5S 5:30 am H Mendoil 9il3 " 11.00 " iBM Loican (1:30 " :'J5 " iH Hinlthllcld U:4S " 7:00 " lH Itlchtiiond tf,5U " TAX " H franklin 10:18 " ,... 6:15 " jlH Aliltivts M Trston 10:35 " UHOIa.m M HOUTII HOUND. H MCAVrg. M No. IJ Dally, No. I(i. Dally Mtxe il Preston 7:10a. in... , UMOa.ra H I'ranklln 7:27 " 1.. ..10.00 " iM Itluhmond 7:42 " 10:40 " tM Hmltlilleli) 7:511 " 11:10 " IM rxican 8it5 " 12:50 p. in H Mcndon 8:38 " HI0 " iBM Cachu.lct 8:55 " 1:35 " M AllltlVES, , M Ok'di'i) 10 -no " t 5:30 " ! Haltl.aUe 11-55' " 6:55 " Tocatello ... 4 45 " 'M Tor further Informatloii amily to ' U VV. W. Wodsldo.Aiient. H I TO HEAL THE I I LHOS lungs! I H to stay healed, and to remove overy trace of a I I I COUCH or a COLD quickly and pleasantly, I I H don't fail to ask for tho only romody in all the H I H world that doos i;l II I 0. KING'S I I I W -NEW- I I I discovery! I I FOR CONSUMPTION I I H Sims, Ark., Oct. 14, 1903. H H I had lung trouble (or two years. It confined me to my I IB H bed four weeks. I got three bottles of Or. King's New I Discovery and it cured me. Have not had a pain in m" I tl M lunK3 since. J. W. Johnson. W H B S?.SSd Absolutely Guaranteed I I iHHflH SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY MHhI tl IUtcr llros DrugCo. Logan, Utah, Montpcllcr Preston and Franklin, Idaho j I tl ) |