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Show IIONT FOHOKT A UrKO 2 ot. imrktign hot Crox Hall Illuc, only tociiu. Tlio Hush Company Snutli llcnil, led. Lazy Germ an Invited Guest The scientist who announced not long slnco that ho bad discovered tho germ which produces tho dlscaso of laziness may not hnvo boon wholly In error. Hut doubtless tho symptoms often como first, and tho microbes afterward aft-erward by Invitation. TEA We export millions on millions of wheat and pork, and take in exchange a fow cargoes of tea. Are wo losers ? TEA Our dealing a chnllengo Our dealing a challenge Our dealing a challenge Our dealing a challenge TWr gr r iun ywr tf yett 4Wt 1Q TEA ' Tea intelligence ; what do you think that is? Wrtt fer - Knowing Rook, A ScliCSaf Cafny, Vrjcia TEA Which do your family think most of, tea or coffee ? Yw grvew ftiurru j our py If y iLmi ! M JBkf'a llv : EVERY ONLASKS HIM H0VT HE GOT ELD OF HIS OBSTLNATB MDB0DLAE EHEUMATISM. Mr. Jon Tall of dm ITajr ij Which It Trratrri lllmMilf HucccMfully Win-11 Doctors rnlletl. Six pliysiclnns, nil of them good, ono ot them n npncinlltit, had dono their best for Mr. Jones nt different times during tin oo years, mid still ho suffered fear-fnlly fear-fnlly from tlio tortures of rhoumatism. Tho rhcumntlsiit that had been dormant dor-mant in his system was suddouly brought to nu ncuto stago hy exposuro whllo ho wns drnwlng ico in Febrnnry, 1001. From thnt tlmo on for a period, of moro than threo years ho was n constant con-stant sufferor. Ho tried ninny kinds of trentmont, but tho rhoumatism wouldn't budge. When regular doctors fulled, and ono romedy nftor nuothcr proved usolens, many snld: "I should think ho would glvo it tip and savo his monoy." Of his condition nt this tlmo, Mr, Jones snys: " My rlienmntism started In my right thigh, but in tlmo it np-penrod np-penrod in every musclo of my body. I lost tho iimi of my left nrm entirely en-tirely nnd nonrly lost tlio wso of my rlglit ono. My feet wcro badly affocted, especially tho bottoms of tho heels. Wlion my right sido was affected thcro was swelling, but tho loft sldo didn't swoll when tho dlscaso settled thoro. Tho interim! organs didn't teem to bo Involved ivt nil. Tho trouble, wns nil ia tho muscles nnd tho nerves." Among tho fow who still encournged Mr. Jones to think that n euro might yot bo found win n friend who hnd rcn-boh rcn-boh for groat confldenco in Dr. Williams' Wil-liams' Pink Pills, niul acting on lior rwlvleo ho bought n box ot thorn in Sep-tombor, Sep-tombor, 1001. Tho story of what followed fol-lowed is brief, but nothing could bo moro satisfactory. " When I wus on tho third box," says Mr. Jones, " I could rcnlizo n change for tho better. I folt suro then that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills wcro tho right liieillcino for my enso. I kept on with them for several weeks longer and now I nm entirely well, and overybody is asking what I took." Mr. William Jones lives nt Oxford, Mioh. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills effect wonderful euros in rheumatism, bocauso thoy work directly on tho blood which is tho scat of the disouso. Thoy nro sold by ovory druggist. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local application!, at Oier cannot reach tlio dl eateil portion of tlio car. There U only uue way to euro leafnest.aDd that la by comtltutlonal remedtea. Deafneaa la canod tiy an fnllameil cimilltlon uf the mucoiii lining ot Iho Euatachlau Tube. When tula lunula Inflamed you have a rumhUutr aounilor Imperfect Im-perfect hearing, and when tt la entirely cloaed, Dear-neta Dear-neta la the renuli and uuleaa His Indamruallon can be taken out and ttita tuba reatored to Ita normal condition, condi-tion, beartoK Kill bn deatroyod forever; nluo caaea ontur ten are cauaed by Catarrh, which la nothlun but an Inflamed condition nt tbe mucoua aurfacea. Wa will ehe One Hundred Dollar! for any caie of Pearnea! Icaued by catarrh) that cannot Xe cured by Hall'a Catarrh (Jure. Semi for circular!, free. ... .. . K J-CllENKVACO.,Tulcd0,O. RoMbynruraliti,7lc. Take llall'a Family I'llli for conitlpatlon. Important to Mothers. Bximlns carefully every bottlo ot CASTOTtlA, a aafo and rnro remedy for Infanta and children, and tea that It Bears the fjf' , S'SJ-JX. Blgnatnroof ZaSey7i&JUM In Ueo Yot Over ao Ycira. Tho Kind You Havo Ahvuja Bought. In a Pinch, Uto ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE. A powder. It cures painful, smartlng.nerv-ous smartlng.nerv-ous feet and Ingrowing nails. