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Show Harsh phvslcs icacl, weaken the Ba bowels, cause chronic constipation. H Doan's Ucgulcts operate easily, tone H the stomach, cute constipation. 'Ale. H Ask jotir (linguist for the in. Grand Opening gall AT THE Logan Amusement Hall Saturday Night, April 13th. Thatcher Opera House Orchestra in Attendance. Tickets 50c. Ladies Free. The Public is Cordially Invited. The New Amusement Hal! 50 South First West, Largest Floor Space in Northern Utah. ' Want Column Wonted Man and wife to caic of fruit farm. Knowledge of beets, haling hal-ing and irrigation required. Good pioposltlon for right parties. Inquire at this oillce. Wanted A good voung man who wishes to learn Upholstctlnir, stove repalilngand to do general work a-round a-round store, at once Apply at Logan Second Hand Store. 24 V. 1st N. 'Phones 100. vvc FOR SA LECH EA P A four-roomed house with good cellar and barn; also one and one-fourth acres of land, a good orchard, plenty of water. Inquire In-quire 1000 Can j on road. wo For Itent Eight-roomed house with lot and barn; will lent all the rooms o. part of them. Apply to 1!1 South First East; Hell phone 32:j wc Slock Wanted To pastuie through the summer; good meadow pasture, water and salt; located northwest of Logan. For terms apply to T. I. Poultci, :i(tl North FirstJEast. wc For Sale Finest Kailv Hose potatoes pota-toes for planting; also ten hives of bees In excellent condition. A pply to John S. Pehrson, 030 Canjon road. Hell telephone 113. wc Wanted A woman or girl to keep house for an elderly lady. 100 Soutli Main wc For Sale Lucerne and timothy hay and straw. C. Hailing, 310, So. Main; Indepent 'phone 310, Hell I09 vvc DON'T YOU DO 1T,-Iluy laud or city property until you see the bargains bar-gains I have to dispose off. James Mllllgan, Smlthllcld, Utah. i First class sand delivered to any part of town. V. T. Hrown, Ind-Phone Ind-Phone 224. wo II. J. Hansen, Wcsttlcld, city scavenger scaven-ger and back-yard work. Hell 'phone 112z. Notice to Public. Notice is hereby given that the County Commissioners of Cache County, Coun-ty, Utah.vvlllonthc 10th of April, 1007, hear protests why an order should not be mado granting the petition for the Incorporation of the town of Paradise. By order of the board of County Commissioners Com-missioners mado April 5, 1007. Joseph S. Lausen, Clerk. For Sale, 1,020 acres of tillable land, of which 175 acres Is planted In wheat; 60 acres good lucerne; good well; 000 acres under un-der fence; 150 acres broke. The ranch Is located In Pocatello valley and Is known as the Jessop Bros, ranch. Apply Ap-ply to Ephralm Jessop, Mlllvlllc. "Suffered day and night the torment of Itching piles. Nothing helped mc until I used Doan's Ointment. It cured mo permanently." Hon, John It. Garrett, Mayor, Glrard. Ala 1 Small Bargains, j $ Have you looked over our TEN CENT BAR- J j GAIN TABLE recently? There's a good many T jfc good goods there which are greatly undervalued. Ja ' tfit Here are some of them: f - -i iHHiiHai ' f Granite Cups and Mugs 10c f j 4j Clean-cut Cake Pans 10c fjf ' Ji 30-cent Clothes Brushes 10c J 4i Enamellne Stove Polish 10c X !j. Granite Dippers 10c fT l ;; Granite Pie Plates 10c 'f fi Tin Wash Basins 10c V ifc Granite Pudding Pans 10c t&Jfc i Granite Ladles 10c ii 23 pound Spring Balances 10c jjt l Granite Soap Dishes 10c CT ; A line Scrub Bi ush 10c T ft & 4j. and a big varlet) of other things at less than actual value. Of ,5, J4 we'd be gla-J to show jou the Wonder Washer, the Hot Blast . J Range, or anything else in hardware while you aro in. "T i Everton & Sons, "The Stove Men" - 25 W. 1st North & MHHiMMHniHnMHIillHIIHMBMI THE NEW Oxfords are here in ever kind and leather that you may call for and in styles to fit every member in the family at "HUB" Prices. For Men $1.95 to $5.00 For Ladies $1.15 to $3.50 For Boys $1.50 to $2.95 1 I For Girls 95c to $1.95 1 For Babies 50c to $1.25 3 You'd better see them before you buy. I Opposite the Tabernacle. 1 THB'CfiNfE PRICE STORE j If you want the news read The Republican. |