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Makes new shoes easy. A certain cure for Sweating feet. Sold by all druggists, 25c. Trial package FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted.'Le Roy, N. Y Pretty Thin. There was n young lady from Lynn, Who was so exceedingly thin That when sha eisnyed To drink lemonade She slipped down the straw and fell In. Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. Mrs. Wlnslo Soothing Myrrjp. For children toetblnfc, aoftena tbe sjurna, redueea h fl omaUon, Uaya pain, curea wind collu, 25c abotue. van THE FAMOUS Red Cross Hall Illuo. Largo 3-oz. package cents. Tho ltuss Company, South uend, In MI lini! Inlliuiirttory Itltetimntlarn, but Inm wall Dow, tbaukitolir Davlit KeniifHlj'a raTOrlta llam-edy. llam-edy. It'amy be,t frlanil." Uarreul rtalu?, Troy, N. Y. TEA The best you can do,1 j Schilling's Best, The btMt you can do, Schilling's Beat. !' M TEA l Tho English and Irish old n woman lives in a garret on K tea, and dies in a garret CO tea ; and how did sho get t$) 11 be old? On tea. TEA i It is a most mild delight jK but it is a delight good w tea, fine tea. ooooooooooooooooooooooooo H 6 A Marvel of Relief ? St Jacobs Oil 1 X Safe and sure for g H I Lumbago y I 6 an Q uV I Sciatica I M o It Is the spedflc virtue of penetration In this 6 lOmE Q remedy that carries It rleht to ths pain spot 6 SjH! 6 and effects a prompt euro. Q 4H ooooockocooxooockoooo WM THE FISH BRAND SLICKER H A VALUED FRIEND "A good many yean ago I bought KB FISH BRAND Slicker, and It hai proven H a valued friend for many a itormjr day, but BB now It It getting old and I must have H another. I'leaie lend me a price-lift." H (Tba Dama f tbla worthv doctor, ot1!al to tia oat to all aRI aarta of Wfatbar, will b! (iTta on application ) 'IM 1HGHCST AWARD WOULD'S FAIR, 1904. fl A. J. TOWER CO. wFD fl Boston, U.S. A. 'VJ " TOWER CANADIAN iaMl -B COMPANY, Limited """ .-, BJ Toronto, Canada 'OrlKtjP )S Wet Weather Clothing, Suits, and HaU for VJ all kinds of we t work or sport B aaa H THE SECRET OUT. I The Door Stands Wide Open. flj Medicines tho Doctor lias decided to im E miVnlc!r aV! 'cs,ana m Ul llow M llih all tho Ingredients eiiterliic iHto.u ui'rS1' After taking "Golden Med- ' "Favorite Prescrl tlon for' women i and ln Jf,CT.ry y.ou ro ?und to havo ' Ills equally popular tonlo a Itwatlvo ' l'hn Lm,1? T a fr?sl1, complexion. known as br lWo's Bolden M JSlea? ti.it J ,s.c.,cs Bot .Ul B??U' rlch rotl bl00(1. H IJIscovcry. Hereafter every bottlo o hiillrf,Tw0n ,Strc,nR.tl.'-.,' ,3 a flosl M thoso moJllclncs leaving the great Labor- ' n0t a lat bulWcr- I Jl?.7t aih!,u?aI,0' JV' Y- will bear upon It , A s an oxamplo of tho good rosults thus nu'J "St of all tho Ingredients entering talnod, noto tho following lottcr: fated iS thMrSwvw0 sons I'avo accumti- 1'licro wcro strips of 1 10 hdng of my I SI Sffi" "&SS WaanVfflrd B SS I Ondcn MrIfS?ni nVeeilsslty-, Vr-1,lcrco'8 aWM" without having much dUtrcss I ffij ?SW c-hlratie hoHo'k'SKS I SKSS Dr. Pieiw'sESWSR I fflJBfi &Sff2 M', -d goo,, health ..'fiU nBmae I ?r'n tivS.00 ,,,w yctnatlcally tho slcic P'iartlc Thoy m v"t r w. A fk im ovcmuL v n"'".1 r1.1' as " as Br,"-1,y a" druKi Hel lets. t g Hi? i&$ PmXtitiW , st;fu't0os?fl?!,.8i;,,1,-r who - II U.U .onderfu. tonlc. .NollheiJ1BiJg ffirma'Sonol Si XJS? II F I fBj HHHBMBBHBHBmBMflHjjl |